
CSES labs

Statistics and Informatics Lab

Providing technical capacity and collaborative opportunities on research design, statistical and epidemiological methodologies. Utilizing advanced techniques and theories of Data Science, the lab has successfully conducted projects that have employed acquisition, storage, retrieval, linkage, analyses and representations of a variety of data systems, including birth registry, death registry, cancer registry, hospital admissions and behavior risk factor surveillance systems.

Statistics and Informatics Lab services

  • statistical methodology consulting
  • grant proposal development and grant management
  • database design, data entry and data analysis
  • data collection, data management
  • data presentation and dissemination
  • software help (SPSS, SAS, STATA, R-Language, M-Plus)

Program Evaluation Lab

Through an approach known as partnership evaluation, the Program Evaluation Lab (PEL) provides an alternative to traditional evaluation services by working in partnership with those who strive to improve the quality of life in their communities. Over the past 18 years, PEL, formerly the Center for Program Evaluation (CPE), has provided high quality, comprehensive professional evaluation services to a variety of organizations and departments at the local, state, regional and national level. PEL focuses on three primary areas of specialization: health and wellness; youth development and education; and community and family services.

Evaluation Lab services

  • program evaluation design
  • survey design and data collection (phone, mail, web)
  • database design, data entry and analysis
  • data presentations
  • grant proposal development and grant management
  • report writing
  • evaluation training and consultation
  • focus groups
  • meeting facilitation
  • logic model development
  • Needs assessment
  • Facilitation of data use and data-driven decision-making

Survey Lab

The Lab has more than 50 years of experience and expertise in utilizing a wide range of data collection techniques for telephone, mail, and internet surveys. These techniques include a state-of-the-art computer-assisted telephone interview (CATI) system and computer-assisted personal interview (CAPI) systems. In addition, the center uses TELEFORM, a sophisticated questionnaire design software used to fully automate large scale questionnaire mail-out projects.

Survey Lab services

  • research design
  • survey design and data collection (phone, mail, web)
  • survey and statistical training and consulting
  • database design, data entry and analysis
  • report writing
  • data presentations
  • grant proposal development and grant management
  • training and workshops
  • focus groups


All key personnel have completed the extensive IRB training for handling confidential data and conducting research with human research subjects as required by the University. The Survey Lab has multi-mode data collection (online and phone) capabilities, and uses state-of-the-art survey technologies, including a sophisticated, powerful Computer‑Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) system for telephone interviews, Tele-Form, an equally sophisticated paper, and pencil questionnaire design software that digitally recognizes and captures paper-based images and their content. The CSES has also purchased 16 licensed WinCATI stations for the sole purpose of improving its ability to conduct surveys more efficiently and expediently.

  • CATI Software (WinCATI Ci3). With respect to the CATI hardware and software, the University departmental server hosts all files needed for WinCati 4.2, a software developed by Sawtooth Technologies. The survey lab maintains a current license for this CATI system.
  • Qualtrics Web Survey Software. The CSES also has its own, stand-alone license for another web survey software package. Qualtrics is a robust online survey software that is used to create and administer surveys via the web. The survey editor contains advanced features that allow for complex skip patterns and branches. There are also many question types that can be used. It has many features including a built-in survey mailer as well as the ability to add in-page pop-up and embedded surveys to any website, a results section that allows for the creation of reports in real-time, and section for creating polls to add to any website. Qualtrics also allows for a web pop-up page survey. This feature allows a website visitor to be randomly selected to take a web survey when a customer visits a client's website.