
Gideon Caplovitz



Gideon Caplovitz is a cognitive neuroscientist who researches the principles and neural mechanisms that underlie how we visually experience the world.

He received his doctoral degree in cognitive neuroscience from Dartmouth College and did post-doctoral training at Princeton University. He has more than 15 years of pre-graduate, graduate and post-graduate experience researching the brain using a combination of behavioral and noninvasive neuroimaging techniques.

In addition, Caplovitz has formal training in computational mathematics with bachelor's and master's degrees in mathematics from University of California Santa Cruz and the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. He has completed internships at the Naval Undersea Warfare Center, AT&T Bell Laboratories and Lucent Technologies.

He has received funding for his research from the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health and is currently an assistant professor of psychology in the cognitive and brain sciences graduate program and a project leader for the Center for Integrative Neuroscience.

Current Research Questions

  • How do different visual processes (i.e., form and motion) interact in generating our perception of the world?
  • How are our percepts influenced by local and global processing of visual information?
  • What do form-motion and local-global interactions tell us about functional organization of the visual system?
  • How are the processes that underlie our conscious experiences influenced by having those conscious experiences?


  • Ph.D. Cognitive Neuroscience, Dartmouth College, 2008
  • M.S., Mathematics, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, 1998
  • B.A., Computational Mathematics, University of California Santa Cruz, 1995


  • D.J. Peterson, G. Gurariy, G.G. Dimotsantos, H. Arciniega, M.E. Berryhill & G.P. Caplovitz. The steady-state visual evoked potential reveals neural correlates of the items encoded into visual working memory. Neuropsychologia, 63, 145-153.
  • R.E. Mruczek, C.D. Blair, G.P. Caplovitz. Dynamic Illusory Size-Contrast: A relative-size illusion modulated by stimulus motion and eye movements. Journal of Vision. 14(3):2, 1-15.
  • J.D. McCarthy, L.N. Barnes, B.D. Alvarez & G.P. Caplovitz. Two plus blue equals green: Grapheme-color synesthesia allows cognitive access to numerical information via color. Consciousness & Cognition; 22(4), 1384-1392.
  • G.P. Caplovitz, D.J. Barroso, P-J. Hsieh, P.U. Tse. fMRI Reveals that nonlocal processing in ventral retinotopic cortex underlies perceptual grouping by temporal synchrony. Human Brain Mapping; 29(6):651-61.
  • G.P. Caplovitz, P.U. Tse. V3A processes contour curvature as a trackable feature for the perception of rotational motion. Cerebral Cortex; 17(5):1179-89.
  • G.P. Caplovitz, P-J. Hsieh, P.U. Tse. Mechanisms underlying the perceived angular velocity of a rigidly rotating object. Vision Research; 46(18):2877-93.