
Victor Kantsyrev

Research Professor


Professional Experience

  • 1998-present Research Professor at the Physics Department of Βι¶ΉΣ³»­
  • 1996-1997 Assistant Research Professor at the Physics Department of Βι¶ΉΣ³»­
  • 1994-1996 Visiting Scholar and Lecturer at the Physics Department of Βι¶ΉΣ³»­
  • 1989-1995 Head of Laboratory at the Research Scientific Institute of Technical Glass, Moscow, Russia
  • 1986-1989 Head of Sector, Research Scientific Institute of Technical Class, Moscow, Russia
  • 1983-1994 Docent (equivalent of Associate Professor in USA) (part time) at the Moscow Institute of Radio-Engineering, Electronics and Automation, Moscow, Russia
  • 1983-1986 Head of Sector at the Research Scientific Institute "Volna", Moscow, Russia
  • 1981-1983 Senior Scientific Researcher at the Research Scientific Institute "Volna", Moscow, Russia
  • 1981-1983 Lecturer (part time) at the Moscow Institute of Radio-Engineering, Electronics and Automation, Moscow, Russia
  • 1972-1981 Researcher at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Moscow, Russia
  • 1974-1978 Instructor (part time) at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Moscow, Russia

Professional and Academic Awards

  • Principal Investigator of the grant “Laser generated X-rays in an under dense plasma produced in a high density linear gas jet” ( DTRA / DoD, 2013 - 2016).
  • Principal Investigator of the grant subcontract “Generation of X-ray radiation in a high density gas jet by ultra-short laser pulse” (HY-Tech Research Corp. / DTRA / DoD, 2011 - 2012).
  • Principal Investigator of the Cooperative Agreement “Experimental studies of implosion characteristics and radiation properties of planar and cylindrical wire arrays and x-pinches” (DOE / NNSA, 2006 - 2012.
  • Principal Investigator of the grant “Experiments with load current multiplier and theoretical support of experiments on Saturn” (Sandia National Laboratories, 2007 – 2010).
  • Principal Investigator of the grant “Development of advanced EUV diagnostics for MITL study on SNL Z-accelerator” (Sandia National Laboratories, 2003 – 2007).
  • Principal Investigator of the grant “Development of hard x-ray polarization plasma diagnostics” (Sandia National Laboratories, 2003 – 2005).
  • Principal Investigator of the grant subcontract “Development of advanced x-ray diagnostics and modeling of L- and M-shell spectra of Mo Z-pinch plasma” (DOE / Cornell University, 2002 – 2008).
  • Principal Investigator of the grant “Low resolution x-ray spectrometer for the Z-accelerator at the Sandia National Laboratories” (Sandia National Laboratories, 2001 - 2002).
  • Co-Principal Investigator of the Cooperative Agreement "Z-pinch Research on Radiation, Atomic, and Plasma Physics" (DOE/NNSA, 2013-2015).
  • Co-Principal Investigator of the grant “Shear-flow stabilized laser-ignited dense Z-pinch for fusion propulsion” ( NASA, 2000 - 2001).
  • Co-Principal Investigator of the grant “Stabilization and confinement of hot, dense, high-beta plasma” (DEPSCoR-Office of Naval Research, 1998 – 2001).
  • Co-Principal Investigator of the grant “Laboratory simulation of EUV emission from comet tails” (NASA / JET Propulsion Laboratory, 1998 - 1999).
  • Co-Principal Investigator of the grant “Investigation of dense, hot matter for science-based stockpile stewardship” (DOE, 1998 - 2000).
  • Co-Principal Investigator of the grant, “Investigation of dense Z-pinches for science-based stockpile stewardship” (DOE, 1998 - 1999).
  • Co-Principal Investigator of the grant “A two-dimensional imaging spectrometer for the Z-facility” (Sandia National Laboratories, 1997 - 2002).
  • Co-Principal Investigator of the grant “Stabilization and confinement of hot, dense, high-beta plasma” (Office of Fusion Energy Science, 1997- 2000).
  • Co-Principal Investigator of the grant “Soft x-ray and extreme ultraviolet optical devices for scientific and industrial applications” (CAST program of the U.S. National Academy of Science , 1995 - 1996).
  • Co-Principal Investigator of the Monbusho program grant (Nihon University, Japan, 1995 – 1996).
  • Awarded the USSR Senior Scientific Researcher Status (1986).
  • Awarded the USSR Docent Status (equivalent to an Associate Professor status in the USA) (1985).

Fields Of Expertise

  • High energy density physics with focus in z-pinch and laser plasma physics. Physics of z-pinch and laser plasma sources of x-ray and extreme ultraviolet radiation. Pulsed power science.
  • X-ray spectroscopy, polarimetry and mass-spectrometry diagnostics and instrumentation for hot plasma and atomic physics research.
  • Glass-capillary optics for x-ray and EUV radiation.
  • Surface modification with laser and x-ray beams in science and technology.
  • X-ray lithography with laser plasma and z-pinch plasma sources, and integrated optics technology.
  • X-ray microscopy with plasma x-ray sources for biology and medicine.

Directed Research

  • Dr. Marina Tyunina (Ph.D., April 1993, the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (Russia).
  • Ten graduate students completed M.S. (1984-1993) in the Moscow Institute of Radio-Engineering, Electronics and Automation and the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (Russia).
  • Dr. Dimitry Fedin (Ph.D., April 2004, the Βι¶ΉΣ³»­).
  • M.S. Vidya. Nalajala (M.S., April 2004, the Βι¶ΉΣ³»­, co-adviser).
  • Dr. Ishor Shrestha (Ph.D., September 2010, the Βι¶ΉΣ³»­).
  • Dr. Kenneth Williamson (Ph.D., April 2011, the Βι¶ΉΣ³»­).
  • Dr. Glenn Osborne (Ph.D., September 2012, the Βι¶ΉΣ³»­).
  • M.S. Steven Keim (M.S., December 2013, the Βι¶ΉΣ³»­).
  • B.S. Matthew Cooper (B.S., May 2014, the Βι¶ΉΣ³»­).
  • Dr. Michael Weller (Ph.D., May 2014, the Βι¶ΉΣ³»­, co-adviser).
  • Kimberly Schultz (Ph.D. program, advisor).
  • Matthew Cooper (M.S. program, advisor)

Synergistic Activities

  • Chairman of the oral session “Generators and Networks and Switching” of 42th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science”, ICOPS 2015 (Belek, Antalya, Turkey, May 24-28, 2015).
  • Organizer of the session “Generators & Networks” of 42th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science”, ICOPS 2015 (Belek, Antalya, Turkey, May 24-28, 2015).
  • Chairman of the poster session “High Energy Density Matter” at 41th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science and the 20th International Conference on High-Power Particles Beams ”, ICOPS/BEAMS 2014 (Washington DC, USA, May 25-29, 2014).
  • Coordinator and chairman of the technical area “Radiation Sources” (Z- and X-pinches, High Power Diodes, Lasers) of 18th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference (Chicago, Illinois, USA, June 19-23, 2011).
  • Member of the Technical Program Committee of 18th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference (Chicago, Illinois, USA, June 19-23, 2011).
  • Chairman of the oral session “Z- and X-pinches and Lasers” of 18th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference (Chicago, Illinois, USA, June 19-23, 2011).
  • Organizer of the session “High Energy Density Matter” of 36th International Conference on Plasma Science”, ICOPS 2009 (San Diego, California, USA, May 31-June 05, 2009).
  • Chairman of the oral and poster sessions “High Energy Density Matter” at 36th International Conference on Plasma Science”, ICOPS 2009 (San Diego, California, USA, May 31-June 05, 2009).
  • Chairman of the session “Next generation light sources” at the 16th International Conference on Atomic Processes in Plasmas, APiP 2009 (Monterey, California, USA, March 22-26, 2009).
  • Member of the Program Committee of the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) Conference “Ultrafast X-ray Sources and Detectors” (San Diego, California, USA, August 26-27, 2007).
  • Chairman of the session “X-ray generation and application” at the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) Conference “Ultrafast X-ray Sources and Detectors” (San Diego, California, USA, August 26-27, 2007).
  • Chairman of the session “Imaging Systems ” at the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) Conference “Laser-Generated, Synchrotron and Other Laboratory X-Ray and EUV Sources, Optics, and Applications ” (San Diego, California, USA, July 31-August04, 2005).
  • Member of the Program Committee of the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) Conference “Laser-Generated and other Laboratory X-Ray and EUV Sources, Optics, and Applications ” (San Diego, California, USA, 2003).
  • Chairman of the session “Pulsed Sources” at the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) Conference “Laser-Generated and Other Laboratory X-Ray and EUV Sources, Optics, and Applications ” (San Diego, California, USA, August 03-08, 2003).
  • Chairman of the session “Plasma Diagnostics” at the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) Conference “Laser-Generated and Other Laboratory X-Ray and EUV Sources, Optics, and Applications ” (San Diego, California, USA, August 03-08, 2003).
  • Chairman of the session “Z-Pinch / X-Ray Laser” at the 14th International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams and 5th International Conference on Dense Z-Pinches (Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, June 23-28, 2002).
  • Chairman of the session “Reflectometry” at the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) 45th Annual Meeting Conference “Advances in Laboratory-Based X-Ray Sources and Optics” (San Diego, California, USA, July 30-August 04, 2000).
  • Chairman of the session “Z-Pinches and Plasma Foci” at the 27th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science-ICOPS 2000 (New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, June 4-7, 2000).
  • Head and founder of the Radiation Physics Laboratory (RPL) at the Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Physics Department (founded 2013).
  • Head and founder of the Plasma Physics and Diagnostics Laboratory (PPDL) at the Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Physics Department (founded 2002).
  • Reviewed proposals for US Department of Energy programs (2003-2015).
  • Reviewed proposal for US Civilian Research and Development Foundation – CRDF (2006-2011).
  • Served as a Vice-Chair of the Educational Department at the Research Scientific Institute “Volna” under the Moscow Institute of Radio-Engineering, Electronics and Automation, Moscow, Russia (1982-1986).
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the scientific-technical journal “Technology of communication systems” (Series “Inner-Object Communication”), Moscow, Russia (1983-1986).


  • Ph.D., Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI), Moscow, Russia, 1981
  • Dr. Sci., Advanced Degree of Doctor of Science (equivalent of Doctor of Habilitation in Europe), Institute of Analytical Instrumentation, Russian Academy of Science, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 1992

Selected Publications (2007-2014)

  • V. L. Kantsyrev, A. S. Chuvatin, L. I. Rudakov, A. L. Velikovich, I. K. Shrestha, A. A. Esaulov, A. S. Safronova, V. V. Shlyaptseva, G. C. Osborne, A. L. Astanovitsky, M. E. Weller, A. Stafford, K. A. Schultz, M. C. Cooper, M. E. Cuneo, B. Jones, R. A. Vesey.” Compact hohlraum configuration with parallel planar-wire-array x-ray sources at the 1.7-MA Zebra generator”, Physical Review E, v. 90, pp. 063101-1,5 (2014).
  • V. L. Kantsyrev, A. S. Chuvatin, A. S. Safronova, L. I. Rudakov, A. A. Esaulov, A. L. Velikovich, I. Shrestha, A. Astanovitsky, G. C. Osborne, V.V. Shlyaptseva, M. E. Weller, S. Keim, A. Stafford, M. Cooper. “Radiation sources with planar wire arrays and planar foils for inertial confinement fusion and high energy density physics research”, Physics of Plasmas, v.21, pp. 031204 – 1,7 (2014).
  • A.S. Safronova, V.L. Kantsyrev, A. A. Esaulov, U. I. Safronova, V.V. Shlyaptseva, I. Shrestha, G.C. Osborne, M.E. Weller, A. Stafford, M. Lorance, A.S. Chuvatin. “Radiative signatures of Z-pinch plasmas at UNR: from X-inches to wire arrays”, International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series, v. 32, pp. 1460316-1,10 (2014).
  • V.L. Kantsyrev, A.S. Chuvatin, A. A. Esaulov, A.S. Safronova, L.I. Rudakov, A. Velikovich, K. M. Williamson, G. C. Osborne, I.K. Shrestha, M.E. Weller, V.V. Shlyaptseva. “Anisotropy of Radiation Emitted from Planar Wire Arrays”, Physics of Plasmas (Letters), v. 20, pp. 070702-1 ¸4 (2013). Selected for “2013 in PoP Letters: Editors’ Picks”.
  • G. C. Osborne, V.L. Kantsyrev, A. A. Esaulov, A.S. Safronova, M.E. Weller, I. Shrestha, K. M. Williamson, V.V. Shlyaptseva. “Implosion Characteristics and Applications of Combined Tungsten-Aluminum Z-Pinch Planar Array”, High Energy Density Physics, v. 9, pp. 653-660 (2013).
  • Invited paper. J.L. Giuliani, F.N. Beg, R.M. Gilgenbach, V.L. Kantsyrev, B.R. Kusse, V.V. Ivanov, R. Presura. “Plasma pinch research on University pulsed-power generators in the United States”, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, v. 40, pp. 3246-3264 (2012).
  • A.S. Safronova, V.L. Kantsyrev, A.Y. Faenov, U.I. Safronova, P. Wiewior, N. Renard-LeGalloude, A. A. Esaulov, M.E. Weller, A. Stafford, P. Wilcox, I. Shrestha, N.D. Ouart, V. Shlyaptseva, G.C. Osborne, O. Chalyy, Y. Paudel. “Atomic physics of relativistic high-contrast laser-produced plasmas in experiments on Leopard laser facility at UNR”, High Energy Density Physics, v. 8, pp. 190-195 (2012).
  • V.L. Kantsyrev, A. A. Esaulov, A.S. Safronova, A.L. Velikovich, L.I. Rudakov, G. C. Osborne, I. Shrestha, M.E. Weller, K. M. Williamson, A. Stafford, V.V. Shlyaptseva.“The Influence of Induced Axial Magnetic Field on Plasma Dynamics and Radiative Characteristics of Z-pinches”, Physical Review E, v. 84, pp. 046408- 1¸8 (2011).
  • A.S. Safronova, A.A. Esaulov, V.L. Kantsyrev, N.D. Ouart, V. Shlyaptseva, M.E. Weller, S.F. Keim, K.M. Williamson, I. Shrestha, G.C. Osborne. “Searching for efficient X-ray radiators for wire array Z-pinch plasmas using mid-atomic-number single planar wire arrays on Zebra at UNR”. High Energy Density Physics, v. 7, pp. 252-258 (2011).
  • K.M. Williamson, V.L. Kantsyrev, A.A. Esaulov, A.S. Safronova, P. Cox, I. Shrestha, G.C. Osborne, M.E. Weller, N.D. Ouart, V.V. Shlyaptseva. “Implosion dynamics in double planar wire array Z pinches”. Physics of Plasmas, v. 17, pp. 112705-1 ¸9 (2010).
  • B. Jones, D.J. Ampleford, R.A. Vesey, M.E. Cuneo, C.A. Coverdale, E.M. Waisman, M.C. Jones, W.E. Fowler, W.A. Stygar, J.D. Serrano, M.P. Vigil, A.A. Esaulov, V.L. Kantsyrev, A.S. Safronova, K.M. Williamson, A.S. Chuvatin, L.I. Rudakov. “Planar wire-array Z-pinch implosion dynamics and x-ray scaling at multiple-MA drive currents for a compact multisource hohlraum configuration”. Physical Review Letters, v.104, pp. 125001-1¸4 (2010).
  • A.S. Chuvatin, V.L. Kantsyrev, L.I. Rudakov, M.E. Cuneo, A.L. Astanovitskiy, R. Presura, A.S. Safronova, W. Cline, K.M. Williamson, I. Shrestha, G.C. Osborne, B. LeGalloudec, V. Nalajala, T.D. Pointon, K.A. Mikkelson. “Operation of a load current multiplier on a nanosecond mega-ampere pulse forming line generator”. Physical Review, Special Topics: Accelerators and Beams, v. 13, pp. 010401-1¸8 (2010).
  • I. Shrestha, V.L. Kantsyrev, A.S. Safronova, A.A. Esaulov, K.M. Williamson, N.D. Ouart, G.C. Osborne, M.E. Weller, M.F. Yilmaz. “Investigation of characteristics of hard x-rays produced during implosions of wire array loads on 1.6 MA Zebra generator”. High Energy Density Physics, v. 6, pp. 113-120 (2010). Selected for “Science Direct Top 25 Hottest Articles” in October – December, 2009” (online www.ciencedirect.com).
  • V.L. Kantsyrev, A.S. Safronova, A.A. Esaulov, K.M. Williamson, I. Shrestha, F. Yilmaz, G.C. Osborne, M.E. Weller, N.D. Ouart, V.V. Shlyaptseva, L.I. Rudakov, A.S. Chuvatin. A.L. Velikovich. “A review of new wire arrays with open and closed magnetic configurations at the 1.6 MA Zebra generator for radiative properties and opacity effects”. High Energy Density Physics, v. 5, pp. 115-123 (2009). (Selected for “High Energy Density Physics” Journal Top Cited Article 2007-2011).
  • C. A. Coverdale, A.S. Safronova, V.L. Kantsyrev, N.D. Ouart, A.A. Esaulov, C. Deeney, K.M. Williamson, G.C. Osborne, I. Shrestha, D.J. Ampleford, B. Jones. “Observation of > 400-eV precursor plasmas from low-wire-number copper arrays at the 1-MA Zebra facility”. Physical Review Letters, v.102, pp. 105006-1¸4 (2009).
  • V.L. Kantsyrev, L.I. Rudakov, A.S. Safronova, A.A. Esaulov, A.S. Chuvatin, C.A. Coverdale, C. Deeney K. Williamson, F. Yilmaz, I. Shrestha, N. Ouart, G. Osborne. “Double planar wire array as a compact plasma radiation source”. Physics of Plasmas (Letters), v. 15, pp. 030704-1¸5 (2008).
  • B. Jones, C. Deeney, J.L. McKenney, D.J. Ampleford, C.A. Coverdale, P.D. LePell, K.P. Shelton, A.S. Safronova, V.L. Kantsyrev, G. Osborne, V.I. Sotnikov, V.V. Ivanov, D. Fedin, V. Nalajala, F. Yilmaz, I. Shrestha. “Measurement of temperature, density, and particle transport with localized dopants in wire-array Z pinches”. Physical Review Letters, v.100, pp. 105003-1¸4 (2008).
  • V.L. Kantsyrev, L.I. Rudakov, A.S. Safronova, A.L. Velikovich, V.V. Ivanov, C.A. Coverdale, B. Jones, V. Nalajala, P.D. LePell, D.J. Ampleford, C. Deeney, A.S. Chuvatin, K. Williamson, I. Shrestha, N. Ouart, F. Yilmaz, G. Osborne, A. Haboub, S. Batie, A. Astanovitsky, B. LeGalloudec, V. Nalajala, W. McDaniel, V. Shlyaptseva, T. Adkins, C. Meyer. “Properties of planar wire arrays Z-pinch source and comparisons with cylindrical arrays”. High Energy Density Physics, v. 3, pp. 136-142 (2007). Selected for “High Energy Density Physics” Journal Top Cited Article 2007-2011.