
Course descriptions

Our courses focus on enhancing students' writing skills to adapt to various academic and professional contexts. In the first semester, we offer English 100I, 101, and 113, which lay the groundwork for understanding diverse rhetorical situations and genre-specific writing. In the second semester, students can advance their skills through English 102 and 114, which also incorporate multimodal communication. Explore our course descriptions below if you're new to our university, and feel free to reach out to our Core Writing faculty with any questions.


Course descriptions and student learning outcomes

A student learning outcome (SLO) is a statement that describes what students should know, understand, or be able to do at the end of a course or program. They are also used to help determine initial course placements for incoming students.

English 100I

Composition Intensive (3 credits plus 2 credits of labs)

In 100I, be prepared to explore rhetorical processes, emphasizing audience, purpose and occasion of writing. You will learn how to adapt your writing in different genres for different audiences. You will also receive an extensive background in strategies of planning, drafting and revising.

In order to provide extra support to help you master those processes, English 100I pairs with two small labs (100L and 105L, with eight students in each section) run out of the University Writing and Speaking Center that provide personalized attention to help you successfully transition into college writing. One lab focuses on building writing skills and the other focuses on building reading skills.

Note: English 100I is equivalent to English 101 and those who pass ENG 100I move directly into ENG 102.

English 101

College Composition I (3 credits)

In 101, be prepared to explore rhetorical processes, emphasizing audience, purpose and occasion of writing. You will learn how to adapt your writing in different genres for different audiences. You will also receive an extensive background in strategies of planning, drafting and revising.

English 101 does not include the extra support provided by the labs in English 100I.

English 113

College Composition I for International and Multilingual Students (3 credits)

English 113 is similar to English 101 and students can choose to go on to English 114 (Composition II for International and Multilingual Students) or into English 102 after completing the course.

What is unique about English 113 is that it is taught by an instructor with training in working with speakers of English as a second or additional language, so you can receive more tailored feedback on the linguistic aspects of your writing as you build your confidence in writing in different genres.

English 102

College Composition II (3 credits)

English 102 builds on foundational writing habits provided in our earlier courses and asks students to engage with contemporary rhetorical situations or problems by immersing themselves in the research practices, methods of analysis and genres of writing necessary for engaged discussion in a public conversation. Students are introduced to ongoing debates through various perspectives, including scholarly, public and popular genres, in order to map rhetorical conversations.

Please note that most sections of English 102 are offered in spring semester—if you have already completed English 101 or have otherwise placed into English 102 before the fall semester, you will likely need to wait until the spring semester to complete English 102.