
Core objective #14: Application

Objective: Integrative experience

Brief description of learning objective: Student will be able to demonstrate their knowledge and skills developed in previous Core and major classes by completing a project or structured experience of practical significance.

Standards or Requirements for Verification

This objective may be satisfied through an upper-division course or a structured experience, such as an exhibit, internship, performance, practicum, service learning, senior thesis, or Capstone project.

Courses and structured experiences satisfying CO14 must be approved by the appropriate Core Curriculum subcommittee and Core Curriculum Board. Course proposals will be expected to meet the following criteria:

  1. Courses must be upper-division (300- or 400- level).
  2. Proposals must clearly articulate how an assigned project in the course or structured experience demonstrates that the student has applied the knowledge and skills gained through previous Core and major classes and connects to the fundamental principles inherent in the Core Objective standards.

Courses satisfying this Core Objective should:

  1. Include the Core Objective, together with its brief description, on the course syllabus in its original form.
  2. Include 1 or more student learning outcomes addressing this Core Objective on the course syllabus, along with other student learning outcomes appropriate to the course.
  3. Identify in the course syllabus the teaching techniques and student experiences that will help students acquire the competencies described in the Core Objective.
  4. Assess whether students have acquired the competency described in the student learning outcomes and use methods for collecting and analyzing data that can be reported to the Core Curriculum Board.


Prerequisites for courses satisfying CO14 include junior or senior standing and completion of all General Education courses that build Core Objectives 1-3 and satisfy Core Objectives 4-8. Other course-specific prerequisites may be applied.

Suggested student learning outcomes and assessment methods

Faculty may incorporate one or more of the examples from this list or propose their own student learning outcomes and methods of assessing the objective.