
5.0 Safety Data Sheets

Revised February, 2021

5.1 Safety Data Sheet (SDS formerly MSDS) General Requirements

The HCS requires that the chemical manufacturer, distributor, or importer provide Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) to downstream users. SDSs include information on the properties of each chemical; the physical, health, and environmental health hazards; protective measures; and precautions for safely handling, storing, and transporting the chemical.

  • A SDS for each hazardous chemical in the workplace must be readily available to all employees and employees must receive training on how to access SDSs.
  • Each SDS must be in English; however, copies in other languages should also be available for workers whose English language skills are not sufficient to permit them to read and effectively understand SDSs written in English.

5.2 Maintenance and Accessibility of SDSs

EH&S maintains an online database of SDSs for chemicals that are inventoried by EH&S when they arrive on campus at the central receiving facility; however, this database does not include sdss for all chemicals present on the University campus. SDSs that are not currently included in the online database should be forwarded to EH&S so that they can be added to the database.

Upon receiving a hazardous chemical in a particular workplace, the supervisor or other designated person must verify that an SDS for the chemical is available to personnel, either via the EH&S online database, as a hardcopy in the work place, or by other means. Contact EH&S if assistance is needed in obtaining a SDS.

SDSs must be readily accessible to employees and employees must be trained how to access SDSs. If employees work at multiple workplaces SDSs may be kept at a central location (e.g. shop); however, employees must be able to access SDSs in an emergency.

6.0 Employee Information and Training