
Contest rules & information

This contest is open to all currently enrolled Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ (referred to as the University in subsequent mentions) undergraduate, graduate students and postdocs.

Ingite Integrity logo

Contest Rules

  1. Submissions can be entered by an individual ("Principal Author") or teams (with up to two Principal Authors), but all contributors to the submission must be named.
  2. Principal Authors are those who will have done the majority of the work on the submission.
  3. Principal Authors must be currently enrolled University undergraduate, graduate students or post-docs.
  4. Principal Authors are responsible for meeting all contest rules and requirements.
  5. By entering this contest, the Principal Authors affirm that their submission does not breach any laws, infringe on any rights, or violate the Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Student Conduct Code.
  6. The University reserves the right to check the Principal Authors' enrollment status.
  7. All contributors to, and participants in, the submission must be acknowledged and have given explicit permission to be included (i.e., you cannot film someone without their knowledge).
  8. Individuals or teams may enter more than one submission.
  9. The winners of the contest will be judged by members of the campus community.
  10. The submissions will be judged on:
    • Theme: does the submission address why conduct of integrity is important?; We are specifically looking for images that display the pillars of integrity: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, honesty, fairness, and courage; or that display and promote what it means to act with integrity even in the face of stress, pressure or disappointment. Submissions can address academic, research, or professional integrity.
    • Medium: how effective is the medium (i.e., video, drawing, poem) in conveying the message;
    • Originality: was the submission created specifically for this contest and free of any copyright or ethical (e.g., plagiarism) violations; and,
    • Creativity: does the submission take an interesting and novel approach to conveying the message
  11. The University reserves the right to disqualify any submissions that do not reasonably appeal to the topic of integrity.
  12. The University reserves the right to cancel or modify this competition, not distribute any awards, or not publish any submission.
  13. By entering this contest, Principal Authors give permission to the University to publish their submissions in any manner they wish (e.g., on the web, on YouTube, in the paper).
  14. By entering this contest, Principal Authors give permission to University to use the submissions for educational, promotional, or research purposes.

Entrance Instructions

  1. Decide if you are going to do an independent or team submission.
  2. Start creating! Your submission should be an original, creative idea for educating or promoting integrity – it can be funny or serious.
  3. Submissions must be accompanied by the Entry Form that gives the title of your entry, the names of the Principal Authors as well as any other contributors, the "abstract" of the submission, and an acknowledgement section listing all sources (people or otherwise) used in the creation of the submission.
  4. Submissions must meet "terms and conditions" and be received in the Research Integrity & Security, Ross Hall 217 or diaconum@unr.edu. If the submission is being hosted on the web (e.g., on YouTube) you can simply email the entry form including the url of the submission location.
  5. Each Principal Author must sign the Entry Form, affirming that they have abided by the terms and conditions for this contest.

Contest Submission Requirements

In order to be eligible for judging, the submissions:

  1. can take on any form (e.g., video, graphic arts, painting, drawing, photography, words, song/music) but must be of good quality (i.e., able to be reproduced or viewed on a website or in a gallery);
  2. must address the theme that expresses why you think it is important to act with integrity in academics, research or as a professional and be educational
  3. must be free of bias and hate;
  4. must be original and free of any copyright or ethical (e.g., plagiarism) violations;
  5. only include people who have agreed to be a part of the submission (e.g., actors in a video; musicians in a song);
  6. must acknowledge all contributing parties (even friends, colleagues, parents---think of how long the acknowledgements list is at the end of a movie!) and the contest entrants (i.e., authors) should include only those who have substantially contributed to the creation of the submission;
  7. must be received by 5 p.m. (PT) on the application deadline of Oct. 21, 2022, and
  8. must be accompanied by a Contest Entry Form.

Contest Prizes

  • Grand Prize: $200
  • Runner Up: $100
  • Honorable Mentions: $50

Right & Liabilities

  1. The Principal Author(s) grant to the University the "right to reproduce, archive and communicate their submission for education or academic research purposes."
  2. The Principal Author(s) grant the University the right to edit submissions at their discretion.
  3. The Principal Author(s) acknowledge the University:
    • has "no responsibility for any liability, loss or injury, howsoever arising, which entrants may incur or suffer in carrying out any task or activity associated with or consequent upon preparation of their submission"
    • has "the right to disqualify any entry based on non-compliance with the rules and regulations, and any copyright infringements";
    • "will not be liable for copyright infringement on the part of the participants"; and,
    • "has the right to modify the rules and regulations of the competition without prior notice".