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Common Sense - Thomas Paine - 1776
The Constitution of the United States with the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation
Forms of Ethical and Intellectual Development in the College Years - William Perry - 1970
Higher Ground: Ethics and Leadership in the Modern University - Nannerl O. Keohane - 2006
Social Justice/Diversity/Economics
We Make the Road By Walking: Conversations on Education and Social Change - Myles Horton and Paulo Freire - 1990
Readings For Diversity and Social Justice - Edited by Adams, Blumenfeld, Castaneda, Hackman, Peters, Zuniga - 2000
A People's History of the United States - Howard Zinn - 2003
"Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together In The Cafeteria?": And Other Conversations Βι¶ΉΣ³» Race - Beverly Daniel Tatum - 1997
Affluenza: The All Consuming Epidemic - De Graff, Wann, Naylor - 2001
The Theory of the Leisure Class: An Economic Study of Institutions - Thorstein Veblen - 1899
Student Publications: Legalities, Governance, and Operation - Louis Edward Ingelhart -1993
The Associated Press: Stylebook ad Libel Manual -Edited by Norm Goldstein - 1998
Responsible and Ethical Decision Making: Advertising and Editorial Content - Harvey Leonard Gotliffe -2000
Governing: College Student Publications - J. William Click - 1980
Law of the Student Press - Student Press Law Center -1994
Graphic Design Basics - Amy E. Arntson - 1988
Advising Student Groups and Organizations - Norbert W. Dunkel, John H. Schuh -1998
Good to Great - Jim Collins - 2001
Students Helping Students: A Guide for Peer Educators on College Campuses - Steven C. Ender, Fred B. Newton -2000
The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness - Steven . R. Covey - 2004
When Hope and Fear Collide - Arthur Levine, Jeanette S. Cureton -1998
201 Icebreakers: Group Mixers, Warm-Ups, Energizers, and Playful Activities - Edie West -1997
How College Affects Students - Ernest T. Pascarella, Patrick T. Terenzini - 1991
The Law of Higher Education - William A. Kaplin, Barbara A. Lee - 1995
Generation Me - Jean Twenge - 2006• The First Amendment on Campus: A Handbook for College and University Administrators - Edited by Lee E. Bird, Mary Beth Mackin & Saundra K. Schuster - 2006
Pedagogy of the Oppressed - Paulo Freire - 1970
Culture and Power in the Classroom - Antonia Darder - 1991
Made in America: Immigrant Students in Our Public Schools - Laurie Olsen - 1997
Ain't No Making It: Aspirations & Attainment In a Low Income Neighborhood - Jay Macleod - 1995
Democracy and Education - John Dewey - 1916
The Hidden Curriculum in Higher Education - Eric Margolis, Editor - 2001