
2,373: Causes for Disciplinary Action

Revised: January 2017

The following Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ System of Higher Education (NSHE) Prohibitions and Penalties apply to all classified employees of the University. Any employee engaging in any of the listed activities may be subject to appropriate disciplinary or corrective action. It is intended that this section of the manual provide all employees and supervisors with guidelines for expected standards of performance and behavior. These Prohibitions and Penalties have been approved by the State Personnel Commission.

A. Fraud, Falsification or Dishonesty

1. Falsification of application for employment or other personnel records, which could have adversely affected selection for appointment.

2. Falsification of identity related to matters of employment.

3. Willful and/or negligent falsification of records or reports.

4. Willful concealment of material facts by omission from records.

5. Soliciting or accepting a bribe.

6. Embezzlement or misappropriation of NSHE funds or other funds which come into the employee's possession by reason of his/her official position.

7. Stealing or misappropriation of property belonging to NSHE, federal or state government, vendors, or fellow employees.

8. Dishonesty.

B. Job Performance and Attendance

1. Failure to adhere to personal appearance standards established by the work unit.

2. Failure to meet work performance standards.

3. Failure to maintain a professional or occupational license, certificate, permit, or driver's license if it is a requirement of the position

4. Failure of a supervisory employee to complete evaluations as scheduled, address safety and/or liability issues in the workplace, or to take corrective disciplinary action where such action is needed.

5. Failure to prepare or maintain prescribed records or reports.

6. Unauthorized removal of records, correspondence or documents from NSHE files.

7. Withholding information regarding the job from supervisors or other persons having necessity for such information.

8. Failure to cooperate with other employees and/or supervisors.

9. Disgraceful personal conduct which impairs performance or causes discredit to the institution including, but not limited to, lewd, disorderly, and indecent conduct.

10. Misuse and/or abuse of supervisor authority.

11. Disregard and/or deliberate failure to comply with or enforce statewide, department or office regulations and policies.

12. Negligence in performing official duties including failure to follow instructions or regulations.

13. Carelessness, indifference, and/or inattention to duty.

14. Conducting personal business during working hours.

15. Frequent or continual tardiness and/or failure to report to work promptly after rest and meal periods.

16. Time away from work station without authorization.

17. Leaving a work area or a job when specifically instructed to remain in work area or at the job.

18. Failure to notify supervisor or designated representative, or to comply with department policy promptly when unable to report for work. Notification must occur for each shift.

19. Unauthorized absence from duty.

20. Absence from duty after having been denied permission to take leave.

21. Failure to report to work or call a supervisor for three consecutive work days without valid justification.

C. Behavior Toward Others (administration, supervisors, coworkers, students, vendors, public)

1. Using insulting, abusive, or profane language.

2. Discourteous treatment of others.

3. Causing discord among others.

4. Making statements which demean others.

5. Any intimidating behavior toward others including, but not limited to, verbal threats, stalking, bullying, and fighting.

D. Possession and/or Use of Alcohol and Drugs

1. Inability to perform the duties of the position due to being under the influence of drugs and/or controlled substances and/or alcohol.

2. Failure to pass any drug and/or alcohol test mandated by federal or state law.

3. Refusal to take any drug and or alcohol test mandated by Federal or State law.

4. Failure to complete any mandatory rehabilitation program recommended in the evaluation of an employee by the designated, qualified treatment provider.

5. Failure to notify supervisor after consuming any drug which would interfere with the safe and efficient performance of the employee's duties.

6. Unlawful possession of a controlled substance at the work site or on NSHE business.

7. Driving on duty while under the influence of alcohol and/or controlled substance and/or drugs.

8. Convicted of driving under the influence or any other offense for which driving under the influence is an element of the offense and the offense occurred while driving an NSHE vehicle or a privately owned vehicle on NSHE business.

9. Convicted of unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance at a place of work or on NSHE business.

10. Convicted of violating any State or Federal law prohibiting the sale of a controlled substance. Pursuant to NRS 193.105, an employee who is convicted of violating any state or federal law prohibiting the sale of a controlled substance must be dismissed.

11. Failure to report a conviction of any offense described in 8, 9, and 10 above, to the appointing authority within five (5) working days after it occurs.

E. Misuse of Resources

1. Using or authorizing the use of NSHE-owned or leased property for other than official use without written prior approval pursuant to NRS 281A.400,7(a).

2. Failure to have State vehicles or equipment properly maintained and/or serviced resulting in personal injury or damage to equipment.

3. Waste or loss of material, property, equipment or resources.

4. Negligent destruction of or damage to NSHE property.

5. Willful destruction of or damage to NSHE property.

6. Jeopardizing the security of NSHE property.

7. Accessing or communicating data not pertaining to official job duties without authorization.

8. Revealing passwords or using another person's user identification and/or password to allow access to confidential information.

9. Installing or using personal or unauthorized software on state information technology resources without proper authorization.

10. Making unauthorized copies such as books, manuals, and computer software in violation of copyright laws or vendor licensing agreements.

11. Using NSHE information technology resources, including, but not limited to, computing and communications equipment, services, or facilities for soliciting business, selling products, or otherwise engaging in commercial or personal activities.

12. Use of NSHE information technology resources for personal purposes that interferes with performance of employee's duties and/or creates the appearance of impropriety.

13. Negligent use of information technology that results in the introduction of computer viruses, system monitoring devices, or devices that can cause damage or limit access to the equipment, operating systems, software, or data.

14. Willful sabotage of information technology resources, including but not limited to the introduction of computer viruses, system monitoring devices, or devices that can cause damage or limit access to the equipment, operating systems, software, or data.

F. Safety, Security, and Workplace Violence

1. Endangering self, fellow employees, students, or public through negligent violation of institution policy as contained in performance standards, safety rules, procedures, and any other state and federal laws, regulations or guidelines.

2. Endangering self, fellow employees, students, or public through willful violation of institution policy as contained in performance standards, safety rules, procedures and other state and federal laws, regulations and guidelines.

3. Any act of aggression or intimidation that completes or communicates a direct or indirect threat of physical or mental harm to supervisor, public, students, or fellow employee; or any indirect act such as damage to personal property

4. Bringing onto NSHE property or buildings any firearm or implement considered to be a weapon unless authorized to do so.

5. Operating NSHE vehicles or equipment without proper license, authorization or credentials.

6. Operating NSHE vehicles or equipment in an unsafe or negligent manner resulting in injury to a person, damage to the equipment or to the property.

7. Operating a personal vehicle while on NSHE business in an unsafe and negligent manner.

8. Failure to immediately report an accident or damage to NSHE equipment or vehicle (state owned, personal, or rental) while on NSHE premises or while conducting NSHE business. Note: Requirement to report personal vehicle damage is limited to third party and/or injury involvement.

G. Other Acts of Misconduct

1. Unauthorized and/or willful destruction of NSHE records.

2. Insubordination: Refusal to comply with order or instruction from a supervisor (or superior in employee's chain of command).

3. Unauthorized or improper disclosure or use of confidential information.

4. Failure to adhere to smoking policies and regulations.

5. Acting in an official capacity without authorization.

6. Failure to participate in an administrative investigation authorized by the employee's appointing authority.

7. Intentionally viewing, storing, or distributing pornographic materials at the premises of the workplace, on any media format (electronic, print, or other form). This includes off premises activity with NSHE systems.

8. Conviction of any criminal act involving moral turpitude.

9. Engaging in political activity during the hours of employment including direct or indirect solicitation of others as described in NAC 284.770.

10. Engaging in political activity for the purpose of securing preference for promotion, transfer, or salary advancement as described in NAC 284.770.

11. Engaging in political activities which are forbidden by federal laws as an employee administering federally aided programs.

12. Engaging in sexual harassment as defined in NAC 284.771 or NSHE policy against another employee, an applicant for employment, students, and/or other persons in the course of performing duties and/or in the workplace.

13. Discrimination on the basis of a person's age, disability, whether actual or perceived by others (including service-connected disabilities), gender (including pregnancy related conditions), military status or military obligations, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, genetic information, national origin, race, or religion.

14. Retaliation. Taking adverse action against an employee for: 1) complaining about harassment and/or discrimination; 2) for supporting another employee's complaint about harassment and/or discrimination; 3) for disclosing improper governmental action; 4) for filing a grievance or appeal; or exercising any employment right protected under State or Federal law.

15. Engaging in outside employment activity or enterprise which the appointing authority considers to be inconsistent, incompatible, or a conflict of interest with NSHE employment.

16. Accepting gifts, service, favor, employment, engagement or economic opportunity from an individual firm, or organization doing business with NSHE or the State when the employee is responsible for making any recommendations or decisions affecting their business activities or for inspecting work performed by the same.

17. Failure to adhere to, follow or violation of any rules or policies of the institution specified in the Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ System of Higher Education's Board of Regent's Handbook, the institution's administrative manual, Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Revised Statutes, or the Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Administrative Code.