
Curricular Practical Training


  • Enrolled full-time (FT) or have authorization to be enrolled part-time (PT) for one continuous academic year.
    • Graduate students exception to one-year requirement – internship must be required of all students in the program within the first year.
  • Must maintain FT enrollment or have authorization for PT enrollment during CPT.
  • Internship must be for the current major.
    • Not eligible for minor programs.
  • Must enroll in a course required for program completion corresponding to the internship. This could be at least 1 credit of internship, independent study, or another academic course.
    • Fall or spring enrollment may be used for wintermester CPT requests.
    • Summer enrollment: You may enroll for the whole summer or for the first or second session only, as long as you are enrolled in a class when the CPT starts.
  • Students starting a program after post-completion OPT must meet the above enrollment requirement to be eligible for CPT.
    • Note: There could be additional scrutiny from USCIS if you apply for a future change of status after continuing CPT employment with an employer you had for OPT.

Important Information

  • Students may not begin the internship before the OISS-authorized CPT start date. CPT authorization cannot be backdated.
  • CPT authorization is granted one semester at a time. Each semester, including summer, the student must be reauthorized for CPT to verify class enrollment.
  • A course used for CPT in the fall or spring semester may not be an online or distance education course if it is the only course a student is taking that semester.
    • A course is considered "online" or "distance education" if it does not require physical attendance for classes, exams, or other purposes integral to course completion.
    • These courses include those delivered through television, audio, or computer transmission, including open broadcast, closed circuit, cable, microwave, satellite, audio conferencing, or computer conferencing (8 CFR 214.2(f)(6)(i)(G)).
  • To reauthorize CPT each semester, the student must complete a new online request.
  • International students are exempt from paying Social Security and Medicare taxes for the first five years in the U.S. but are required to pay all federal and state taxes.

Acceptable Reasons to Apply for CPT

Work with your academic advisor to ensure the required supporting documents are submitted to avoid delays in your CPT application.

  • Internship is integral in the research for the student’s thesis or dissertation required for program completion.
    • Must be enrolled in a thesis or dissertation course.
  • Required of all students in the program to complete their degree.
    • Submit a copy of program requirements for verification. The selected class must not be an elective.
  • Internship required to complete a course in the student’s program, including required electives. Work with your academic advisor to submit the following documentation:
    • Graduate students: Submit either the Graduate School-approved program of study, course handbook, or course catalog outlining program requirements.
      • If you have an approved program of study, this must be submitted with the selected class listed as one of the courses for the requested term.
    • Undergraduate students: Submit your academic requirements highlighting the selected course as a requirement for your completion.

Full-Time or Part-Time CPT Options

  • Employment is limited to a maximum total of 40 hours per week (on- and off-campus combined) during fall and spring semesters.
    • 20 hours maximum allowed for CPT during fall and spring semesters.
    • If you have any graduate assistantship, you will need an approval letter (signed, dated, and on letterhead) from the employing department for additional employment. The Graduate School cautions against additional employment. See the for a sample letter.
    • Note: If a student works more than 20 hours per week and fails a class, they will not be authorized for more than 20 hours of combined employment during the fall and spring semesters until they show satisfactory academic progress.
  • Semester breaks (summer, winter, and spring) – CPT may be used full-time (more than 20 hours per week) even if you have FT or PT on-campus employment.
  • During a regular academic semester (fall and spring), CPT may only be used part-time (20 hours or less per week) unless a student meets any of these exceptions:
    • Program requirement: Some programs require students to have a full-time internship. In this case, students may be eligible for FT CPT during fall and spring semesters. Consult with an OISS advisor. An explanation from your program advisor will be required.
    • Last semester: Students in their last semester may be eligible for FT CPT in addition to on-campus employment if they meet the following requirements:
      • Must be in their last semester.
      • Must have applied for graduation.
      • May only be used once per major.
      • Your academic advisor must provide a comment in their electronic recommendation verifying:
        • You are in your last semester.
        • The internship is required for program completion.
  • OISS may ask for other evidence to support your application as needed.
  • Students who have FT CPT for 12 months or more forfeit post-completion Optional Practical Training (OPT) for the current education level.
  • PT CPT does not count toward the 12-month limit. After 12 months of PT CPT, the student is still eligible for 12 months of post-completion OPT.

How to apply for Curricular Practical Training

Step 1: Secure signed and dated offer letter from employer on company letterhead

Secure a signed and dated offer letter from your employer, on company letterhead, clearly stating the following required information:

  1. Position title
  2. Position description
  3. Start and end dates (if no end date is listed, CPT authorization will be until the end of the semester)
  4. Number of hours of work per week
  5. Location of employment

Step 2: Complete CPT form and get recommendation from academic advisor

Complete the CPT form and get a recommendation from your academic advisor.

  • If using exception: include a memo from your academic advisor verifying that you are in your last semester and that the internship is required for program completion.
  • Upload any supporting documents for the selected CPT reason into the application.

If you have not yet started the CPT form, you can . Otherwise,  to continue your application.

Step 3: Enroll in the corresponding course

Enroll in the class corresponding to CPT as noted on your advisor's recommendation form.

Step 4: Schedule CPT appointment with Office of International Students and Scholars

Schedule a CPT appointment at OISS. The OISS advisor will review your documents and authorize CPT in SEVIS if everything is in order. You will receive a new I-20 with CPT details listed on page 2. This constitutes your CPT approval, which you must show to your employer. You cannot start CPT until you receive the I-20 with CPT approval and the start date is effective.