
Syllabus requirements

The Provost requires an up-to-date syllabus for each course, in accordance with UAM 6501: Syllabus Policy. For all courses, faculty members are required to distribute a course syllabus to students by the end of the first week of class. Syllabi can be provided in paper form or by electronic means by email or posting in a visible location on the course page in the University's learning management system, WebCampus.

Required syllabus components

The syllabus must include, but is not limited to, the following information:

Required Syllabus Components
Syllabus component Resource for faculty
Instructor information: Name and contact information (office location, phone number, email address, office hours in accordance with the faculty accessibility policy, etc.) Faculty Accessibility Policy (UAM 2,665)
Course identification: course number, section, title N/A
Course description and prerequisites University general catalog
Statement on content accessibility: "This course may leverage 3rd party web/multimedia content, if you experience any issues accessing this content, please notify your instructor." Faculty Accessibility Policy (UAM 2,665) and Teaching and Learning Technologies
Course learning outcomes Syllabus must include all SLOs in the official course record, i.e. course description in the University general catalog.
List of required course materials for reading, in-class work, writing, homework, viewing, and listening, including calculators, specialized materials or equipment and computer software. N/A
Unique class procedures/structures, such as web-based or web-assisted, cooperative exercises, panel presentations, case study methods, class journals or learning logs, attendance at events outside of class, etc. N/A
Topics outline or course calendar Catalog, calendar and class schedule
Approximate schedule of exams and due dates of graded assignments, e.g., homework, quizzes, papers, projects N/A
Grading criteria, scale, and standards, including statements on whether or not plus/minus grading will be used. See the NSHE Grading Policy. NSHE Grading Policy (Board of Regents Handbook); Grades, Marks and Grade Point Average (University general catalog
Policies regarding late work and make-up exams Class Absence Policy (UAM 3,020); Student Health Center Policy on Medical Excuses
Description of course requirements, e.g., exams, quizzes, projects, papers and the proportion each counts toward the final grade. If class participation and/or attendance are factored in, explain how these are evaluated. For university policy regarding class absence, see UAM 3,020. Class Absence Policy (UAM 3,020)
Statement on Academic Dishonesty: "The University Academic Standards Policy defines academic dishonesty, and mandates specific sanctions for violations. See the University Academic Standards policy: UAM 6,502." Academic Standards Policy (UAM 6502)
Statement of Disability Services: Use either the traditional or online statement, in addition to the last sentence regarding third party materials.

For traditional and seated classrooms: Any student with a disability needing academic adjustments or accommodations is requested to speak with me or the Disability Resource Center (Pennington Achievement Center Suite 230) as soon as possible to arrange for appropriate accommodations.

For online courses: If you are a student who would normally seek accommodations in a traditional classroom, please contact me as soon as possible. You may also contact the Disability Resource Center for services for online courses by emailing drc@unr.edu or calling (775) 784-6000. Academic accommodations for online courses may be different than those for seated classrooms; it is important that you contact us as soon as possible to discuss services. The Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ supports equal access for students with disabilities. For more information, visit the Disability Resource Center.

This course may leverage 3rd party web/multimedia content, if you experience any issues accessing this content, please notify your instructor.

Disability Resource Center

Student-created recordings: Surreptitious or covert video-taping of class or unauthorized audio recording of class is prohibited by law and by Board of Regents policy. This class may be videotaped or audio recorded only with the written permission of the instructor. In order to accommodate students with disabilities, some students may have been given permission to record class lectures and discussions. Therefore, students should understand that their comments during class may be recorded.

Instructor-created recordings: Class sessions may be audio-visually recorded for students in the class to review and for enrolled students who are unable to attend live to view. Students who participate with their camera on or who use a profile image are consenting to have their video or image recorded. If you do not consent to have your profile or video image recorded, keep your camera off and do not use a profile image. Students who un-mute during class and participate orally are consenting to have their voices recorded. If you do not consent to have your voice recorded during class, keep your mute button activated and only communicate by using the "chat" feature, which allows you to type questions and comments live.

Board of Regents Handbook, Title 4, Chapter 12, Section 5, #6
The Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ is committed to providing a safe learning and work environment for all. If you believe you have experienced discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic/dating violence, or stalking, whether on or off campus, or need information related to immigration concerns, please contact the University's Equal Opportunity & Title IX office at 775-784-1547. Resources and interim measures are available to assist you. For more information, please visit: /equal-opportunity-title-ix . Equal Opportunity and Title IX
Statement on COVID-19 Face Coverings: Pursuant to Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ law, NSHE employees, students and members of the public are no longer required to wear face coverings while inside NSHE buildings irrespective of vaccination status. N/A
Statement on COVID-19 Social Distancing: In alignment with State of Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ guidelines, social distancing is no longer required. N/A
Statement on COVID-19 Disinfecting Your Learning Space: Disinfecting supplies are provided for you to disinfect your learning space. You may also use your own disinfecting supplies. N/A
Statement on COVID-19, COVID-19 Like Symptoms, and Contact with Someone Testing Positive for COVID-19:

Students testing positive for COVID 19 or exhibiting COVID 19 symptoms regardless of vaccination status will not be allowed to attend in-person instructional activities and must leave the venue immediately. Students should contact the Student Health Center or their health care provider to receive care and who can provide the latest direction on quarantine and self-isolation. Contact your instructor immediately to make instructional and learning arrangements.

Accommodations for COVID 19 Quarantined Students:

For students who are required to quarantine or self-isolate due to 1) COVID 19 infection or 2) exposure while not vaccinated, instructors must provide opportunities to make-up missed course work, including assignments, quizzes or exams. In courses with mandatory attendance policies, instructors must not penalize students for missing classes while quarantined.

Statement on Failure to Comply with Policy (including as outlined in this Syllabus) or Directives of a University Employee:

In accordance with section 6,502 of the University Administrative Manual, a student may receive academic and disciplinary sanctions for failure to comply with policy, including this syllabus, for failure to comply with the directions of a University Official, for disruptive behavior in the classroom, or any other prohibited action. “Disruptive behavior" is defined in part as behavior, including but not limited to failure to follow course, laboratory or safety rules, or endangering the health of others. A student may be dropped from class at any time for misconduct or disruptive behavior in the classroom upon recommendation of the instructor and with approval of the college dean. A student may also receive disciplinary sanctions through the Office of Student Conduct for misconduct or disruptive behavior, including endangering the health of others, in the classroom. The student shall not receive a refund for course fees or tuition.


In addition to the required information listed above, it is strongly recommended that the syllabus include the following:

  • Communication: Methods for communicating with students outside the classroom regarding matters such as class cancellations, meeting times or room changes
  • Statement for academic success services: Your student fees cover usage of the University Math Center (775) 784-4433, University Tutoring Center (775) 784-6801, and University Writing and Speaking Center (775) 784-6030. These centers support your classroom learning; it is your responsibility to take advantage of their services. Keep in mind that seeking help outside of class is the sign of a responsible and successful student.

Additional syllabus reminders and information

Any course involving Service Learning and/or internship in an off-campus setting is subject to UAM 3100, and submission of the following documents is required: (1) a Site Assessment form; (2) an Organization Agreement; (3) a Student Learning Agreement; and (4) a Student Waiver, Release and Indemnification Agreement. These forms can be found on the websites for Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Career Studio, the Office of Service-Learning and Civic Engagement and the Center for Student Engagement.

Information on accessibility requirements and resources is available on the University's accessibility portal.