
eProtocol: Creating and submitting a protocol

eProtocol is the Key Solutions software tool used to manage the life of a protocol. For investigators, the eProtocol system allows for the creation of a protocol and the routing of the protocol to the IACUC for review. The following information provides instructions for creating a protocol and submitting it to the review committee.

Protocol response types

In order to complete a protocol, it is important to know the different response options available in eProtocol and how to use them. The options presented in eProtocol include the following:

  • Binocular Icons – for selecting an eProtocol user from the existing set of active users
  • Radio Buttons – for selecting one of a small set of options
  • Text Fields – for providing an unstructured response
  • Dropdowns – for selecting one option from a predefined list
  • Yes, No, N/A Buttons – for providing a clear, succinct response to a question
  • Calendar Icons – for selecting a date
  • Add Buttons – for adding items to a structured list
  • Checkboxes – for selecting one or more responses from a predetermined set
  • Attachments – for adding a pre-existing file to the protocol

Guidance for using eProtocol

As you complete the protocol screens, please provide as much information as possible. If a text field does not apply, please enter “N/A” rather than leave the field blank.

In order to use eProtocol, your browser must allow pop-ups from eProtocol.unr.edu. For details on allowing pop-ups, please . Firefox and Chrome are the preferred browsers for using eProtocol.

When using eProtocol, do not use the browser’s forward and backward arrows to navigate. Because eProtocol is a secure application, using the forward and backward arrows results in a security violation, an unrecoverable error, and you are logged out of eProtocol.

Creating a protocol

  1. From the Investigator Home screen, click the Create New Protocol button.
  2. Enter the Study Title, click the IACUC Form radio button, and complete the Principal Investigator information. Note: In the Principal Investigator (PI) information screen, “mail code” refers to the PI’s campus mail stop.
  3. When done, click the Create button.

Personnel information screen

All protocol personnel will be added via this screen (e.g., Principal Investigator, Co-Principal Investigator, Administrative Editor, etc.).

  • If you indicate “yes” for the question, “Working with animal models?” you must describe in detail the experience/training related to this specific protocol for that individual. Please be sure to follow the on-screen instructions.
  • Occupational Health Surveillance System (OHSS) date of clearance field: All protocol personnel who will work with animals must have an OHSS date of clearance. If personnel will not work with animals, enter 00/00/0000 to satisfy the required date field. Please view the Occupational Health Surveillance System overview page for further information.
  • Training Details section: This section will be auto populated with CITI training data. The user does not need to populate this section themselves.
  • To add a Co-Principal Investigator, click “Add.” In the resulting pop-up screen, use the binocular icon to locate the desired individual. Complete the Co-Principal Investigator information fields and click “Save” in the upper right of the pop-up to return to the main Personnel Information screen.
  • Complete the remaining sections of the screen. When done, click the Next button at the bottom of the screen.

Species screen

Species and strain information will be captured here.

  • At least one species must be added. Click “Add” in the grey section the screen labeled, Species to be Used. The Species to be Used screen will open.
  • Strain field: The strain field only allows for the entry of one strain. If more than one strain will be used, a strain list must be added to the protocol later in the Attachments section of Protocol Information screen. The strain list must include the name of the species, the name of the strain, and a description of the strain phenotype (if any). If there is no phenotype, please state "none." Further, if an amendment is made to the strain(s), the protocol must be updated by adding the updated strains list to the protocol in the Attachments section of Protocol Information screen.
  • Complete all sections of the screen. When done, click “Save” at the top of the screen to close the window and return to the Species screen where the added species will be listed. Edits can be made by clicking on the species listing. If there are additional species, click “Add” and repeat the above process.
  • When done adding all species, click the Next button at the bottom of the Species screen.

Vet consult screen

The Vet Consult screen is used to ensure that the PI has had input from one of the University’s Animal Resources veterinarians regarding their project plans and the resources necessary to complete them. This verifies for IACUC that the necessary physical resources exist within the campus program of animal care and use and assures that the latest information regarding best practices in pain control for the proposed procedures were utilized within the study design.

  • Enter the name of the veterinarian and the date of consult.
  • When done, click the Next button at the bottom of the screen.

Categories of use screen

Collaborating institutions and safety concerns will be addressed here.

  • All questions must be answered yes or no. Answering “Yes” will require the input of additional information. Some sections utilize an Add function to provide the additional information on a sub-screen while some sections provide text fields to provide the additional information. If directed to a sub-screen, you will need to complete the sub-screen and click “Save” at the top of the screen to return to the main Categories of Use screen.
  • Name of Collaborating Institute: While the institution pick list has the option “other” for which one can the enter the institution name in a corresponding text field (in the event of a missing institution), the preference is for the missing institution to be added to the pick list for use. To request the addition of an institution, please contact the IACUC office.
  • Field Study or Wildlife Study: Any necessary permits must be attached to the protocol using the Attachments section of the Protocol Information screen that will be visited later on in the protocol creation process.
  • When done, click the Next button at the bottom of the screen.

Funding screen

On the Funding screen you will list all funds supporting this protocol if they are to be used for animal procurement in the eAnimal Ordering Module. Please note that if sponsored funds are listed, this protocol must be the protocol of record in Workday.

  • Click “Add” in the pertinent sections of the screen to add funding. A sub-screen will open to enter the funding information. Complete the sub-screen information and click “Save” at the top of the screen to return to the main Funding screen.
  • When done, click the Next button at the bottom of the Funding screen.

Protocol information screens

These screens will be used to address protocol information such as study objectives, procedures, alternatives to painful or distressful procedures, husbandry and euthanasia. Additionally, there is an Attachments section for the upload of protocol documents such as a strains list and field study or wildlife permits.

Rationale screen

  • Be sure to address all applicable questions. If an item does not apply, respond with N/A.
  • When done, click the “Next” button at the bottom of the screen to advance to the Procedures screen.

Procedures screen

  • Click “Add” to open the Procedure Details sub-screen.
    • USDA Pain/Distress Category: Be sure to verify that the correct category is listed.
    • When done, click “Save” in the grey Procedures Detail bar. When the screen refreshes, you will potentially see four blue tabs in the middle of the screen labeled Procedure Description, Personnel Details, Anesthetic Regimen, and Other Drugs Utilized (the tabs that appear depend upon the procedure details).
      • Procedure Description tab: Complete the procedure details. When done, click “Save Procedure” above in the right corner of the Procedure Description tab. Then click “Next” just above “Save Procedure” to advance to the Personnel Details tab.
      • Personnel Details tab: Click “Add” to open the Personnel Details sub-screen. When adding personnel’s previous experience and/or training plan, you must provide specific details. When done, click “Save” in the upper right of the sub-screen. You will return to the main Personnel Details screen. If there are additional personnel, repeat the process above to add them. When all personnel have been added, click “Save Procedure” above in the right corner of the Personnel Details tab. Then click “Next” just above “Save Procedure” to advance to the Anesthetic Regimen tab.
      • Anesthetic Regimen tab: Complete each section by clicking “Add.” A sub-screen will open to enter the details. When done completing a sub-screen, click “Save” in the upper right. When done completing the Anesthetic Regimen tab, click “Save Procedure” above in the right corner of the Anesthetic Regimen tab. Then click “Next” just above “Save Procedure.”
      • Other Drugs Utilized tab: Click “Add” to open the Other Drugs Utilized sub-screen. Complete the drug details, and when done, click “Save” in the upper right of the sub-screen to return to the main Other Drugs Utilized screen. Advance to the Alternative Search screen by clicking the Next button at the very bottom of the screen.

Alternative search screen

In the Alternative Search screen, the literature search for alternatives to painful or distressful procedures will be addressed.

  • If the protocol does not involve painful or distressful procedures, click the “This protocol does not involve painful or distressful procedures” checkbox.
  • Click “Add” to open the Search Data sub-screen. Complete Search Data sub-screen and click “Save” at the top of the screen to return to the Alternative Search screen.
  • Address any remaining questions on the Alternative Search screen. Note: The Alternatives for Category E Procedures field will be greyed out unless the protocol involves USDA Pain Category E.
  • When done, click the Next button to advance to the Husbandry screen.

Husbandry screen

If the University's Animal Resources staff will provide the special care, the PI must have discussed the care with the Director of Animal Resources and Campus Attending Veterinarian, Ben Weigler. If the Animal Resources staff will not provide the special care, the PI must indicate who will provide the special care in the Special Husbandry or Care field.

  • Special Husbandry or Care field: If no special husbandry or care is necessary, enter “N/A” in this field. If the University’s Animal Resources staff will provide the special care, the PI must have discussed the care with the Director of Animal Resources and Campus Attending Veterinarian, Ben Weigler. If Animal Resources staff will not provide the special care, the PI must use this field to indicate who will provide the special care.
  • The husbandry screen information is addressed in separate sections of the screen. If “None” is selected, the corresponding section will inactivate and become greyed out. If completing information for a section, be sure to click the Save button in that section before advancing.
  • Address the questions on the screen and click the Next button to advance to the Euthanasia screen.

Euthanasia screen

  • Complete this mandatory screen even if no euthanasia is to occur. When you get to the Euthanasia details sub-screen, you will be able to select “No euthanasia” as the primary method for euthanasia.
  • Click “Add” to open the Euthanasia sub-screen.
    • If no euthanasia is to occur, select “No euthanasia” from the Method of Euthanasia Primary picklist, select “Other” from the Method of Euthanasia (Secondary) picklist (enter “N/A” in field provided), and enter “N/A” in the Describe secondary method field.
    • Enter an explanation for why there will be no euthanasia.
  • Click “Save” at the top of the screen to return to the main Euthanasia screen. When done, click the Next button to advance to the Attachments screen.


  • Use the Attachments screen to attach any protocol supporting documentation such as strains list, tables, diagrams or other support documents. Please name all attachments and reference those names in the appropriate narrative sections of the protocol.
  • Click “Add” to add attachments. Select the document type from the pick list, browse for the document, and name the attachment as appropriate. Click “Save” to complete the upload and return to the main Attachments screen. Repeat the above process if there are additional attachments.
  • When done, click the Next button at the bottom of the main Attachments screen to advance to the Guidelines screen.

Guidelines screen

The Guidelines screen is where the PI must indicate their agreement to comply with all University IACUC policies applicable to the protocol.

  • Click “Mandatory Letter” to open the Guidelines sub-screen.
  • To gain access to the University IACUC policies, please email iacuc@unr.edu.
  • Next, click either the “I Agree” button or “Request Exception” button. If requesting an exception, please provide rationale in the field provided.
  • Click “Save” at the top of the screen to return to the Guidelines screen.
  • When done, click the Next button to advance to the Certifications screen.

Certifications screen

On the Certifications screen the PI must certify the protocol. Click the certification checkbox and click “Next.”

Check for completeness screen

  • After clicking “Next” on the Certifications screen, the Check for Completeness screen will appear as pop-up and either list any uncompleted screens or indicate that the protocol form is complete.
  • Click on the links for any uncompleted screens and complete them.
  • When done, click on the blue Check for Completeness tab on the left vertical menu. Ensure that the Check for Completeness screen now indicates that the IACUC form is complete. Once the IACUC form is complete, the Check for Completeness pop-up may be closed.

Submit form screen

  • Click on the blue Submit form tab located in the left vertical menu. The Submit form screen will appear as a pop-up.
  • To submit the protocol, click “Yes.” Upon submission, the PI will receive an email confirmation. As the protocol moves through the review process, the PI will receive updates via email. The status of a protocol can be viewed from the Investigator Home screen.

Event history screen

This screen provides a history of the protocol events as well as the email notification events. The protocol and any email notifications may be viewed from this screen.

User support

Both a video tutorial and one-on-one training are available upon request. Please contact IACUC staff to request the tutorial or arrange training.