
Vadricka Etienne, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Gender, Race, and Identity and Sociology
Vadricka Etienne
she, her, hers


Vadricka Etienne’s research spans the areas of immigration, race and ethnicity, and the sociology of the family, with a particular focus on the experiences of the children of Black immigrants. Three broad questions guide her work: How are the children of Black immigrants incorporated into American society? What role does the second generation Black immigrant family play in the transmission of ethnicity and reproduction of social inequalities? How do children of Black immigrants forge connections with the birthplace of their parents and the broader African diaspora?

Her current project examines how ethnicity structures the romantic and familial lives of second-generation Haitian Americans living in Miami, FL to explore the continuance of ethnic culture into the third generation.

Recent publications

  • Etienne, Vadricka Y. 2020. "Rather be known as Haitian: identity construction of the ethnically-identified second generation." Ethnic and Racial Studies 43(12):2158-2175. DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2019.1677927.

Courses taught

  • SOC 379 Ethnic and Race Relations


  • Ph.D., sociology, The Graduate Center, CUNY, 2020
  • M.Phil, sociology, The Graduate Center, CUNY, 2018
  • B.A., communication, University of South Florida, 2011