
Nuclear Packaging Graduate Program courses

Note that some courses are in multiple categories. See the in the University Catalog for individual information. For RAMPAC Packaging University schedule and descriptions, see 

  • Acronyms for participating national laboratories are as follows: Argonne (ANL); Los Alamos (LANL); Lawrence Livermore (LLNL); Oak Ridge (ORNL); Pacific Northwest (PNNL); Sandia (SNL); and Savannah River (SRNL).
  • Additional 3-unit electives, including ME 673-Introduction to Nuclear Packaging, are offered by and at the University’s Mechanical Engineering Department and Materials Science & Engineering Department.

Nuclear Packaging and Transportation Security & Safeguard courses by category

Safety Analysis Reports for Packaging (SARP) -- for SARP regulatory reviewers, preparers and project managers
Course title and number Host lab
SARP Review and Confirmatory Analysis (2 units, 2 weeks) - NP 702 LLNL
Management of SARP Preparation - NP 703


Quality Assurance for Transport Packaging and Storage Casks - NP 701


Package Design and Evaluation -- for structural, thermal, containment, shielding and nuclear criticality safety
Course title and number Host lab
ASME Pressure Vessel Code for Nuclear Transport and Storage - NP 700 ANL
Structural Analysis of Radioactive Material Packages - NP 655 SNL
Thermal Modeling and Testing of RAM Packages - NP 605 SNL
Containment Analysis of Radioactive Material Transportation - NP 606 LLNL
Radiation and Nuclear Criticality Analysis of RAM Packages - NP 607 ORNL
Radioactive Material Packaging: Welding/NDE QC & Software QA - NP 604 LLNL
Package Operation, Use and Maintenance
Course title and number Host lab
Radioactive Material Package Operations and Leak Testing - NP 608 SRNL
Use of Type B and Fissile Certified Packages - NP 658 LANL
Nuclear Quality Assurance (QA)
Course title and number Host lab
Quality Assurance for Transport Packaging and Storage Casks - NP 701 ANL
Radioactive Material Packaging: Welding/NDE QC & Software QA - NP 604 LLNL
Nuclear Security
Course title and number  Host lab
Fundamentals of Nuclear Security - NP 720 SNL
Fundamentals of Cyber-Physical Security - NP 621 PNNL
Explosive Analysis of Nuclear Packages - NP 627 SNL
Transportation Security
Course title and number Host lab
Nuclear Security During US Domestic Transport - NP 710 ANL
Nuclear Security During International Transport - NP 711 ANL
Transportation Physical Security - NP 625 SNL
Response to Radioactive Material Transport Emergencies - NP 652 ANL
Course title and number Host lab
Fundamentals of Nuclear Safeguards - NP 730 ORNL
Fundamentals of Nondestructive Assay - NP 632 ORNL
Course title and number Host lab
Facility Decommissioning and Site/Facility Closure - NP 615 ORNL
Nuclear Packaging Internships - NP 640 (135-270 hours, 3 units) Any nuclear site