
Rules and regulations


Online group registration and payment of group registration fees must be received before a group is accepted into the Festival. Group registration will be accepted until two weeks before the Festival or until the Festival is full - whichever is sooner. Scheduling is on a first-come, first-served basis. Festival staff will honor scheduling requests to the best of their ability. A maximum of four groups from one school can be schedule on one day.

In addition to group registration fees, each student, director, parent and chaperone must purchase and wear a Festival Pass. Passes are waterproof wristbands. They are non-replaceable. If you lose it, you must buy a new one.

Categories and definitions

Eligible students may participate in the following categories:

  • Band — 10 or more performers
  • Combo — 2 to 9 performers
  • Choir* — 10 or more performers

*Choirs are encouraged but not required to use student rhythm section players. You may also use professional musicians.


The Reno Jazz Festival is open to middle schools, high schools, two-year colleges and universities. Participating groups include:

  • Middle school: Students in grades 6-8
  • High school: Students in grades 9-12
    • High School Band Ensembles will be assigned to performance rooms based on the student enrollment at their high school. There is no limit to the number of bands that a high school may enter. Magnet High Schools will participate with the largest schools.
  • Two-year colleges (junior college or two-year college)
    • Junior college: Students only with all members in a minimum of 6 credits
    • Two-year college: All members need only be enrolled in the group course
  • College or university (four-year institutions only)

Performance times

Bands, combos, and choirs will receive a total of 55 minutes for performance and feedback combined. The director can determine how much time to allocate to performance and feedback. When planning your program, remember that each performance time slot includes entry, set-up, announcements, performance, feedback and exit.  It is imperative that each group remain within their allotted 55 minutes (bands, combos, choirs).

Festival staff will make every attempt to reschedule performances who miss their scheduled performance time due to unforeseen circumstances. Due to tight festival schedules and logistics, a rescheduled performance time is not guaranteed.

Performance instructions

Before the Festival

The performance schedule will be announced approximately one month before the Festival and is subject to change. Please carefully review the materials on the Director’s page of our website and bring the following required paperwork to the Festival for each group performance.

  • Fillable PDF set-list form (4 copies): Fill out ahead of time, print, and bring to the Festival to give to the room announcer before your scheduled performance.
  • Announcer form: Fill out and give to the room announcer. You may also announce your own group if you prefer.

During the Festival

Upon arriving at the Festival, locate your performance room and then proceed directly to your warm-up room. You are responsible for getting your group from the warm-up room to the performance site. Once in the performance site, you should provide the Timer with your set-list and announcer forms. If you wish to announce your own group, please notify the Timer. You do not need to provide music to the Artist Educators; however, if you supply music copies, the Artist Educators will be able to offer more detailed feedback.  Feedback will take place in the same room as the performance with two Artist Educators.


Warm-Up Rooms: No equipment is provided in the warm-up rooms. Choir warm-up rooms will have a piano.

Performance/Feedback Rooms: Chairs, music stands, sound system (for choirs: the system includes area microphones or up to 16 individual mics), guitar amplifier, bass amplifier, piano, drum kit (drummer may change out cymbals but must use kit provided), and cymbals (crash, ride and hi- hat) are provided. Please do not remove any Festival equipment from the stage or the feedback rooms. Due to very tight scheduling, all groups must use the standard stage set-up and are not permitted to move equipment provided on stage. The following equipment is not provided unless specified above: string basses, vibraphones (provided in Nightingale Concert Hall, Redfield Proscenium Theatre, Hall Recital Hall, and UFA 144 only), marimbas, congas, keyboards, keyboard stands, drumsticks, and patch cords.

Storage: Because of the large number of groups participating, we CANNOT provide storage for your equipment. You must keep your cases with you – do not leave them unattended. After your performance, we recommend that you return your equipment to your bus or hotel rooms.


Nationally recognized jazz educators and musicians critique Festival performances and provide feedback to each performance group. Two (2) Artist Educators will listen to each performance and record audio critique for every group in their assigned performance site. After each performance, each group will receive feedback and coaching from the Artist Educators.

  • During the Festival: After your performance, you will be given any notes taken by the Artist Educators.
  • After the Festival: Audio files with Artist Educator critique and notes will be emailed to school directors by the end of the week following the Festival. Ensembles selected to perform in the closing Festival Showcase will be posted on the Festival website (unr.edu/rjf) as soon as possible after the Festival.

Festival Showcase

The Festival Showcase features a curated selection of student performances that showcase creativity, innovation, fresh perspectives and exceptional sound. The closing showcase provides a compelling cross-section of performances, celebrating the future of jazz.

On Saturday, after the conclusion of the daytime performances, we will post the groups to appear in the Festival Showcase and approximate starting times. This information will be posted in the Church Fine Arts Building. Groups selected for the showcase are allotted 25 minutes total time, including set-up and tear down. Please plan on presenting no more than 20 minutes of music. Showcase groups should report to Nightingale Concert Hall in the Church Fine Arts building at least 30 minutes prior to their start time.

Festival etiquette and safety

While on campus please be considerate of University faculty, staff and students as well as other Festival participants. Do not play your instruments except in designated warm-up, performance or feedback areas. Any festival participant caught being disruptive, stealing, or vandalizing property will be immediately expelled from the campus and appropriate legal action will be taken.

In all performance and clinic rooms, seating capacity for all events is limited to room capacity per the Reno Fire Marshal. Aisles must be kept clear at all times. Seating is available on a first-come, first- served basis. As a courtesy to others please do not save seats. Audience doors to performance areas will be closed during performances; entrance will only be permitted during a break in the performance. Food and drinks are not permitted in performance areas.

We ask that directors please:

  • Keep track of scheduled times
  • Take responsibility for your students’ behavior
  • Keep your students together
  • Be courteous to festival volunteers and staff

We ask that students please:

  • Take responsibility for your behavior
  • Act in a professional manner
  • Stay together
  • Be courteous to Festival volunteers and staff

While at the Festival, we recommend that you stick together with your group and avoid walking alone, especially after dark. If you should encounter any problems or need police assistance, please call 911 or the University Police at (775) 745-6195.