
Appendix II: Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Revised Statutes

Exceptions to the Psychologist Patient-Privilege

NRS 49.213 Exceptions. There is no privilege pursuant to or :

  1. For communications relevant to an issue in a proceeding to hospitalize the patient for mental illness, if the psychologist in the course of diagnosis or treatment has determined that the patient requires hospitalization.
  2. For communications relevant to an issue of the treatment of the patient in any proceeding in which the treatment is an element of a claim or defense.
  3. If disclosure is otherwise required by state or federal law.
  4. For communications relevant to an issue in a proceeding to determine the validity of a will of the patient.
  5. If there is an immediate threat that the patient will harm himself or herself or other persons.
  6. For communications made in the course of a court-ordered examination of the condition of a patient with respect to the specific purpose of the examination unless the court orders otherwise.
  7. For communications relevant to an issue in an investigation or hearing conducted by the Board of Psychological Examiners if the treatment of the patient is an element of that investigation or hearing.
  8. For communications relevant to an issue in a proceeding relating to the abuse or neglect of a person with a disability or a person who is legally incompetent.

(Added to NRS by )

Exceptions to the doctor-patient privilege

NRS 49.245 Exceptions. There is no privilege under or :

  1. For communications relevant to an issue in proceedings to hospitalize the patient for mental illness, if the doctor in the course of diagnosis or treatment has determined that the patient is in need of hospitalization.
  2. As to communications made in the course of a court-ordered examination of the condition of a patient with respect to the particular purpose of the examination unless the court orders otherwise.
  3. As to written medical or hospital records relevant to an issue of the condition of the patient in any proceeding in which the condition is an element of a claim or defense.
  4. In a prosecution or mandamus proceeding under of NRS.
  5. As to any information communicated to a physician in an effort unlawfully to procure a dangerous drug or controlled substance, or unlawfully to procure the administration of any such drug or substance.
  6. As to any written medical or hospital records which are furnished in accordance with the provisions of .
  7. As to records that are required by of NRS to be maintained.
  8. If the services of the physician are sought or obtained to enable or aid a person to commit or plan to commit fraud or any other unlawful act in violation of any provision of , , , or of NRS which the person knows or reasonably should know is fraudulent or otherwise unlawful.

(Added to NRS by 1971, 785; A 1977, 155, 997, 1314; 1981, 589, 1967; ; ; , , ; ; )

Mandatory Reporting Requirements

NRS 432B.220 Persons required to make report; when and to whom reports are required; any person may make report; report and written findings if reasonable cause to believe death of child caused by abuse or neglect; certain persons and entities required to inform reporters of duty to report.

  1. Any person who is described in subsection 4 and who, in his or her professional or occupational capacity, knows or has reasonable cause to believe that a child has been abused or neglected shall:
    1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, report the abuse or neglect of the child to an agency which provides child welfare services or to a law enforcement agency; and
    2. Make such a report as soon as reasonably practicable but not later than 24 hours after the person knows or has reasonable cause to believe that the child has been abused or neglected.
  2. If a person who is required to make a report pursuant to subsection 1 knows or has reasonable cause to believe that the abuse or neglect of the child involves an act or omission of:
    1. A person directly responsible or serving as a volunteer for or an employee of a public or private home, institution or facility where the child is receiving child care outside of the home for a portion of the day, the person shall make the report to a law enforcement agency.
    2. An agency which provides child welfare services or a law enforcement agency, the person shall make the report to an agency other than the one alleged to have committed the act or omission, and the investigation of the abuse or neglect of the child must be made by an agency other than the one alleged to have committed the act or omission.
  3. Any person who is described in paragraph (a) of subsection 4 who delivers or provides medical services to a newborn infant and who, in his or her professional or occupational capacity, knows or has reasonable cause to believe that the newborn infant has been affected by prenatal illegal substance abuse or has withdrawal symptoms resulting from prenatal drug exposure shall, as soon as reasonably practicable but not later than 24 hours after the person knows or has reasonable cause to believe that the newborn infant is so affected or has such symptoms, notify an agency which provides child welfare services of the condition of the infant and refer each person who is responsible for the welfare of the infant to an agency which provides child welfare services for appropriate counseling, training or other services. A notification and referral to an agency which provides child welfare services pursuant to this subsection shall not be construed to require prosecution for any illegal action.
  4. 4.A report must be made pursuant to subsection 1 by the following persons:
    1. A person providing services licensed or certified in this State pursuant to, without limitation, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , or of NRS.
    2. Any personnel of a medical facility licensed pursuant to of NRS who are engaged in the admission, examination, care or treatment of persons or an administrator, manager or other person in charge of such a medical facility upon notification of suspected abuse or neglect of a child by a member of the staff of the medical facility.
    3. A coroner.
    4. A member of the clergy, practitioner of Christian Science or religious healer, unless the person has acquired the knowledge of the abuse or neglect from the offender during a confession.
    5. A person working in a school who is licensed or endorsed pursuant to or of NRS.
    6. Any person who maintains or is employed by a facility or establishment that provides care for children, children's camp or other public or private facility, institution or agency furnishing care to a child.
    7. Any person licensed pursuant to of NRS to conduct a foster home.
    8. Any officer or employee of a law enforcement agency or an adult or juvenile probation officer.
    9. Except as otherwise provided in , an attorney.
    10. Any person who maintains, is employed by or serves as a volunteer for an agency or service which advises persons regarding abuse or neglect of a child and refers them to persons and agencies where their requests and needs can be met.
    11. Any person who is employed by or serves as a volunteer for a youth shelter. As used in this paragraph, "youth shelter" has the meaning ascribed to it in . (l);Any adult person who is employed by an entity that provides organized activities for children.
  5. A report may be made by any other person.
  6. If a person who is required to make a report pursuant to subsection 1 knows or has reasonable cause to believe that a child has died as a result of abuse or neglect, the person shall, as soon as reasonably practicable, report this belief to an agency which provides child welfare services or a law enforcement agency. If such a report is made to a law enforcement agency, the law enforcement agency shall notify an agency which provides child welfare services and the appropriate medical examiner or coroner of the report. If such a report is made to an agency which provides child welfare services, the agency which provides child welfare services shall notify the appropriate medical examiner or coroner of the report. The medical examiner or coroner who is notified of a report pursuant to this subsection shall investigate the report and submit his or her written findings to the appropriate agency which provides child welfare services, the appropriate district attorney and a law enforcement agency. The written findings must include, if obtainable, the information required pursuant to the provisions of subsection 2 of .
  7. The agency, board, bureau, commission, department, division or political subdivision of the State responsible for the licensure, certification or endorsement of a person who is described in subsection 4 and who is required in his or her professional or occupational capacity to be licensed, certified or endorsed in this State shall, at the time of initial licensure, certification or endorsement:
    1. Inform the person, in writing or by electronic communication, of his or her duty as a mandatory reporter pursuant to this section;
    2. Obtain a written acknowledgment or electronic record from the person that he or she has been informed of his or her duty pursuant to this section; and
    3. Maintain a copy of the written acknowledgment or electronic record for as long as the person is licensed, certified or endorsed in this State.
  8. The employer of a person who is described in subsection 4 and who is not required in his or her professional or occupational capacity to be licensed, certified or endorsed in this State must, upon initial employment of the person:
    1. Inform the person, in writing or by electronic communication, of his or her duty as a mandatory reporter pursuant to this section;
    2. Obtain a written acknowledgment or electronic record from the person that he or she has been informed of his or her duty pursuant to this section; and
    3. Maintain a copy of the written acknowledgment or electronic record for as long as the person is employed by the employer.

(Added to NRS by ; A , ; ; ; ; , ; ; , ; ; , , ; ; , ; , )