
5,316: Digital Signage Policy

Revised: November 2017

The University supports the use of digital signage that complies with approved standards and which are installed in approved locations in University buildings. This policy applies to both on and off-campus facilities, whether owned or leased by the University.


  • Digital Signage. Technologies such as flat panel monitors, used to display content other than building directory information (i.e. images and information).
  • Common Space. Space in shared use buildings or buildings that have centrally scheduled classrooms. Often this is central hallways or lobby spaces.
  • Departmental Space. Space occupied by a single department such as a departmental suite. This can also refer to areas in buildings that are occupied by one unit only (i.e. Athletics).
  • Content. Multimedia information presented on the digital signage displays.

Building Directories

Electronic building directories must follow the approved University template and Electronic Directory Technical Specifications. Electronic building directories shall not be interactive. Other provisions in this policy (with the exception of ADA) do not apply to directories.

Approved Locations

Common Spaces

All digital signage installations in "common spaces" are required to:

  • Receive the approval of the Facilities Resource Committee (FRC).
  • Follow the University's Digital Signage Technical Specifications.
  • Use the University's approved signage platform.
  • Adhere to the University's Digital Signage Content Guidelines (see following section).

All content displayed on the digital signage displays must meet both the content guidelines and the University's branding standards.

Any digital signage installations that are placed in a "common space" must allow for additional units to buy-into use of the sign and share content proportionally. Content sharing will be on a proportional basis and all annual and replacement costs will be proportionately shared. For example, if two departments share a screen the ongoing costs and the content will be split proportionately. Cost sharing would continue for all departments who wish to buy into the signage location. For installations that are less than two (2) years old, a department wishing to buy in to a signage location may be asked to contribute to the cost of installation/equipment. Requests to limit the buy-in obligation shall be made in writing to the FRC.

Departmental Spaces

Signage installations in departmental spaces do not require FRC approval, but are required to meet the University's Digital Signage Technical Specifications.

Content Guidelines

Content for digital signage on campus must adhere to the Digital Signage Content Guidelines. Please refer to these guidelines for guidelines on typefaces, font sizes, colors, prohibited language and other style information.

Departments are responsible for creating their own content for the system. ASUN does provide templates to facilitate content creation. General University-related content can also be pulled from the University "content pool."

For inquiries or to get your content onto the university content pool, please contact signagecontent@unr.edu.

Technical Standards

All new digital signage must meet the University's Digital Signage Technical Specifications. Signage installations that do not currently meet the University standards are to be brought up to the current standards when they are replaced and/or upgraded.

Signage Request Process & Purchase

All new signage requests are submitted through Facilities Services. To request approval to install a new digital sign, start by filling out an Facilities Services . Facilities Services works with The Office of Digital Learning (ODL) on all digital signage project requests. For signage requests in common spaces, FRC approval is required.

ODL & Facilities Services will provide quotes for the equipment and installation. Requesting departments are required to process the purchases.

Operation & Maintenance

All signage displays should be powered on and operational during building hours or operate 24-7.

The "owner(s)" of the signage is/are responsible for the replacement cost of the display(s) and player hardware as required (typically 5+ years).

Installation & ADA

All digital signage installations must meet Facilities Services standards and all ADA requirements in relation to placement and mounting.

Interactive Signage

At this time, no new interactive signage shall be installed on campus. Any existing systems may be maintained, but this functionality should be reviewed by the FRC at the time of replacement.

Emergency Messaging

All digital signage systems must allow for the communication of emergency messages through the university alert system.

Existing Non-Standard Signage Systems/Locations

Any non-standard signage systems that are installed prior to this policy being in place must be brought up to these standards when they are upgraded or replaced. No new signage systems shall be installed that are out of compliance with these standards.

Electronic menu boards maintained by food service locations on campus are NOT covered by this policy as those systems are owned and operated by entities managing the food service locations.


If a department installs signage in a "common space" and they no longer want to maintain and fund it they must:

  • Contact signage@unr.edu and communicate plans to take signage offline
  • Coordinate with any other units that may share costs/use of the signage
  • Work with FS to return location to original condition, if signage is to be removed - and fund removal

For questions about this policy, please email signage@unr.edu.