
wei yang

Wei Yang, Ph.D., M.D.

Senior Associate Dean; Foundation Professor; Director, Interdisciplinary Graduate Program of Environmental Sciences and Health


Wei Yang is the Senior Associate Dean and Foundation Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the School of Public Health. He also serves as the Executive Director of the ΒιΆΉΣ³»­ Center for Surveys, Evaluation, and Statistics (CSES), and the Director of the Environmental Sciences & Health Interdisciplinary Graduate Program. His research focuses on population-based surveillance on health status and behaviors, environmental epidemiology, and applied statistical methodology for clinical and translational research. Dr. Yang is among the researchers who have made significant contributions in establishing and implementing health behavior surveillance systems in US. The example projects that Dr. Yang serves as a primary investigator include Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance Systems (BRFSS), Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Systems (YRBSS), and Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitory Systems (PRAMS).

Dr. Yang has taught multiple undergraduate and graduate courses in Health Informatics, Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Environmental Health. He has served as the Lead of the Division of Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Environmental Health at the ΒιΆΉΣ³»­ School of Public Health. Prior to joining the University in 2007, he served as a Physician and Clinical Epidemiologist in Occupational Medicine, the State Chief Biostatistician, and the Director of the Center for Health Data and Research at the ΒιΆΉΣ³»­ State Department of Health and Human Services.

In recognition of his outstanding achievements in teaching, research, and services, Dr. Yang was named a ΒιΆΉΣ³»­ Foundation Professor in 2020.

Selected publications


  • SA Thomas, KD Clements-Nolle, KD Wagner, S Omaye, M Lu, W Yang. Adverse childhood experiences, antenatal stressful life events, and marijuana use during pregnancy: A population-based study. Preventive Medicine 174, 107656, 2023.
  • M Diedrick, K Clements-Nolle, M Anderson, W Yang. 2023. Adverse childhood experiences and clustering of high-risk behaviors among high school students: a cross-sectional study. Public Health 221, 39-45. 2023.
  • M Horino, NME Abu-Rmeileh, W Yang, S Albaik, L Al-Khatib, A Seita. 2023. Exploring the link between adverse childhood experiences and mental and physical health conditions in pregnant Palestine refugee women in Jordan. Public Health 220, 179-186. 2023.
  • SA Thomas, KD Clements-Nolle, KD Wagner, S Omaye, M Lu, W Yang. 2023. Protective Environmental Factors and Opioid Use Among Sexual Minority Youth. American Journal of Health Behavior 47 (3), 618-627. 2023.
  • W Mao, B Wu, I Chi, W Yang, XQ Dong. 2023. Experiences of discrimination and oral health‐related quality of life among foreign‐born older Chinese Americans: Does resilience play a mediating role? Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 51 (2), 187-193. 3. 2023.
  • SA Thomas, KD Wagner, KD Clements-Nolle, S Omaye, M Lu, W Yang. 2023. Associations between Circumstances Surrounding Overdose and Underlying Classes of Polysubstance Overdose Deaths. Substance Use & Misuse 58 (3), 434-443. 1. 2023.
  • SC Laughton, MM Hagen, W Yang, CS von Bartheld. 2023. Gender differences in horizontal strabismus: Systematic review and meta-analysis shows no difference in prevalence, but gender bias towards females in the clinic. Journal of Global Health 10.7189/jogh.13.04085. 2023.


  • JE Zebrack, Yang, W., Milone, M., Coppes MJ. 2022. Comparing the attitudes of physicians and non-physicians toward communicating a patient’s BRCA1 mutation to a first-degree relative against a patient’s wishes. Journal of Community Genetics, 2022, 1-8.
  • Fong, RD, Thomas, M., Romero, C., Vannavong, J., Dang, J., Aziz, AA, Shappell, P., Wadsworth, A., Siddiqui, F., Koci, M., Gahn, GM, Mojumder, N., Hagen, M., Yang, W., Chhablani, J., Khanani, AM. 2022. Efficacy of the Treat-and-Extend Regimen in the Management of Neovascular Age-related Macular Degeneration: 8-year Results of the RENO Study. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 63 (7), 1320–F0154-1320–F0154.
  • Mao, W., Wu, B., Chi, I., Yang, W., Dong, XQ. 2022. Acculturation and Subsequent Oral Health Problems Among Foreign-Born Older Chinese Americans: Does Neighborhood Disorder Matter? Research on Aging 44 (3-4), 231-240.


  • Ko, J.J., Wu, C., Mehta, N., Wald-Dickler, N., Yang, W., Qiao, R. 2021. A Comparison of Methylprednisolone and Dexamethasone in Intensive Care Patients with COVID-19. Journal of Intensive Care Medicine. 36 (6), 673-680, 9, 2021.
  • Lensch T, Clements-Nolle K, Oman RF, Evans WP, Lu M, Yang W. 2021. Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and co-occurring psychological distress and substance abuse among juvenile offenders: The role of protective factors. Public Health. 2021. 194, 42-47, 2021.
  • Winter, T., Garn, J., Yang, W. 2021. Relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Gambling in ΒιΆΉΣ³»­. American Journal of Health Behaviors. 2021;45(2):246-255 DOI: 10.5993/AJHB.45.2.5.
  • Mao, W., Wu, B., Chi, I., Yang, W., & Dong, X. 2021. Psychological sense of community and oral health problems among older Chinese Americans: Family reunification matters. Aging and Health Research. 1 (1), 100004.
  • Mao, W., Wu, B., Chi, I., Yang, W., & Dong, X. 2021. Acculturation and Subsequent Oral Health Problems Among Foreign-Born Older Chinese Americans: Does Neighborhood Disorder Matter? Research on Aging. doi.org/10.1177/01640275211018785.
  • Romero, C., Vannavong, J., Dang, J.M., Aziz, A.A., Shappell, P.E., Wadsworth, A., Siddiqui, F., Koci, M., Gahn, G.M., Mojumder, N., Hagen, M.M., Yang, W., Chhablani, J., Khanani, A.M. 2021. Efficacy of the Treat-and-Extend Regimen in the Management of Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration: 7-Year Results of the RENO Study. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 62 (8), 436-436, 2021.
  • Lensch, T., Clements-Nolle, K., Oman, R.F., Evans, W.P., Lu, M., Yang, W. 2021. Adverse childhood experiences and suicidal behaviors among youth: the buffering influence of family communication and school connectedness. Journal of Adolescent Health. 68 (5), 945-952, 1, 2021.
  • Patel, K., Maraccini, A., Grunert, T., Yang, W., Slonim, A. 2021. Exploring the Relationship between Critical Access Hospitals and Rural County Health. International Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering. 9 (2), 32-34.
  • Rayner, T. Hagen, M.M., Yang, W., Marks, K., Kirkpatrick, B. 2021. Anti-Cyomegalovirus Antibodies in Schizophrenia and Related Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Schizophrenia Research. 228, 322-323. 10.1016/j.schres.2020.12.040.


  • Yang, W. 2020. Editorial Commentary on Special Issue of COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Biomedical Research. 2020 1(0): 1–2. DOI: 10.7555/JBR.34.20200701.
  • Pan, W., Miyazaki, Y., Tsumura H., Miyazaki, E., Yang, W. 2020. Identifying County-Level Health Factors Associated with COVID-19 Mortality in the United States. Journal of Biomedical Research. DOI: 10.7555/JBR.34.20200129.
  • Benedict, J., Fox, H., Wahrenburg, M., Treftz, C., Kaplan, T., Wood, E., Dahir, V., Zhang, F., Yang, W. A Statewide Survey of SNAP Participants: Barriers to Achieving a Healthy Diet. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. doi.org / 10.1016 / j.jneb.2020.04.174.
  • Hu, J., Fu, H., Shen, H., Teng, C.G., Yang, W., Yang, H.B., Liu, F. 2020. Does underweight amplify the relationship between short-term particulate matter exposure and blood pressure in children and adolescents: a large cross-sectional study in a metropolis of China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 10.1007/s11356-020-10215-2.
  • Vannavong, J., Dang, J., Koci, M.M., Aziz, A., Siddiqui, F., Phillips, S.,  Shappell, P., Hagen, M., Yang, W., Chhablani, J., Khanani, A. M. 2020. Efficacy of the Treat-and-Extend Regimen in the Management of Neovascular Age-related Macular Degeneration: 6-year Results of the RENO Study. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 61 (7) 4222.
  • Lensch T, Clements-Nolle K, Oman RF, Evans WP, Lu M, Yang W. 2020. Adverse childhood experiences and suicidal behaviors among youth: The buffering influence of family communication and school connectedness. Journal of Adolescence Health. 10.1016 / j.jadohealth. 2020.08.024.
  • Travers, S.C., Devereux. P. G., Yang, W. 2020. Prevalence and Screening of Intimate Partner Violence and Association with Neonatal Low Birth Weight. Journal of Family Violence. Doi: 10.1007/s10896-020-00203-y.
  • Burnham‑Marusich, A. R., Olsen, R.K., Scarbrough, J., Kvam, A., Yang, W., Zimmerman, L., Dunn, J.J., Merkel, T., Kozel, T.R. 2020. Tracheal colonization factor A (TcfA) is a biomarker for rapid and specific detection of Bordetella pertussis. Scientific Reports. (2020) 10:15002. 10.1038/s41598-020-72092-6.
  • Horino, M. and Yang, W. 2020. Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences and fruit and vegetable intake in Adulthood. Public Health Nutrition. 2020.04. 10.1017/S1368980019004932.
  • Bagheri, O., Moeltner, K., Yang, W. 2020. Respiratory illness, hospital visits, and health costs: Is it air pollution or pollen? Environmental Research. 2020(187), 109572.
  • Williams, L., Clements-Nolle, K., Lensch, T., Yang, W. 2020. Exposure to adverse childhood experiences and early initiation of electronic vapor product use among middle school students. Addictive Behaviors Reports. 10.1016/j.abrep.2020.100266.
  • Clements-Nolle, K., Lensch, T., Yang, Y., Martin, H., J Peek, J., Yang, W. 2020. Attempted suicide among adolescents in military families: the mediating role of adverse childhood experiences. Journal of interpersonal violence, 2020. 1-12. Doi/10.1177/0886260519900976.
  • Souza, L., Trebak, F., Kumar, V. Satou, R., Kehoe, P.G., Yang, W., Wharton, W., Feng-Earley Y. 2020. Elevated Cerebrospinal Fluid Sodium in Hypertensive Human Subjects with a Family History of Alzheimer's Disease. Physiological Genomics. doi.org/10.1152/physiolgenomics.00093.2019.


  • Souza, L.A., Trebak, F., Kumar, V., Satou, R., Kehoe, P.G., Yang, W., Wharton, W., Feng, Y. (2019). Elevated Cerebrospinal Fluid Sodium Concentration in Hypertensive Humans. Hypertension. 2019;74: A062
  • Burns, R.D., Fu, Y., Clements-Nolle, K., Yang, W. (2019). Relationships Among Physical Activity, Sleep Duration, Diet, and Academic Performance in a Representative Sample of Adolescents. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 90, A86-A86. 2019.
  • Fu, Y., Burns, R.D., Clements-Nolle, K., Yang, W. 2019. Associations between Selected Dietary Behaviors and Physical Activity in Adolescents Health Behavior and Policy Review 6 (1), 79-87. 2019.
  • Xie, J. Du, G., Zhang, Y., Zhou, F., Wu, J., Jiao, H., Li, Y., Chen, Y., Ouyang, L., Bo, D., Feng, F., Yang, W., Fan, G. 2019. ECG conduction disturbances and ryanodine receptor expression levels in occupational lead exposure workers. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2019:76:151-156.
  • Ulanja, M.B., Rishi, M, Beutler, B.D., Konam, K.G., Ambika, S., Hinojosa, T., Djankpa, F.T., Yang, W., Gullapalli, N. 2019. Racial Disparity in Incidence and Survival for Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GISTs): An Analysis of SEER Database. J Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. DOI: 10.1007/s40615-019-00605-9.
  • Zhang, Z.W., Yang, W. and Omaye, S.T. 2019. Dysbiosis of the Oral Microbiome: Association with and Prevention of Human Diseases. Food and Nutrition Sciences, 10, 793-814.
  • Li, X., Zheng, H., Tucker, W., Xu, W., Wen, X., Lin, Y., Jia, Z., Yuan, Z., Yang, W. 2019. Research on Relationships between Sexual Identity, Adverse Childhood Experiences and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury among Rural High School Students in Less Developed Areas of China. Int J Environ Res and Public Health. 2019, 16, 3158.
  • Mao, W., Wu, B., Chi, I., Yang, W., Dong, X. 2019. Neighborhood Cohesion and Oral Health Problems among Older Chinese American Immigrants: Does Acculturation Make a Difference? The Gerontologist. DOI: 10.1093/geront/gnz126.
  • Mao, W., Chen, Y., Wu, B., Ge, S., Yang, W., Chi, I., Dong, X. 2019. Perceived Stress, Social Support, and Dry Mouth among U.S. Older Chinese Adults. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. DOI: 10.1111/jgs.15890. JAGS 67:S551-556, 2019.
  • Agarwal, A. B., Cassinelli, K., Johnson, A., Matsuda, K., Kirkpatrick, B., Yang, W., von Bartheld, C. 2019. Seasonality of births in horizontal strabismus: comparison with birth seasonality in schizophrenia and other disease conditions. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. 10(6):636-644. DOI: 10.1017/S2040174419000102.
  • Yang, M., Clements-Nolle, K., Parrish, B., Yang, W. 2019. Adolescent Concussion and Mental Health Outcomes: A Population-based Study. American Journal of Health Behaviors. 2019; 43(2):258-265. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5993/AJHB.43.2.3.
  • Alexander-Leeder, C., Yang, W., Mburia, I. 2019. Effects of Mental Health Exposure Factors on the Prevalence of Postpartum Depression: A ΒιΆΉΣ³»­ Population-Based Study. Journal of Pregnancy and Child Health. 2019/ 6:401. 401. doi:10.4172/2376-127X.1000401.


  • Gay, C., Clements-Nolle, K., Packham, J., Ackermen, G., Lensch, T., Yang, W. 2018. Community Level Exposure to the Rural Mining Industry: The Potential Influence on Early Adolescent Alcohol and Tobacco Use. Journal of Rural Health. DOI: 10.1111/jrh.12288. 34(3), 304-313.
  • Li, C., Yuan, Z., Clements-Nolle, K. D., Fu, Y., Yang, W. (2018). Physical activity and overweight/obesity among academically stressed adolescents. Biostatistics and Epidemiology International Journal, 1(2), 40β€’46.
  • Burns, R., Fu, Y., Clements-Nolle, K. D., Yang, W. (2018). Relationships among physical activity, sleep duration, and academic achievement in a representative sample of adolescents. Preventive Medicine Reports, 12, 71-74.
  • Li, Y., Yuan, Z., Clements-Nolle, K. D., Yang, W. (2018). Sexual orientation and depressive symptoms among high school students in Jiangxi province. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health. 2018, 1-9. DOI: 10.1177/1010539518800335.
  • Li, C., Han, B., Yang, W., Yuan, Z. (2018). Disease prevention infrastructure and resource distributions of Nanchang metropolitan. Chinese Health Resources. (in Chinese) 21(30): 246-250.
  • Li, X., Xu, W., Jiang, X., Tong, X., Huang, Q., Turner*, M., Mi*, M. Godenick*, L., Yang, W. and Yuan, Z. (2018). Analysis of sexual risk behaviors among Nanchang high school students. Chinese Journal of School Health (in Chinese). 10.16835/j.cnki.1000-9817.2018.12.037; 2018 (12) 1888-1890.
  • Jiang, X., Xu, W., Yang, X., Tong, X., Xie, F., Huang, Q., Li, C., Deadmond*, M., Vieyra*, G., Dai, X., Yang, W. and Yuan, Z. (2018). Non-suicidal self-harm risk factor analysis among rural high school students in Wuyuan. Chinese Journal of School Health (in Chinese). 10.16835 / j.cnki. 1000-9817. 2018.12.033; 2018 (12) 1876-1878.
  • Wang, J., Li, C., Xie, F., Jiang, X., Deadmond*, M., Vieyra*, G., Dai, X., Yang, W. and Yuan, Z. (2018). Risk factors of bullying behaviors among high school students in Jiangxi Province. Chinese Journal of School Health (in Chinese). 10.16835/j.cnki.1000-9817.2018.12.014; 2018 (12) 1814-1817.
  • Scooper, S., Trivedi, D., Yamamoto, R., Worker, C., Feng, C.Y., Sorensen, J., Yang, W., Xiong, Z., Feng, Y. 2018. Increased (Pro)renin Receptor Expression in Subfornical Organ Neurons in Hypertensive Humans. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology. 314: H796-H804, 2018. doi:10.1152.
  • Tung, W.C., Lu, M. Rull, R., and Yang, W. (2018). Pilot Test Results of A Video-based HIV Intervention for Chinese College Students in the U.S. Journal of Public Health and Emergency.10.21037/jphe.


  • Maraccini, A. M., Yang, W., Slonim, A. D. 2017.  "Top Performing" US Hospitals and the Health Status of Counties they Serve. Journal of Community Health. DOI 10.1007/s10900-017-0440-6.
  • Fu, Y., Burns, R., Yang, W., Brusseau, T., Hannon, J. (2017). Effects of a health-related physical fitness intervention on middle school students' academic learning time during physical education. Journal of Public Health and Emergency. doi: 10.21037/jphe.2017.07.02
  • Clements-Nolle, K., Lensch, T., Baxa, A., Gay, C., Larson, S., Yang, W. 2017. Sexual Identity, Adverse Childhood Experiences, and Suicidal Behaviors. Journal of Adolescent Health. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jadohealth.2017.09.022.
  • Scooper, S., Trivedi, D., Yamamoto, R., Worker, C., Feng, C.Y., Sorensen, J., Yang, W., Xiong, Z., Feng, Y. 2017. Increased (Pro)renin Receptor Expression in Subfornical Organ Neurons in Hypertensive Humans. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology. Doi.org/10.1152/ajpheart.00616.2017.
  • Tung, W.C., Yang, W. (In Press). Pilot Test Results of A Video-based HIV Intervention for Chinese College Students in the U.S. Journal of Public Health and Emergency. doi: 10.21037/jphe.2017.11.01.
  • Ezeanolue, E.E., Obiefune, M.C., Yang, W., Ezeanolue, C. O., Pharr, J. Osuji, A., Ogidi, G.O., Hunt, A. T., Patel, D. Ogedegbe, G., Ehiri, J.E., 2017. What do You Need to Get Male Partners of Pregnant Women Tested for HIV in Resource Limited Settings? The Baby Shower Cluster Randomized Trial. AIDS and Behavior. doi:10.1007/s10461-016-1626-0. PP1-10. 


  • Mburia, I and Yang, W. 2016. Preterm Birth and Maternal Occupation in a Hispanic Population. MOJ Women's Health. DOI: 10.15406. 2016, 2(5): 00045.
  • Burnham-Marusich, A.R., Ezeanolue, C.O., Obiefune, M.C., Yang, W.. Osuji, A., Amaka G., Ogidi, A.G., Hunt, A. T., Patel, D., Ezeanolue, E.E., 2016. Prevalence of sickle cell trait and reliability of self-reported status among expectant parents in Nigeria: Implications for targeted newborn screening. Public Health Genomics 2016;19:298-306 (DOI:10.1159/000448914).
  • Mburia, I. and Yang, W. 2016. Factors Associated with Delivery of Very Low Birth Weight Infants in Non-level III Neonatal Intensive Care Units. Journal of Pregnancy and Child Health. 3: 290. doi:10.4172/2376-127X.1000290.
  • Pan, B., Yuan, Z., Zou, J., Cook, D. M. and Yang. W. 2016. Elderly hospitalization and the New-typeRural Cooperative Medical Scheme (NCMS) in China: multi-stage cross-sectional surveys of Jiangxi province. BMC Health Services Research. 16:436. DOI 10.1186/s12913-016-1638-5.
  • Fuller, C., Scott, C., Hug-English, C, Yang, W., Pasternak, A. 2016. Five-Year Experience with Screening Electrocardiograms in National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I Athletes. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine 2016, DOI: 10.1097/JSM.0000000000000318. PMID:26886802.
  • Pharr, J. R., Obiefune, M.C., Ezeanolue, C.O., Osuji, A. Ogidi, A.G.,; Gbadamosi, S., Patel, D., Iwelunmor, J., Yang, W., Ogedegbe, G., Ehiri, J.E., Sam-Agudu, N.A., Ezeanolue, E.E. 2016. Linkage to Care, Early Infant Diagnosis, and Perinatal Transmission among Infants Born to HIV-Infected Nigerian Mothers: Evidence from the Healthy Beginning Initiative. Journal of AIDS (Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes). 2016:72, S154-S160.
  • Feng, J., Iser, P.J. and Yang. 2016. Medical encounters for opioid-related intoxications in Southern ΒιΆΉΣ³»­: sociodemographic and clinical correlates. BMC Health Services Research. 16:438. DOI 10.1186/s12913-016-1692-z.
  • Reinhardt, J. Clements-Nolle, K., Yang, W. 2016. Physical Fighting Among Male and Female Adolescents of Military Families Results From a Representative Sample of High School Students. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. doi: 10.1177/0886260516640546, 2016.
  • Clements-Nolle, K., Lensch, T., Larson, S. Yang, W. 2016. Prevalence and Correlates of Any and Frequent Synthetic Cannabinoid Use in a Representative Sample of High School Students. Substance Use & Misuse. DOI:10.3109/10826084.2016.1160121, 2016: 51(9) 1139-1146.
  • Lan, G.L., Yuan, ZK, Clements-Nolle, K., Cook, A., Yuan, L.L., Xu, Q.Y., Jiang, H.Y., Zheng, H.L., Wang, L., and Yang, W. 2016. Social Capital and Quality of Life among People Living With HIV/AIDS in Southeast China. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 2016 (04) 1-11. DOI: 10.1177/1010539516641490.


  • Feng, J. and Yang, W. 2015. Association between Ambient Air Pollution and Low Birth Weight in Southern ΒιΆΉΣ³»­. ΒιΆΉΣ³»­ Journal of Public Health, 1(2015), 21-30.
  • Ezeanolue, E., Obiefune, M.C., Ezeanolue, C. O., Ehiri, J.E., Osuji, A., Ogidi, A.G., Hunt, A.T., Patel, D., Yang, W., Pharr, J. Ogedegbe, G. 2015. Impact of a Congregation-based intervention on uptake of HIV testing among pregnant women in Nigeria: The Baby Shower cluster randomized trial. The Lancet Glob Health 2015; 3: (11) e692–700.
  • Ezeanolue, E. Iwelunmor, J. Asaolu, I., Obiefune, M.C., Ezeanolue, C.O., Osuji, A., Ogidi, A.G. Hunt, A. T., Patel, D., Yang. W., Ehiri, J.E. 2015. Impact of male partner’s awareness and support for contraceptives on female intent to use contraceptives in southeast Nigeria. BMC Public Health. 2015, 15:879.
  • Mwalili, A. and Yang, W. 2015. Interpregnancy Interval and Birth Defects: A Population-Based Study. Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology. 23-09-2015, DOI: 10.1002 / bdra.23420.
  • Zou,J.J., Yang, W., Cook, D., Yuan, Z.K., Zhang, L.J. and Wang, X. 2015. New cooperative medical financing policy and hospitalization in rural China: multi-stage cross-sectional surveys. International Health, 2015 (6) pp1-8. doi:10.1093/inthealth/ihv029.
  • Frankenberger, D., Clements-Nolle, Yang, W. 2015. The association between adverse childhood experiences and alcohol use during pregnancy in a representative sample of adult women. Women's Health Issues. 10.1016/j.whi.2015.06.007, 1-8.


  • Mburia-Mwalili, A., and Yang, W. 2014. Birth Defects Surveillance in the United States: Challenges and Implications of International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification Implementation. International Scholarly Research Notices. 2014 (2014), Article ID 212874, 9 pages /10.1155/2014/212874.
  • Smith-Gagen, J., Hollen, R., Walker, M., Cook, D. and Yang, W. 2014. Breastfeeding Laws and Breastfeeding Practices by Race and Ethnicity. Women’s Health Issues. 2014; 24 (1), e11-19.
  • Rohatgi, K. and Yang, W. 2014. Effect of PCP on Fruit and Vegetable Consumption: 2011 BRFSS Findings. Health Behavior & Policy Review; 1(5):404-412.
  • Stewart, J., Vigil, D., Ryst, E., and Yang, W. 2014. Refining best practices for the diagnosis of autism: A comparison between individual healthcare practitioner diagnosis and transdisciplinary assessment. ΒιΆΉΣ³»­ Journal of Public Health. 2014; 11 (1), 1-8.
  • Smith-Gagen, J., Hollen, R., Tashiro, S. Cook, D. and Yang, W. 2014. The Association of State Law to Breastfeeding Practices in the US. Maternal and Child Health Journal. In Press: DOI 10.1007/s10995-014-1449-4.
  • Fan, G., Du, G., Li, H., Lin, F., Sun, Z., Yang, W., et al. 2014. The Effect of the Hemochromatosis (HFE) Genotype on Lead Load and Iron Metabolism among Lead Smelter Workers. PLoS ONO. In Press: DOI: 10.1371 / journal.pone.0101537.


  • Ezeanolue, E.E., Obiefune, M.C., Yang, W., Obaro, S.K., Ezeanolue, C.O., and Ogedegbe, G.G. 2013. Comparative Effectiveness of Congregation versus Clinic-based Approach to Prevention of Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission: Study Protocol for a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. Implementation Science. 2013, 8:63, 1-8.
  • Tung, W.C., Cook, D., Lu, M., Yang, W. 2013. HIV Knowledge and Behavior Among Chinese College Students in China and the United States. Western Journal of Nursing Research. 2013, 35(9), 1171-1183.
  • Moeltner, K., Kim, M.K., Zhu, E., and Yang, W. 2013. Wildfire Smoke and Health Impacts: A Closer Look at Fire Attributes and their Marginal Effects. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 2013, 66(3), 476-496.


  • Moulton, P. and Yang, W. 2012. Air Pollution, Oxidative Stress, and Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Environmental and Public Health. 2012, 472751, 1-9. doi:10.1155/2012/472751.
  • Pelter, M.M., Riegel, B., Yang, W., McKinley, S., Moser, D.K., Meischke, H., Davidson, P., Baker, H. 2012. Are there Symptom Differences in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease Presenting to the Emergency Department Ultimately Diagnosed with or without Acute Coronary Syndrome? American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2012, 30(9), 1822-1828.
  • Feng, J. and Yang, W. 2012. Effects of Particulate Air Pollution on Cardiovascular Health: A Population Health Risk Assessment. PLoS ONE. 2012 7(3): e33385doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0033385.
  • Yang, W., Spears, K. Zhang, F., Lee, W., Himler H.L. 2012. Evaluation of Personal and Built Environment Attributes to Physical Activity: A Multilevel Analysis on Multiple Population-based Data Sources. Journal of Obesity. 2012, ID548910, 1-9. Doi:10.1155/ 2012/ 548910.
  • Lu, M. and Yang, W. 2012. Multivariate Logistic Regression Analysis of Complex Survey Data with Application to BRFSS Data. Journal of Data Science. 10(2012), 157-173.
  • Cook, D.M., Moulton, P.V., Sacks, T., Yang, W. 2012. Patient-reported responses to medication therapy management services: analysis of a 5-year program. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. 8(3), 217-227.
  • Noffsinger, S., Clements-Nolle, K., Lee, W., Bacon, R., Albers, E., Yang, W. 2012. Substance Use and Fighting among Male and Female High School Youth: A Brief Report. Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse. 21:105–116, 2012.
  • Francis, S.S., Selvin, S., Yang, W. and Wiemels, J.L. 2012. Unusual Geospatial Patterning of Childhood Leukemia: Fallon, ΒιΆΉΣ³»­ Leukemia Cluster. Chemico-Biological Interactions. 196 (3), 102–109.


  • Yang, W., Qeadan, F. and Smith-Gagen, J. 2011. Examination of Health Behaviors in a Dynamic Population. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 65:1140-1144, 2011.
  • Huang, Y., Yang, W. and Omaye, S. 2011. Intimate Partner Violence, Depression and Overweight/Obesity. Aggression and Violent Behavior. 16 (2011) 108–114, 2011.
  • Lombardi, V.C., Redelman, D., Hagen, K.S., Hunter, K.W., Diamond, J.W., Smith-Gagen, J. Yang, W., and Mikovits. J.A. 2011. Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus-Related Virus associated Chronic Fatigue Syndrome reveals a distinct inflammatory signature. In Vivo-International Journal of Experimental and Clinical Pathophysiology and Drug Research. 25 (2) 307-314, 2011.


  • Longo, B., Yang, W., Green, J., Crosby, F.L., Crosby, V.L. 2010. Acute health effects associated with exposure to volcanic air pollution (vog) from increased activity at Kilauea Volcano in 2008. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. 73: 20, 1370 — 1381. 2010.
  • Longo, B., Yang, W., Green, J., Longo, A., Harris, M., Bibilone, R. 2010. An Indoor Air Quality Assessment for Vulnerable Populations Exposed to Volcanic Vog From Kilauea Volcano. Family and Community Health. 33(1), 383–393. 2010.
  • Yang, W., Hardwick, S.P., Tiano, N. and Pettis, C.T. 2010. Health Care Insurance and Advance Directive Completion: A Population-based Study. ΒιΆΉΣ³»­ Journal of Public Health. 7(1) 49-56, 2010.
  • Yang, W., Qeadan, F., Cook, D., and Smith-Gagen, J. 2010. Heterogeneity of Odds Ratios over Time in Cross Sectional Trend Studies: An Overweight-Obesity Example from a Nationwide Population-based Study. Advances and Applications in Statistics. 17 (2), 175-190, 2010.
  • Pelter, M.M., Carey, M., Stephens K.E., Anderson, H., Yang, W. 2010. Improving Nurses’ Ability to Identify Anatomic Location and Leads on 12-lead Electrocardiograms with ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 9 (4), 218-225, 2010.
  • Mburia, A., Clements-Nolle, K., Lee, W., Shadley, S., Yang, W. 2010. Intimate Partner Abuse and Depression in a Population-based Sample: Can Social Support Help? Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 25 (12) 2258-2278, 2010.
  • Calder, J., McVean, A., Yang, W. 2010. The Association Between History of Abuse and Current Suicidal Ideation: Results from a Population Based Survey. Journal of Family Violence. 25:205–214. 2010.


  • Yang, W. and Omaye, S. 2009. Air Pollutants, Oxidative Stress and Human Health. Mutation Research — Genetic Toxicology & Environmental Mutagenesis. 674:45–54, 2009.
  • Cook, D. M., Lee, W., Yang, W. 2009. Discrepancy between home and workplace smoking policy among populations from multiple US states. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health. 15(4) 391-401, 2009.
  • Yang, W., Qeadan, F., Brown, L., Chino, M., Hall, S., Guinan, M. 2009. Ethnicity as a Risk Factor of Mother to Child Transmission among HIV Infected Mothers. Journal of Health Disparity Research and Practice. (3 (1), 15- 28. 2009.
  • Yang, W., Qeadan, F. Gagen, S. 2009. The Hispanic Epidemiological Paradox in the Fastest Growing State in the US. Hispanic Health Care International. 7 (3), 130-141, 2009.


  • Longo, B., and Yang, W. 2008. Acute bronchitis and volcanic air pollution: A community-based case at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii, USA. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. Part A, 71: 1565–1571, 2008.
  • Mukhopadhyay, S., Wendel, J., Lee, W., Yang, W. 2008. Does Birth Certificate Data Yield Useful Estimates of the Impact of Prenatal Care on Infant Health. Economic Bulletin. 9(21) 1-14, 2008.


  • Hosey, G., Llorens-Chen, S.A., Qeadan, F., Crawford D., Wilson, C., Yang, W. 2007. Assessing Behavioral Health Risks, Health Conditions, and Preventive Health Practices among American Indians/Alaska Natives in ΒιΆΉΣ³»­. Journal of Health Disparities and Practice. 1 (3): 29-44, 2007.
  • Shah, G., Greenway, J., Yang, W. 2007. Episiotomy and Obstetric Trauma in ΒιΆΉΣ³»­: Evidence from Linked Hospital Discharge and Birth Data. Journal of the ΒιΆΉΣ³»­ Public Health Association. 4:1-10, 2007.
  • Devereux, P. G., Clements-Nolle, K., Clodfelter, S., Bargmann-Losche, J., Feroro, M., & Yang, W. 2007. HIV-Positive Inmates Released from ΒιΆΉΣ³»­'s Prisons in 2001: Results from Matching Health Division and Corrections Databases. Journal of the ΒιΆΉΣ³»­ Public Health Association. 4:11-16, 2007.


  • Yu, R.B., Yang, W., Omaye, S.T. 2004. Mortality and Other Risk Factors among Infants Born to Teenage Mothers. Journal of Nanjing Medical University. 18(5): 228-234, 2004.


  • Chen, L., Yang, W., Jennison, B.L., Goodrich, A., and Omaye, S. 2002. Air pollution and birth weight in northern ΒιΆΉΣ³»­, 1991-1999. Inhalation Toxicology. 14(2):141-158, 2002.


  • Chen, L., Yang, W., Jennison, B.L., Goodrich, A., and Omaye, S. 2001. Using Two Different Statistical Models to Compare the Associations between PM10 and Hospital Admissions for COPD. Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods. 11:233-246, 2001.


  • Chen, L., Yang, W., Jennison, B.L., and Omaye, S.T. 2000. Air Particulate Pollution and Hospital Admissions for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Reno, ΒιΆΉΣ³»­. Inhalation Toxicology. 12:281-298, 2000.
  • Chen, L., Jennison, B.L., Yang, W., and Omaye, S. 2000. Elementary School Absenteeism and Air Pollution. Inhalation Toxicology. 12:997-1016. 2000.


  • Yang, W., Jennison, B.L., and Omaye, S.T. 1998. Cardiovascular Disease Hospitalization and Ambient Levels of Carbon Monoxide. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. 55:101-112.


  • Yang, W., Jennison, B.L., and Omaye, S.T. 1997. Air Pollution and Emergency Room Visits for Asthma in Reno, ΒιΆΉΣ³»­. Inhalation Toxicology. 97:9:pp15-29.
  • Yang, W. and Omaye, S.T. 1997. Heterocyclic Amines (HCA) and Asian High Temperature Cooking: Cancer and Bacterial Mutagenicity. Environmental and Nutritional Interactions. 97:1:191-211.


  • Yang, W. and Read, M. 1996. Dietary Pattern Changes among Asian Immigrants. Journal of Nutrition Research. 96:16(8):pp.1277-1293.


  • Ph.D., ΒιΆΉΣ³»­
  • M.S., ΒιΆΉΣ³»­
  • M.D., Nanjing Medical College, China