
adrian harpold

Adrian Harpold

Associate Professor, Mountain Ecohydrology


We tackle grand challenges facing water sustainability in response to unprecedented environmental change and increasing water demand in the 21st century.  We bring field and remote sensing observations, as well as modeling, to bear on the most pressing questions in the field of mountain ecohydrology.  The lab group works across a broad range of topics (explained below) that are instigated by three guiding questions:

  1. How will changing and extreme climate impact mountain snowpacks and precipitation?
  2. How will feedbacks between changing snowpacks and vegetation control catchment-scale water budgets and water availability, especially during drought?
  3.  How will changing snowpacks and precipitation alter streamflow generation and sensitivity to flooding?


B.S. Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 2003
M.S. Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 2005
Ph.D. Cornell University, 2010