
Guidelines on crosslisting courses

All of the following criteria should be met for courses to be approved as crosslisted courses between two or more departments:

  • All departments have faculty members actively involved in the planning of the content and scheduling of the course. Exceptions will be granted only if adequate justification is provided. Crosslisting should generally be reserved for courses taught alternately or co-taught by the crosslisting departments.
  • All departments use the course as a requirement or an elective in their majors or minors.
  • The crosslisting of the course is requested by, and approved by, all departments through the courses and curricula procedures applicable for the departments and colleges.
  • The crosslisted courses are identical in title, content, description, and where possible, course number. All courses in the cross-list must have the same course numbering division classification, i.e. lower-division (100- and 200-level) or upper-division (300- and 400-level).
  • Student Learning Outcomes should be the same for all offerings of a cross-listed course.

Independent study and special topics cannot be crosslisted with regular courses. However, departments offering special topics may take advantage of an existing course in another department by using the title of that course as title for a specific section of their special topics course. The department must notify the Office of Admissions and Records of the title of the specific section of the special topics course using AdAstra. This does not constitute a crosslisting.

Steps to crosslist a course

If Department A has a course which Department A and Department B agree to crosslist under both the Department A and Department B prefix, the departments should follow the steps below.

  • Review the University Courses and Curricula Committee (UCCC) Guidelines on Crosslisting Courses above. If the course meets the guidelines for crosslisting courses, proceed to next step.
  • Department B should submit the proposal using the New or Changed Course Proposal Form in Curriculog. In addition to the materials requested in the form, the following should be included:
    • A memo from Department A to Department B agreeing to the crosslisting of the course.
    • A memo to the college and university courses and curricula committees justifying the crosslisting, addressing the criteria listed in the UCCC Guidelines on Crosslisting Courses.