
Explore our minors

A minor is a great way to complement your degree with a specialization in a related field. Minors can also allow you to explore your interests and broaden your skill set. 

  • Accounting (Minor)

    The accounting major provides students with the theories and procedures necessary to prepare them for the many facets of the accounting profession, such as public, industrial, managerial, tax and government accounting. Students gain the knowledge base and conceptual infrastructure needed to make valuable contributions as business professionals in a global economy.

  • Addiction Treatment (Minor)

    The Center for the Application of Substance Abuse Technologies provides training, technical assistance, evaluation, research and other services to support addiction prevention, treatment and recovery. Students can pursue undergraduate certificates and minors, as well as an advanced graduate certificate in addiction treatment services.

  • Aerospace Engineering (Minor)

    Aerospace engineering is an important field concerned with the design and construction of aircraft and spacecraft vehicles. This minor will prepare you for work in various sectors of commercial aviation, defense, wind turbines, automotive and other industries. It will also help if you are interested in pursuing a graduate degree in aerospace engineering.

  • Agricultural Communication (Minor)

    Agricultural communications is a minor for students interested in becoming communications professionals - such as journalists, multimedia producers and public relations practitioners - within agriculture, biotechnology and environmental professions. Courses cover reporting and public relations, communications technology and communication fundamentals. 

  • American Sign Language (Minor)

    The American Sign Language undergraduate minor provides you with a command of the language and teaches you the ability to conceptualize language in a different, non-verbal, modality, as well as an understanding the unique circumstances of the Deaf Community as both a disability group and a linguistic minority.

  • Anthropology (Minor)

    Anthropology is a unique discipline that operates at the crossroads of the physical sciences, social sciences and humanities to examine the diversity of human experience across cultures and over time. Because of this breadth of focus, anthropology is highly relevant to understanding and living in a rapidly changing world. Anthropology is a unique discipline that operates at the crossroads of the physical sciences, social sciences and humanities to examine the diversity of human experience across cultures and over time. Because of this breadth of focus, anthropology is highly relevant to understanding and living in a rapidly changing world.

  • Art (Minor)

    Instruction combines studio and art history classes with diverse studies in the liberal arts. Full discipline concentrations in the areas of art education, art history, ceramics, digital and time-based media, drawing, painting, photography, printmaking and sculpture are available, as well as experiences in the areas of performance art, gallery management and videography.

  • Art History (Minor)

    This program includes courses spanning the ancient world to the present with emphasis on the Middle Ages to global contemporary art. Students are introduced to a range of different methodological models and critically examine how art, architecture, design and visual culture intersect with social, cultural, political and economic contexts.

  • Asian Studies (Minor)

    A minor in Asian Studies is offered through the College of Liberal Arts and is coordinated by the International Affairs Program. It is supported by Chinese and Japanese language instruction on campus and by Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Thai language instruction available through the Βι¶ΉΣ³»­’s University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC) programs in China, Japan, Korea and Thailand.

  • Astronomy (Minor)

    The Physics Department is proud to offer an astronomy program, as well as research opportunities using the department's telescopes, spectrometer and CCD camera. The program is designed for students across the disciplines, not just science. The University offers observing from the Planetarium, Leifson Physics and the MacLean Observatory.

  • Atmospheric Science (Minor)

    Atmospheric sciences encompasses many areas of study that explore the atmosphere's physical characteristics, motions and processes, and how these influence the environment and human life. Students learn to interpret and predict weather patterns, analyze climate trends, monitor air quality and work in a variety of agencies, laboratories, businesses and educational institutions.

  • Basque Studies (Minor)

    The Center for Basque Studies is an international study center dedicated to research into and publishing on Basque topics. We provide basic Basque language instruction, give classes on many Basque topics, host international scholars and conferences, promote research, offer a Ph.D. and undergraduate minor, and publish a wide variety of books.

  • Batteries & Energy Storage Technologies (Minor)

    Students in the battery and energy storage program learn how batteries function, how they are manufactured and how energy can be harvested, stored and utilized. With over 50 courses to choose from, students can customize the program to meet their specific interests and career goals.

  • Big Data (Minor)

    Big data is predicted to transform almost everything about how we live our lives. From healthcare to finance, from advertising to entertainment, unprecedented amounts of data are being generated and stored, and skilled professionals are needed to analyze that data for important insights and fill positions in the growing tech sector.

  • Biochemistry (Minor)

    Biochemistry and molecular biology is at the forefront of some of today's most advanced scientific pursuits. Many of the world's most vexing problems - disease, famine, environmental degradation - are targets of modern biochemical research.

  • Biology (Minor)

    The Department of Biology provides a strong foundation for either a career in the biological sciences at graduation or to further professional training in fields such as medicine, health sciences, conservation biology, wildlife biology and biotechnology.

  • Black Studies (Minor)

    In the Black studies minor teaches you about the cultures, histories and experiences of people of African descent. The program foregrounds social issues, and you'll tackle current topics including immigration, health care, and law and justice. The minor is offered by the Department of Gender, Race and Identity in the College of Liberal Arts. 

  • Business Administration (Minor)

    Today's business leaders face increasingly complex responsibilities, demanding extensive knowledge of all functional areas of business. Maintaining and enhancing managerial and leadership capital is key to success. The objective of the business administration degrees are to prepare students for managerial and executive positions.

  • Business Analytics (Minor)

    The business analytics minor prepares students for jobs in a growth area in today’s global economy. Students learn core concepts in descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics and gain important analysis and computation skills. The minor is open to all undergraduate students at the university.

  • Chemistry (Minor)

    Chemistry is the science of the structure, reactions, energetics and control of matter. In addition to its widely recognized importance as a fundamental science, chemistry is central to the continued development of engineered materials, energy technology, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, nanotechnology and novel computational technologies.

  • Chinese (Minor)

    Students in the undergraduate minor in Chinese in the Department of World Languages and Literatures not only learn the Chinese language, but get an understanding of the culture, history and economy of China and Asia. A minor in Chinese will enhance a student's major, providing cultural context to a variety of professions.

  • Civil Engineering (Minor)

    Graduates of the civil and environmental engineering program are prepared to handle the nation's increasing demand for infrastructure projects like expanded transportation, energy-efficient construction, water supply and pollution control systems.

  • Communication Studies (Minor)

    The academic program in communication studies emphasizes training in oral communication skills and the cognitive principles and strategies that support them. The refinement of communication skills in public, interpersonal, small group and organizational contexts is central to both personal and professional growth.

  • Computer Science & Engineering (Minor)

    Rapid advances in computing technology have made computer science and engineering part of your everyday life. Our degree programs train students in the step-by-step approach and rigorous analysis needed to find the best way to solve problems in computer science and engineering.

  • Construction Management (Minor)

    The construction management minor provides students the skills to facilitate entry into the construction industry and develop an understanding of industry practices required to ensure a quality-built environment. Due to industry demands for increased numbers of skilled personnel, this minor provides much needed supplementary knowledge for engineering, business, science and related majors.

  • Cybersecurity (Minor)

    We offer cybersecurity education in an interdisciplinary environment that seeks to integrate technical expertise, business savvy and social context in developing holistic perspectives on cybersecurity challenges. Offered under the umbrella of the University's Cybersecurity Center, our cybersecurity degrees and programs equip graduates to provide industry-ready solutions to ever evolving cyber threats.

  • Dance (Minor)

    The dance program allows students to engage in dance training and develop a deep understanding of the historical, cultural and performative lineage underpinning the field of dance. Students pursuing this minor will combine the cognitive and kinetic skills necessary to enter the field as dance practitioners, makers, educators, administrators and/or scholars.

  • Developmental Disabilities (Minor)

    Programs in developmental disabilities are administered by the Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Center for Excellence in Disabilities (NCED), which serves as Βι¶ΉΣ³»­'s University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. UCEDDs work to accomplish a shared vision that foresees a nation in which all Americans, including Americans with disabilities, participate fully in their communities.

  • Digital Interactive Games (Minor)

    Gaming is a trend in the technical industry right now, with an explosion of mobile devices, popular apps and online badges for everything from working out to conserving energy. Students gain expertise in a range of areas related to digital gaming, including artificial intelligence, computer graphics and embedded systems.

  • Ecohydrology (Minor)

    This minor combines the biological and ecological sciences with hydrology (the study of water quality, quantity and distribution). Water is one of our most important global resources, and as climate change continues, increased water scarcity and shifting precipitation patterns will create more demand for water resource professionals.

  • Economics (Minor)

    The economics minor is designed to provide students with experience in economic and statistical analysis in business, government and nonprofit organizations, and for the teaching profession. In addition, it provides a strong foundation for graduate study and research in the fields of economics, business, public policy and law.

  • Electrical Engineering (Minor)

    A degree in electrical engineering prepares students to develop solutions to problems, including generating and regulating electric power, manipulating signals for communication purposes and designing specialized circuits. In addition to receiving a well-rounded education in electrical engineering, students in the program can pursue an emphasis in biomedical engineering or renewable energy.

  • Engineering Physics (Minor)

    Engineering physics is designed for the student who desires a background in engineering science, based on a firm foundation of physics, as well as an introduction to computer science. The program is also for students who would like to pursue graduate studies in physics or engineering.

  • English (Minor)

    The Department of English offers programs leading to the degree of bachelor of arts, master of arts, master of fine arts and doctor of philosophy in English. The programs provide a strong liberal arts education; prepare students for careers in education, writing, business, publishing and more; and enable them to compete for graduate programs.

  • Entrepreneurship (Minor)

    The entrepreneurship program currently includes an entrepreneurship minor and an area of emphasis in the MBA program. The MBA provides students who did not do a business undergraduate degree to obtain training in business, and the area of emphasis in entrepreneurship provides a focus on training useful for developing a startup business.

  • Environmental Engineering (Minor)

    The environmental engineering program equips students with the fundamental knowledge of engineering and science principles that are used to address emerging environmental issues such as sustainable air, water, and land resources; human health; and environmental restoration.

  • Environmental Science (Minor)

    The minor in environmental science provides students with a foundation in environmental sciences and an understanding of social values and the political implications associated with environmental decision-making.

  • Environmental Studies (Minor)

    The minor in environmental studies is an interdisciplinary minor that blends coursework from a variety of academic fields to look at the environment, natural resources and energy use. 

  • Ethnic Studies (Minor)

    A minor in Ethnic Studies is offered through the Gender, Race and Identity department housed within the College of Liberal Arts. Designed to increase students’ awareness of ethnic and racial issues, domestically and globally, the program examines the experiences and contributions of a wide range of peoples, societies and cultures. The curriculum allows for a focus on issues of ethnicity and race, either domestically or globally.

  • Extractive Metallurgy (Minor)

    Extractive metallurgy is a subfield of materials science and engineering that focuses on understanding the processes used to extract raw materials and separate valuable metals from raw minerals. Metallurgists use chemical processes to extract and refine metals, making it a natural area of focus for both chemical engineers and materials scientists.

  • Forest Management & Ecology (Minor)

    The forest management and ecology program prepares students to manage forest resources from a science-based perspective. Students incorporate the related disciplines of plant and wildlife ecology, hydrology and policy to solve current issues involved in the sustainable management of natural resources. Graduates find careers as park rangers, foresters, wildland fire managers and more.

  • French (Minor)

    Students studying French gain advanced speaking, reading and writing skills in the language, as well as knowledge of French and francophone literature and film. A major or minor in French is a great way to understand international relations and helps provide context to international subjects.

  • Geography (Minor)

    The Geography Department offers a comprehensive, rigorous study of landscape change and human-environment interactions across a full complement of degrees. Coursework emphasizes proficiency in human geography and physical geography, geospatial methods and human/environment interaction. Departmental specialties include the American West, biogeography, climatology, cultural historical geography, land use planning and water resources.

  • Geological Sciences (Minor)

    The minor in geological sciences teaches students about major earth systems and the geologic processes that create and shape them. Coursework focuses on earth surface processes, earth materials and geochemistry, structure and tectonics, rock forming processes, and paleoecology. 

  • Gerontology (Minor)

    Gerontology, the study of aging, is a dynamic, interdisciplinary field. There is a significant need for aging-informed individuals globally. Did you know Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ has one of the fastest-growing older adult populations in the country? Our Gerontology Academic Program (GAP) provides up-to-date knowledge on the biological, physiological, communicative, psychological, social, and health aspects of aging. The GAP curriculum encourages critical thinking, and offers opportunities for service learning, research and innovation. Our students learn that no matter their major or career path, they will inevitably work with, or may be asked to support, people who are aging, either personally or professionally.

  • Historic Preservation (Minor)

    Historic preservation is a rapidly expanding field devoted to the understanding, recording, preservation, restoration or adaptive reuse of significant objects, buildings, sites, neighborhoods, districts or engineering works that reflect a portion of the nation's historic and prehistoric cultural heritage. Particular emphasis is placed on the heritage of Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ and the American West.

  • History (Minor)

    Programs in the department of history offer students the understanding of the scholarly discipline of history through the expansion of historical knowledge, the comprehension of historiography and the practice of critical inquiry. Framing the questions that define particular scholarly debates underlies critical analysis of primary and secondary sources.

  • Holocaust, Genocide & Peace Studies (Minor)

    The minor in Holocaust, Genocide and Peace studies is designed to connect ideas and experiences by focusing on social, historical, philosophical, political, cultural and ethical issues in a wide variety of disciplines. Students are challenged to think critically and to examine the assumptions concerning issues of Holocaust, genocide and peace.

  • Human Development & Family Science (Minor)

    The program prepares students for a variety of careers such as administrators of child development or family services programs, child development specialists, school age program coordinators, youth program specialists, community education instructors, parent educators, family financial planners, consumer advocates and family public policy advocates.

  • Human Resources (Minor)

    The human resources minor is designed to train students to be effective managers of human capital through the use of training, internal procedures, compensation, staffing, etc. As workplaces and society evolve and change, human resources management is becoming an increasingly complex field that is in demand for employers. 

  • Indigenous Studies (Minor)

    In the Indigenous studies minor, you'll take courses from a variety of disciplines to learn more about the rights of Indigenous people as well as their languages, cultures and socio-political systems. The minor is offered by the Department of Gender, Race and Identity in the College of Liberal Arts. 

  • Information Systems (Minor)

    This program gives graduates the ability to understand and manage current and emerging information systems and confers excellent technical management and communications skills. A background in information systems allows for higher-level understanding of how computer systems interface with each other – and thus facilitate and foster the spread of knowledge and ideas.

  • Japanese (Minor)

    The College of Liberal Arts offers an undergraduate minor in Japanese in the Department of World Languages and Literatures. Students learn the Japanese language and will be immersed in its history and culture. A minor in Japanese is a great option for students looking to enhance their chosen majors with an international emphasis.

  • Journalism (Minor)

    The Reynolds School helps students turn their passion for storytelling into careers in news, broadcasting and documentary, public relations and advertising, Spanish-language media and visual communication. Students prepare for the professional world in the school’s own production centers as well as with media partners.

  • Latin American Studies (Minor)

    The minor in Latin American Studies is offered through the College of Liberal Arts and coordinated by the International Affairs Program. The minor includes the study of Spanish beyond the minimum college requirement and integrates courses delving into the region, taught through six cooperating departments and programs.

  • Latinx Studies (Minor)

    The minor in Latinx Studies is offered by the Department of Gender, Race and Identity in the College of Liberal Arts.  In the Latinx studies minor, you'll learn about the diverse cultural and historical contributions Hispanic and Latin American communities have made in the U.S.

  • LGBTQ Studies (Minor)

    The LGBTQ minor focuses on exploring the social construction of sexual and gender identities and their relationships to other identities such as race, ethnicity, class, citizenship, disability and more. Students in the minor will learn to look at LGBTQ experiences through multiple lenses, exploring the experiences of individuals from a wide range of communities, both inside and outside of the U.S.

  • Manufacturing Quality (Minor)

    For any industry that relies on manufacturing, quality is a critical part of the process. Producing a high-performing, cost-effective product that customers can rely on drives profitability, employment opportunities and future growth. Students learn skills in quality control and analysis that complement related degrees.

  • Materials Science & Engineering (Minor)

    Materials science engineers are at the forefront of developing and testing new materials that can stand up to extreme environments, such as high heat or high pressure, or that are lighter or stronger than their predecessors. These new materials may be used in diverse industries such as health care, manufacturing or energy.

  • Mathematics (Minor)

    Programs include tracks for applied mathematics, discrete mathematics/operations research, statistics or general and pure mathematics study. The curriculum includes a broad background in foundational areas, as well as specialized courses leading to the frontiers of relevant areas. 

  • Mechanical Engineering (Minor)

    Mechanical engineering is a broad field that can include everything from aerospace engineering to fluid mechanics to biomedical applications. Mechanical engineers may work with nanoscale materials invisible to all but the most powerful microscopes or they may be involved in engineering massive airplanes or rockets.

  • Metallurgical Engineering (Minor)

    The technology involves converting natural mineral resources into useful products for society. Using engineering principles, metallurgists process ores to concentrate, extract, and refine valuable components. They are also involved in the design, development and operational evaluation of metal components for structural and moving systems.

  • Microbiology & Immunology (Minor)

    Microbiology and immunology provides in-depth studies at the molecular and cellular levels on the bacterial, viral, fungal and protozoan pathogens of humans, including their molecular structures, life cycles and mechanisms of pathogenesis.

  • Military Science (Minor)

    The military science programs offers students a combination of classroom theory and practical application. The program instills the necessary traits of a lifetime leader – knowledge, proficiency and experience – to prepare students to graduate as a Second Lieutenant. Military science students gain invaluable experience designed to be used in any environment.

  • Mining Engineering (Minor)

    The program includes courses in mine design, mining technology, computer applications to operations control and management, environmental concerns, industrial safety and health and mineral economics. The curriculum provides students with a broad background for a career as a modern mining engineer. Graduates are prepared for industrial employment or further advanced study.

  • Museum Studies (Minor)

    The museum studies program offers students an opportunity to explore the expanding field of museum work and museum research. The minor is designed to provide an introduction to the field, exposure to some of the skills and techniques required of a career museologist and an initial apprenticeship experience in a museum setting.

  • Music (Minor)

    The Department of Music boasts a faculty of world-class performers and scholars committed to providing a creative, vibrant and challenging center for artistic development. The Department's dedication to student and faculty ensemble performances reflects the belief that interactive rehearsals and live performances teach students the technology and social dynamics of being a musician.

  • Βι¶ΉΣ³»­Teach (Minor)

    Graduating from Βι¶ΉΣ³»­Teach provides you with all of the coursework to pursue a teaching license at the middle or high school level, while earning a comprehensive and marketable degree in your STEM discipline.

  • Nutrition (Minor)

    A degree in nutrition/dietetics provides students with a strong science background, laboratory experiences and community and clinical opportunities related to human health and nutrition. The curriculum of the nutritional science program draws upon a variety of nutrition-related disciplines, including human nutrition, biology, physiology and chemistry.

  • Outdoor Adventure Leadership (Minor)

    The Outdoor Adventure and Leadership (ODAL) Minor in the Kinesiology Department in the School of Public Health offers students curriculum in outdoor leadership, recreation and stewardship that positions graduates for careers in the growing outdoor education and recreation economy. Courses include a range of field experiences and leadership opportunities in the Sierra Βι¶ΉΣ³»­, Great Basin and Lake Tahoe Region.

  • Philosophy (Minor)

    The philosophy program prepares students for disciplined thinking. Students gain the tools necessary to read and listen critically, to reason appropriately and engage in confident expression. Our department is an active and friendly one, combining philosophical rigor with an open and receptive relationship to students.

  • Physics (Minor)

    The study of all fundamental forces and processes from the subatomic to the "astronomic" size scales is the purview of physics. For students of science other than physicists the purpose of learning physics is both the understanding of basic concepts and the application of problem solving skills developed during that process.

  • Political Science (Minor)

    Political science is the study of power, who wields it and to what end. Program majors study how governments interact with individuals or other governments and examine the results. The study of politics is an essential component of a liberal arts preparation for citizenship and leadership in a democratic society.

  • Psychology (Minor)

    While other scientific fields, such as neuroscience, focus their studies on the physical structures of the brain, psychologists examine human actions to better understand the mind. Because the brain is the guiding force behind practically all behaviors, studying people's actions provides psychologists empirical insights into the way the mind operates.

  • Public Health (Minor)

    The essence of public health is prevention and includes organized interdisciplinary efforts that concentrate on the physical, mental, social and environmental health concerns of communities and populations. The School of Public Health offers a minor in public health.

  • Rangeland Ecology & Management (Minor)

    Students in this program take courses in basic sciences (e.g., biology, chemistry, and mathematics) and learn to apply that knowledge to critical issues in ecology and conservation, sustainability and restoration of rangeland resources, watershed integrity and wildlife habitats. 

  • Religious Studies (Minor)

    Students in this program learn about religions around the world; read religious texts, commentaries and analyses, and reflect on their meaning and importance; and discuss the concept of religion, its origin and construction, its power both to show and hide the phenomena it denotes.

  • Renewable Energy (Minor)

    We offer two programs in renewable energy, open to students in all fields, that are designed to complement their chosen field of study by exposing them to crucial technical, economic and social issues relevant to renewable energy. These interdisciplinary programs help students apply knowledge gained in their majors to alternative and renewable energy.

  • Social Justice (Minor)

    If you are committed to making your community better, a minor in social justice can give you the skills you need to learn how to advocate for change, organize like-minded individuals and understand the impact of social policy. 

  • Social Research & Applied Statistics (Minor)

    The minor in social research methods and applied statistics prepares college graduates for entry-level applied and basic social research positions in a variety of settings including government agencies, non-profit organizations, and academic research centers. 

  • Sociology (Minor)

    Sociology is the study of humans in their social groupings. Students learn to examine the development of social classes, gender roles, racial prejudices, social analysis of politics, economic structure, the development of modern industrial society, and a variety of other issues relevant to the study of society and social structure.

  • Spanish (Minor)

    The College of Liberal Arts offers undergraduate and graduate programs in Spanish. Students will not only learn the Spanish language but also get a broad understanding of Hispanic-American and U.S. Latino culture and literature. A major or minor in Spanish is very beneficial in the professional world.

  • Special Education (Minor)

    Earn a minor in special education while majoring in secondary education. This minor is suited for individuals interested in pursuing a teaching license to prepare you to be an elementary teacher in Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ for grades K-8.

  • Sports Management (Minor)

    The undergraduate sports management minor in the College of Business provides an overview of the sports industry at all levels, from community sports commissions to major sports organizations, with a focus on the business side. The sports management minor is open to all students at the University.

  • Statistics (Minor)

    Statisticians apply mathematical and statistical knowledge to the design of surveys and experiments; the collection, processing, and analysis of data; and the interpretation of experiments and survey results. Opinion polls, statements about the accuracy of measuring devices and information about average earnings in an occupation are all usually the work of statisticians.

  • Sustainability (Minor)

    Sustainability plays a central role in the future of humanity. Professionals in all disciplines not only need to work together finding solutions to important societal problems, but they also need a broader education and set of tools to devise and design solutions that encompass equity, social, and environmental sustainability.

  • Theatre (Minor)

    The theatre program is part academic discipline, part technical craft and part art. It requires students to learn and explore facts and concepts, encourages students to develop technical proficiencies and supports students in their own personal development. This program strives to provide students with a balanced experience as theatre scholars, technicians and artists.

  • Unmanned Autonomous Systems (Minor)

    Unmanned autonomous systems are the next big step in the fusion of mechanical systems, computing technologies, sensors and software to create intelligent systems capable of interacting with the real world. The emerging industry requires highly educated individuals who understand the fundamentals of UAS in terms of design, engineering, operation and data analysis.

  • Wildlife Ecology & Conservation (Minor)

    The wildlife ecology and conservation program prepares students to study wild animal populations, management of game and nongame species and conservation biology of threatened and endangered species. Ensuring habitat for wildlife in an increasingly urbanized world, protecting wildlife in the face of climate change and invasive species and more are covered.

  • Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies (Minor)

    This interdisciplinary program in the College of Liberal Arts provides students with an understanding of women in historical and contemporary contexts and an exploration of gender as it influences scholarship and human relations. The program is multicultural, emphasizing the intersection of race, class, sexuality, gender and ethnicity.