Annual evaluation and emeritus faculty information
Βι¶ΉΣ³» Bylaws Section 3.3.1 state that "each faculty member’s evaluation will be based on written and specific professional responsibilities and performance expectations mutually agreed upon by the individual faculty member and the responsible agent within the department as specified by department bylaws.” At the university, the distribution of responsibilities in these areas for each faculty member are specified in an individual statement of professional responsibilities, or "role statement.” Role statements are prepared annually, at the beginning of the calendar year or term of employment. Faculty workload consists of teaching; scholarly research, creative activity, and/or professional development; and service. The distribution of responsibilities in a faculty member's role statement may vary from one year to the next. If it becomes necessary to change the distribution of responsibilities significantly during the calendar year, the faculty member and chair should revise the role statement.
Section 2,660 of the University Administrative Manual contains information on the Board of Regents Faculty Workload policy. This policy provides guidelines for faculty and for department chairs, deans, and others on the expected teaching load for instructional faculty and appropriate adjustments due to particular faculty member responsibilities.
Board of Regents Handbook
Title 2 - Chapter 5, Section 5.12.1-5.12.3 - Evaluations
Section 5.12 Evaluations
5.12.1 Evaluations
Faculty shall be evaluated in writing at least once annually by department chairs, supervisors or heads of administrative units. The performance evaluations of executive and supervisory faculty shall include consultation with the professional and classified staff of the administrative unit.
5.12.2 Procedures
All performance evaluations of untenured faculty shall include a rating of (i) "excellent," (ii) "commendable," (iii) "satisfactory," or (iv) "unsatisfactory." All performance evaluations of tenured faculty shall include a rating of (i) "excellent," (ii) "commendable," (iii) "satisfactory," or (iv) "unsatisfactory" unless institutional bylaws require a rating of only (i) "satisfactory" or (ii) "unsatisfactory." The areas of evaluation and procedures for evaluation of academic faculty and administrative faculty shall be established in Board policies and institutional bylaws. All performance evaluations shall include a narrative addressing each area of performance, and at least every three years a narrative addressing progress toward tenure and/or promotion, if applicable. The three year narrative progress assessment shall be prepared in consultation with the appropriate tenure review committee or promotion committee, if any. Evaluations of instructional faculty shall include an assessment incorporating teaching evaluations completed by their students. (B/R 10/08)
5.12.3 Review of Evaluations
Each institution and the System Office shall adopt, in their respective bylaws, a procedure for review of a faculty member's adverse annual evaluation rating, as provided in Section 5.16 of the NSHE Code. Academic and administrative faculty who disagree with the supervisor's evaluation may submit a written rejoinder, as provided for in Title 4, Ch. 3, Sec. 4(5). (B/R 12/06)
See also
Title 4 - Codification of Board Policy Statements Chapter 3, Section 4 for elaboration on Board policy regarding evaluations
Sections 3.3.1 - 3.3.3
Chapter 7 Professional Responsibilities, Evaluations and Personnel Recommendations
Brief Summary of the University Bylaws
3.3.1 Professional Responsibilities
All personnel evaluations shall be made on the basis of written and specific professional responsibilities and performance expectations mutually agreed upon by the individual faculty member and the responsible agent within the department as specified by department bylaws.
3.3.2 Evaluation
Each faculty member shall be evaluated in writing at least once annually by department chairs, supervisors or heads of administrative units according to the above-specified professional responsibilities.
3.3.3 Personnel Recommendations
All tenure, promotion, and annual evaluations shall be made on the basis of the person's professional performance in meeting the responsibilities specified in Section 3.3.1 of these Bylaws.
Emeritus status is a rank afforded to university faculty members and is attained by a promotion taking place after retirement. The qualifications for this rank are measured in terms of the individual's total contribution to the University, based upon both achievement and service. Normally a minimum of ten years service is required prior to conferral of the title of emeritus/emerita.