
Reynolds School of Journalism Strategic Plan, 2022-2025

Cultivate new communities of students

  1.  Implement new outreach initiatives for recruitment, to grow total enrollment to 480 students by fall 2025
    1.  Expand high school outreach programs
    2.  Enhance digital recruiting with increased use of video
  2.  Increase film/sports/entertainment media curricula

Provide transformational learning and professional experiences for students

  1.  Foster increased sense of belonging and inclusion
    1.  Implement initiatives for mental health and resilience
    2.  Reimagine student club structure
  2.  Develop Lake Tahoe-based programs
    1.  Develop Lake Tahoe-based enrichment curricula
    2.  Conduct professional development and public programs at Lake Tahoe
  3.  Implement writing enhancement initiatives

Accelerate momentum in research and graduate education

  1.  Increase RSJ involvement in competitively funded federal research grants
  2.  Launch Online MA in Strategic Advertising and Public Relations by fall 2024
  3.  Develop an interdisciplinary doctoral proposal

Promote role of journalism in democratic society

  1.  Invigorate local journalism through convening initiatives, in partnership with KUNR
    1.  Build out RSJ Project for the Revitalization of Local News
    2.  Increase programming to combat spread of mis/disinformation

Framework approved by the faculty, April 8, 2022. Revised August 11, 2022.