
C. Elizabeth Raymond, Ph.D.

Grace A. Griffen Endowed Chair in American History; Professor Emerita
Elizabeth Raymond


Elizabeth Raymond offers undergraduate and graduate course work in U.S. history, including social history, intellectual history, women and families in the U.S., colonial history and a senior capstone course on creating North American landscapes. Special topics and directed readings courses in these general areas are also possible at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Graduate seminars include nature and culture in America, gender in U.S. history and U.S. social history. Graduate examination and dissertation fields include American social/cultural history, American studies, history of landscape and environmental history, American regionalism.

Her awards include various research fellowships, as well as the Alan Bible Teaching Excellence Award and the Mousel-Feltner Award for Research. She is the author or editor of three books: George Wingfield: Owner and Operator of Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ (University of Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Press, 1992); with Peter Goin, Stopping Time: A Rephotographic Survey of Lake Tahoe (University of New Mexico Press, 1992); and with co-editor Ronald James, Comstock Women: The Making of a Mining Community (University of Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Press, 1997). Raymond is also the author of a wide range of articles and review essays. Her current research interests are interdisciplinary and include American landscape and sense of place, American regionalism and American women's history.


  • U.S. history
  • social history
  • cultural history
  • American Studies
  • gender
  • landscape

Courses Taught

  • HIST 300: Historical Research and Writing
  • HIST 404/604: Social History of the United States
  • HIST 410a/610a: American Cultural and Intellectual History I
  • HIST 432/632: History of Women in the United States
  • HIST/GEOG 488/688 (Capstone): Creating North American Landscapes
  • HIST/GEOG 488B/688B - Landscapes of Lake Tahoe
  • HIST 724: Nature and Culture in America


  • Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1979