
Center for Advanced Media Studies

The mission of the Center for Advanced Media Studies (CAMS) is to enhance the culture of scholarship and help emerging scholars to succeed at the Reynolds School of Journalism. In 2012, a suite in the newly renovated Reynolds School was designated to house the center. The center awards research funding for faculty, hosts a speaker series, provides research grants to graduate students and facilitates research equipment and space. As a research arm of the Reynolds School, CAMS supports various types of research activities at the Reynolds School.

A faculty member and a grad student work in the CAMS lab. The grad student wears eye tracking software on her head.

Take your research to the next level!

Research grants

CAMS research grants provide support for faculty research. This program is intended to increase the research productivity of Reynolds School faculty, boost grant-based activity and promote the scholarly mission of the Reynolds School. Calls for proposal are announced in the fall every year.

Graduate student grants

CAMS graduate student research grants are intended to support Reynolds School graduate student scholarship and promote the mission of the Reynolds School graduate program as a base for innovation and entrepreneurship. Graduates students can ask Graduate Director about this grant.


CAMS Lab (RSJ 213)

Available equipment

  • Tobii Eye Tracker gathers eye-tracking data from a variety of sources including images, videos and websites.
  • Biopac data acquisition system with a student lab extension to track and record a wide range of physiological signals straight to the computer.
  • Somatic Vision Alive equipment and software that monitors reactions to stress through awareness of the body and records heart-rate data through finger-sensors. 
  • A variety of VR headsets, Fitbits, and tablets

Getting started

  • Contact lab assistant Hannah Alfaro for a tour of the lab, equipment instruction or questions about setting up a study at halfaro@unr.edu.
  • Contact Dr. Laura Crosswell, the director of the Center for Advanced Media Studies, at lcrosswell@unr.edu, for any other questions about the Center for Advanced Media Studies.

Past studies conducted in the lab

  • Duan, R., Crosswell, L., & Barber, K. (2021).
    . Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 1-23.
  • Title:
    Authors: Laura Crosswell, Gi Yun
    Deliverable: Article published in Behaviour & Information Technology, 1-15
  • Title: The frame game: How advertising content influences viewer processing in relation to marijuana marketing
    Authors: Anthony Ciaramella (Laura Crosswell, Thesis Advisor)
    Deliverable: Master’s Thesis
  • Title:
    Authors: Mackenzie Barrett (Laura Crosswell, Thesis Advisor)
    Deliverable: Undergraduate Thesis

CAMS leadership

Center for Advanced Media Studies Journalism, faculty, advertising, public relations, media studies, visual communication, graduate students, Center for Advanced Media Studies
Laura Crosswell
Laura Crosswell
Director of the Center for Advanced Media Studies and Associate Professor of Health Communication
(775) 784-4191
2561 Journalism, faculty, advertising, public relations, media studies, visual communication, graduate students, Center for Advanced Media Studies