
Graduate faculty listing policies and procedures

Graduate faculty specific to Lake Tahoe campus

Graduate Faculty listing

** Designates faculty who can only serve as an inside member for the listed program. These faculty members are not eligible to serve as Graduate School representatives or as major advisors.

^^ Designates faculty who can only serve for Master’s level programs, not for doctoral degrees.

Graduate faculty listing
Name Email Home Department Program
Abbasi, Behrooz ba@unr.edu Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Mining Engineering
Abboud Holbrook, Mia miaholbrook@unr.edu Criminal Justice Criminal Justice
Abernathy, Tammy tammy@unr.edu Office of the Provost Special Education
Adams, Britni britnia@unr.edu Criminal Justice Criminal Justice
Adams, Dean vdadams@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Agarwal, Shailesh sagarwal@med.unr.edu Pharmacology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology
Aguirre, Matthew maguirre@unr.edu Graduate School Graduate School
Aguirre, Michael michaelaguirre@unr.edu History History
Ahn, Mihye mahn@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics, Neuroscience
Aiyar, Anaka aaiyar@unr.edu Economics Economics
Akin, Elizabeth eakin@unr.edu Pharmacology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Neuroscience
Akpinar-Elci, Muge makpinar@unr.edu School of Public Health Epidemiology, Environmental Sciences & Health
Akter Anima, Bashira banima@unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering
Alavosius, Mark marka@unr.edu Psychology Psychology, Psychology-Behavioral Analysis
Albano, Christine christine.albano@dri.edu DRI: Hydrology Hydrologic Sciences, Geography
Albrecht, Jim jamesalbrecht@unr.edu Music Music
Albright, Tom talbright@unr.edu Geography Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Geography
Allan, Euan eallan@med.unr.edu Microbiology Cellular & Molecular Biology
Allan, Nigel** njrallan@ucdavis.edu - Geography
Allen, Julie jallen23@unr.edu - Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Allen, Scott scottallen@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Hydrologic Sciences, Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Alpuche, Mario malpuche@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry, Chemical Physics, Physics
Altick, Amy aaltick@unr.edu Biology Neuroscience
Altieri, Jason jaltieri@unr.edu Music Music
Altinay, Zeynep zaltinay@unr.edu Reynolds School of Journalism Journalism
Alvarez-Ponce, David dap@unr.edu Biology Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Biology
Ampleford, David** damplef@sandia.gov - Physics
Anam, Nasia nanam@unr.edu English English
Anderson, Josh jcanderson@unr.edu Music Music
Anderson, Kimberly kda@unr.edu Library Reno Campus History
Andrade-Rodriguez, Manuel andradea@unr.edu Agriculture, Veterinary and Range Science Instruction Environmental Sciences & Health, Animal and Rangeland Science
Andrews, Caesar^^ caesara@unr.edu Reynolds School of Journalism Journalism
Apambire, Braimah braimah.apambire@dri.edu DRI: Hydrology Hydrologic Sciences
Arienzo, Monica monica.arienzo@dri.edu DRI: Hydrology Hydrologic Sciences, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Ariznabarreta, Larraitz lariznabarreta@unr.edu Center for Basque Studies Basque Studies
Arnone, Jay (John) jarnone@dri.edu DRI: Biology Hydrologic Sciences, Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, , Environmental Sciences & Health
Arnott, William P. arnottw@unr.edu Physics Atmospheric Sciences, Physics, Chemical Physics
Arnow, Deborah darnow@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Asryan, Albina^^ ** albina7a@yahoo.com - Music
Atapine, Dmitri datapine@unr.edu Music Music
AuCoin, David daucoin@med.unr.edu Microbiology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Biotechnology
Aureli, Matteo maureli@unr.edu Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Austin, Elizabeth** elizabeth@weatherextreme.com - Atmospheric Sciences
Awe, Thomas** tjawe@sandia.gov - Physics
Aylward, Alex aaylward@unr.edu Educational Studies Educational Leadership & Higher Education Administration
Bacon, Steven steven.bacon@dri.edu DRI: Hydrology Hydrologic Sciences
Baguley, Jeff baguley@unr.edu Biology Biology, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Environmental Sciences & Health
Baker, Josh jebaker@unr.edu VP Research and Innovation Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Biomedical Engineering, , Neuroscience
Baker, Sal sabubaker@med.unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Neuroscience
Baker, Timothy tkbaker@med.unr.edu Internal Medicine - Reno Graduate School
Baldan, Davide dbaldan@unr.edu Biology Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Barber, Alicia** alicia_barber@yahoo.com - Geography
Barber, Kari^^ karibarber@unr.edu Reynolds School of Journalism Journalism
Barfar, Arash abarfar@unr.edu Information Systems Information Systems, Business PhD-Information Systems
Barile, Christopher cbarile@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry
Barker, James (Pat) barkerj@unr.edu Anthropology Anthropology
Barlas, Yafis ybarlas@unr.edu Physics Physics
Barnard, James jbarnard@unr.edu Physics Physics
Barnett, Scott sdbarnett@med.unr.edu Pharmacology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology
Barrios Masias, Felipe fbarriosmasias@unr.edu Agriculture, Veterinary and Range Science Instruction Environmental Sciences & Health, Animal and Rangeland Science
Barthe, Emmanuel emmanuelb@unr.edu Criminal Justice Criminal Justice, Justice Management
Bassett, Scott sbassett@unr.edu Geography Geography, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Batz, Ruby rbatzherrera@unr.edu Educator Preparation Special Education & Disabilities Studies, Special Education
Bauer, Bruno S. bbauer@unr.edu Physics Physics, Chemical Physics, Biomedical Engineering
Baxter, Kimberly kimbaxter@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Beardsley, Jonathan jbeardsley@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Bebis, George bebis@unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering, Neuroscience
Beekun, Rafik rafikb@unr.edu Management Business-MBA, Business PhD-Management
Bell, Thomas W. twb@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Bellamy, Jim jbellamy@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health
Benedict, Jamie jamieb@unr.edu Nutrition Instruction Nutrition, Public Health
Ben-Idris, Mohammed mbenidris@unr.edu Electrical and Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering
Benjamin, Adam^^ adambenjamin@unr.edu Music Music
Bennett, Sheryl sherylb@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Bennum, Dave daveb@unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Physics
Benuto, Lorraine lbenuto@unr.edu Psychology Psychology, Psychology-Clinical
Berli, Markus markus.berli@dri.edu DRI: Hydrology Hydrologic Sciences
Berry, Kate A. kberry@unr.edu Geography Geography
Berryhill, Marian mberryhill@unr.edu Psychology Psychology, Psychology-Cognitive Brain Science, Neuroscience
Berthelot, Emily eberthelot@unr.edu Criminal Justice Criminal Justice, Social Psychology
Bettencourt-Dias, Ana abd@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry, Chemical Physics
Bhargava, Rahul rahulb@unr.edu Finance Business-MBA, Finance
Bhatia, Jon^^ jbhatia@unr.edu Music Music
Bigio, Erica ebigio@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Biondi, Franco fbiondi@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences, Hydrologic Sciences, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, , Atmospheric Sciences
Birkinbine, Benjamin bbirkinbine@unr.edu Reynolds School of Journalism Journalism
Bisbing, Sarah sbisbing@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Black, Carina cblack@unr.edu Northern Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ International Center Graduate School
Blaszczak, Joanna jblaszczak@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences, Environmental Sciences & Health, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, , Hydrologic Sciences
Bleich, Vernon** vbleich@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences - Experiment Station Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Blewitt, Geoffrey gblewitt@unr.edu Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Bureau of Mines and Geology Geological Sciences
Blume, Laura lblume@unr.edu Political Science Political Science
Boehm, Deborah dboehm@unr.edu Anthropology Anthropology, Gender, Race, and Identity
Bogard, Rebekah^^ rebekahb@unr.edu Art Visual Art
Bogolub, Kyren kbogolub@unr.edu Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Seismological Laboratory Geological Sciences
Boisrame, Gabrielle gabrielle.boisrame@dri.edu DRI: Hydrology Hydrologic Sciences
Bok, Jared jbok@unr.edu Sociology Sociology
Bonow, Jennifer jcastell@unr.edu Psychology Psychology-Behavioral Analysis (Online/Satellite)
Boren, Carly boren@unr.edu Human Development, Family Science, and Counseling Counseling and Ed Supervision PhD
Bornstein, Brian** brianbornstein63@gmail.com - Social Psychology
Borotto, Nicholas nborotto@unr.edu Chemistry Physics, Chemical Physics, Chemistry
Borthwick-Wong, Emilly eborthwickwong@unr.edu AVP Exploratory & Pre-Professional Advising Center Educational Leadership & Higher Education Administration
Boyle, Douglas douglasb@unr.edu Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ at Lake Tahoe Geography, Atmospheric Sciences
Brancamp, Tami tbrancamp@med.unr.edu Speech Pathology & Audiology Speech Pathology & Audiology
Branch, Michael mbranch@unr.edu English English
Breazeale, Don breazealed@unr.edu Northern Area Extension Cooperative Extension (Ag Ed)
Brett, Paul pbrett@med.unr.edu Microbiology Cellular & Molecular Biology
Bridgett, David dbridgett@unr.edu Psychology Psychology-Clinical
Briggs, Laura lbriggs@tmcc.edu TMCC: Life Sciences, Allied Health and Public Safety Environmental Sciences & Health
Brody, Evan ebrody@unr.edu Communication Studies Communication Studies
Bronander, Kirk kbronander@med.unr.edu Internal Medicine - Reno Medicine
Brook, Amara amara@flowsps.com - Psychology-Clinical
Brown, Jessi** jessilbrown@gmail.com - Geography
Brown, Timothy tim.brown@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences
Brownlow-Calkin, Rosemary^^ rbrownlowcalkin@unr.edu Theater and Dance Theatre & Dance, Music
Buchanan, Samantha^^ samanthabuchanan@unr.edu Art Visual Art
Buckle, Ian igbuckle@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Burkin, Dean dburkin@med.unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology
Burkin, Heather hburkin@med.unr.edu Pharmacology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology
Burleson, Shannon sburleson@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Burnham, Melissa mburnham@unr.edu Human Development, Family Science, and Counseling Information Technology (Education), Human Development Family Science, Social Psychology
Burnham, Thomas thomasburnham@unr.edu Marketing Business-MBA, Economics
Burtnick, Mary mburtnick@med.unr.edu Microbiology Cellular & Molecular Biology
Buxton, Iain L. ibuxton@med.unr.edu Pharmacology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Biochemistry
Cabral, Adi adrianoc@unr.edu Theater and Dance Theatre & Dance
Caldwell, Todd** tcaldwell@usgs.gov - Hydrologic Sciences
Cale, Robert rcale@med.unr.edu Speech Pathology & Audiology Speech Pathology & Audiology
Calkin-Low, Tyler^^ tbcalkin@unr.edu Art Visual Art
Callaghan, Glenn M.** glenn@email.sjsu.edu - Psychology
Calvin, Wendy wcalvin@unr.edu Geological Sciences and Engineering Geological Sciences
Canon, Luisa** lcanon@unr.edu Psychology Psychology-Behavioral Analysis
Cantu, David dcantu@unr.edu Chemical and Materials Engineering Chemical Engineering
Cao, Lei leicao@unr.edu Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Cao, Wenrong wenrongc@unr.edu Geological Sciences and Engineering Geological Sciences
Caplovitz, Gideon gcaplovitz@unr.edu Psychology Psychology, Psychology-Cognitive Brain Science, Neuroscience
Cardillo, Carlos ccardillo@unr.edu Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Center for Applied Research Civil and Environmental Engineering
Carlson, Aubree carlsona@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Carlson, Krista kc@unr.edu Chemical and Materials Engineering Materials Science and Engineering
Carpenter, Anne annecarpenter@unr.edu Economics Economics
Carroll, Rosemary rosemary.carroll@dri.edu DRI: Hydrology Hydrologic Sciences
Carson, Jennifer jennifercarson@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health
Case, Rod rcase@unr.edu Educational Studies English Language Learners, Equity and Diversity in Education
Casey, Sean scasey@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry, Chemical Physics
Cashman, Patricia pcashman@unr.edu Geological Sciences and Engineering Geological Sciences
Catalano, Vincent J. vjc@unr.edu Office of the Provost Chemistry
Chalifoux, Wesley wchalifoux@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry
Chamberlin, Reed rchamberlin@unr.edu Music Music
Chambers, Jeanne S. chambers@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Chandra, Sudeep sudeep@unr.edu Biology Biology, Environmental Sciences & Health, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, , Hydrologic Sciences
Charyyev, Batyr bcharyyev@unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering
Chatterjee, Indira indira@unr.edu College of Engineering Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering
Chellman, Nathan nathan.chellman@dri.edu DRI: Snow and Ice Hydrologist Hydrologic Sciences
Chen, Jinsong jinsongc@unr.edu School of Public Health Epidemiology, Health Analytics & Biostatistics
Chen, Li-Ting litingc@unr.edu Educational Studies Information Technology (Education), STEM in Education
Chen, Yinghan yinghanc@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics, Neuroscience
Cherney, James jcherney@unr.edu Communication Studies Communication Studies
Chidambaram, Devicharan dcc@unr.edu Chemical and Materials Engineering Materials Science and Engineering
Choi, Won-Gyu wgchoi@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Choroszy, Melisa choroszy@unr.edu Enrollment Services Graduate School
Chorpening, Kelly^^ kchorpening@unr.edu Art Visual Art
Chow, Judith judy.chow@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences, Environmental Sciences & Health
Christiansen, Elizabeth elizabethc@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health
Chu, Pengbo pengboc@unr.edu Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Mining Engineering
Chuan, Bryan bchuan@unr.edu Music Music
Church, Chris christopherchurch@unr.edu History History
Clark, Jessie jessieclark@unr.edu Geography Geography
Clayton, Ian iclayton@unr.edu English English
Clements-Nolle, Kristen clements@unr.edu School of Public Health Epidemiology, Environmental Sciences & Health, Health Analytics & Biostatistics
Coake, Christopher^^ cjcoake@unr.edu English English
Coate, Roger** rogercoate@gcsu.edu - Political Science
Coates, Peter** pcoates@usgs.gov - Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Cobine, Caroline ccobine@med.unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Coll, Kate kathryncoll@unr.edu Management Business-MBA, Business PhD-Management
Commuri, Sesh scommuri@unr.edu Electrical and Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering
Condon, Lea** lcondon@usgs.gov UNR Ag Biotech and Natural Resources Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Constantino, Nora nlc@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health
Contreras, Bethany bethanycontreras@unr.edu Psychology Psychology-Behavioral Analysis
Cook, Daniel dmcook@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health, Social Psychology
Coolbaugh, Mark mfc@unr.edu Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Bureau of Mines and Geology Geological Sciences
Cooper, Takesha takeshac@med.unr.edu Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences - Reno Neuroscience
Coppes, Max mcoppes@med.unr.edu Pediatrics - Renown Epidemiology
Coran, Justin justin.coran@renown.org Office of Academic Affairs - Renown Public Health, Health Analytics & Biostatistics
Corey, Ed (Horace)^^ coreyh@unr.edu Music Music
Cornejo, Pablo** pcornejo-warner@csuchico.edu - Chemical Engineering
Coronella, Charles coronella@unr.edu Chemical and Materials Engineering Chemical Engineering
Covington, Aaron acovington@unr.edu Physics Physics, Chemical Physics
Cowie, Sarah scowie@unr.edu Anthropology Anthropology
Craviso, Gale Louise gcraviso@med.unr.edu Pharmacology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Biomedical Engineering, , Neuroscience
Cremo, Christine cremo@unr.edu Pharmacology Cellular & Molecular Biology
Croasdell, David davec@unr.edu Information Systems Information Systems, Accountancy, Business-MBA, Business PhD-Information Systems
Crognale, Mike mcrognale@unr.edu Psychology Psychology, Biomedical Engineering, Psychology-Cognitive Brain Science, , Neuroscience
Crosbie, Eric ecrosbie@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health
Crosswell, Laura lcrosswell@unr.edu Reynolds School of Journalism Journalism
Crowther, David crowther@unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Elementary Education
Csank, Adam acsank@unr.edu Geography Geography, Atmospheric Sciences, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, , Hydrologic Sciences
Cummings, Sarah sac@unr.edu Office of the Provost Chemistry
Cunningham, Cari caric@unr.edu Theater and Dance Theatre & Dance
Curcio-Nagy, Linda lindacurcio@unr.edu History History
Cushman, Hall jhcushman@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Cushman, John jcushman@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology
Dagda, Ruben rdagda@med.unr.edu Pharmacology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Neuroscience
Dahir, Veronica veronicad@unr.edu College of Liberal Arts Judicial Studies, Social Psychology, Public Health
Dalpe, Kyle** kyle.dalpe@wnc.edu Western Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ College: President Educational Leadership & Higher Education Administration
Damke, Hanna damke@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Biochemistry
Danko, George danko@unr.edu Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Mining Engineering, Hydrologic Sciences
Darrow, Lyndsey ldarrow@unr.edu School of Public Health Environmental Sciences & Health, Epidemiology, Health Analytics & Biostatistics
Dascalu, Sergiu dascalus@unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering
Davidson, Jane jdhexen@unr.edu Art Visual Art
Davis, Deborah debdavis@unr.edu Psychology Judicial Studies, Psychology, Social Psychology
Davis, Vern vdavis@unr.edu Physics Physics
Davis-Coelho, Kristen** kdaviscoelho@unr.edu Medical School: Office for Faculty Psychology-Clinical
De Jong, Greta gdejong@unr.edu History History, Judicial Studies
De los Santos, Elizabeth Xeng xdelossantos@unr.edu Educator Preparation Secondary Education, STEM in Education
de Mello, Amilton ademello@unr.edu Agriculture, Veterinary and Range Science Instruction Environmental Sciences & Health, Nutrition, Animal and Rangeland Science
De Rafols, Fred fdrafols@unr.edu World Languages and Literature World Language and Literature
Deaconu, Valentin vdeaconu@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
DeBoor, Stephanie deboors2@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
DeFlorio, Lydia ldeflorio@unr.edu Human Development, Family Science, and Counseling Human Development Family Science, Information Technology (Education)
DeKay, Johanna jdekay@med.unr.edu Student Health Services Medicine
DeLeon, Sandra sadeleon@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health
Demchak, Maryann mad@unr.edu Educator Preparation Special Education
Demitropoulos, Stacy stacymd@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Dennett, Keith kdennett@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hydrologic Sciences
DePue, Kristina kdepue@unr.edu Human Development, Family Science, and Counseling Counseling
Derevianko, Andrei andrei@unr.edu Physics Chemical Physics, Physics
Dermid, Gerold gdermid@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health
DesOrmeau, Joel jdesormeau@unr.edu Geological Sciences and Engineering Geological Sciences
Detweiler, Jane jad@unr.edu Office of the Provost English
Deutschman, Alan^^ adeutschman@unr.edu Reynolds School of Journalism Journalism
Devereux, Paul devereux@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health, Social Psychology
Diamond, Lindsay ldiamond@unr.edu Educator Preparation Special Education
Diao, Nancy** ndiao@washoecounty.gov - Epidemiology
Dickson, Brett** brettdickson@nau.edu - Geography
Dodson, Craig craigd@unr.edu Chemistry Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Domitrovich, Stephanie domitrov@unr.edu Judicial Studies Justice Management
Dorman, Jake jdorman@unr.edu History History
Douglass, William douglass@unr.edu Center for Basque Studies - Emeritus Basque Studies
Douidar, Shaddy sdouidar@unr.edu Finance Business PhD-Finance
Drake, Stephen stephendrake@unr.edu Physics Atmospheric Sciences
Duan, Ran rduan@unr.edu Reynolds School of Journalism Journalism
Duckworth, Melanie melanied@unr.edu College of Science Psychology, Psychology-Clinical
Dunbar, Adam adamdunbar@unr.edu Criminal Justice Criminal Justice
Duncan, Cameron cgeneduncan@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Dunham-Cheatham, Sarrah sarrahdc@unr.edu Director's Office - NV Agricultural Experiment Station Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Dunlap, Glen** glendunlap@sbcglobal.net - Special Education
Durgampudi, Praveen pdurgampudi@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health Practice
Dworkin, Dennis dworkin@unr.edu History History
Dyer, Lee ldyer@unr.edu Biology Biology, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Earle, Chris cearle@unr.edu English English
Easton-Brooks, Donald deastonbrooks@unr.edu College of Education Equity and Diversity in Education
Ebrahimian, Hamed hebrahimian@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Edberg, Dana dte@unr.edu Information Systems Business-MBA, Information Systems
Edgington, Erin eedgington@unr.edu World Languages and Literature World Language and Literature
Ehrenreich, Samuel sam@unr.edu Human Development, Family Science, and Counseling Human Development Family Science
El Zaklit, Josette jelzaklit@unr.edu Electrical and Biomedical Engineering Neuroscience, Biomedical Engineering
Elfass, Sherif elfass@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Elliott, Marta melliott@unr.edu Sociology Social Psychology, Sociology
Ellis, Shannon elliss@unr.edu VP Student Services Graduate School
Ellison, Patricia ellison@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Elston, Robert** elston@pyramid.net Anthropology Anthropology
Emanuel, Ryan** ryan.emanuel@duke.edu Agriculture, Nutrition and Veterinary Services Animal and Rangeland Science
Engelbrecht, Johann johann.engelbrecht@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science - Emeritus Atmospheric Sciences
Epstein, Peter^^ pepstein@unr.edu Music Music
Erfani, Ehsan Ehsan.Erfani@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences
Ervin, Susan sme@unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Nursing
Escobar, Guadalupe lescobar@unr.edu English English, Gender, Race, and Identity
Esmaeilzadeh Seylabi, Elnaz elnaze@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Esque, Todd** todd_esque@usgs.gov - Geography
Ester, Edward eester@unr.edu Psychology Neuroscience
Etezadi-Amoli, Mehdi etezadi@unr.edu Electrical and Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering
Etezadi-Amoli, Neda netezadiamoli@med.unr.edu Medical School: OB-GYN Reno Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology
Etienne, Vadricka vetienne@unr.edu Sociology Sociology, Gender, Race, and Identity
Etyemezian, Vicken vic.etyemezian@dri.edu DRI: Vice President Atmospheric Sciences
Eubank, William bille@unr.edu Political Science Political Science, Public Administration
Eubanks, Steven seubanks@unr.edu Music Music
Evans, Allison allisonevans@unr.edu Political Science Political Science, Public Administration
Evans, William P. wevans@unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Human Development Family Science, Information Technology (Education), Nutrition, , Social Psychology
Everett, Pam peverett@unr.edu Criminal Justice Criminal Justice
Evrensel, Cahit cahit@unr.edu Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering
Fadali, Mohammed S. fadali@unr.edu Electrical and Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering
Fajri, Poria pfajri@unr.edu Electrical and Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering
Falke, Jeff jfalke@unr.edu College of Agriculture, Biotech, Natural Resources Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Fan, Feifei ffan@unr.edu Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Fassbender, Eric efassbender@unr.edu Music Music
Faulds, Jim jfaulds@unr.edu Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Bureau of Mines and Geology Geological Sciences
Favre, Isabelle favre@unr.edu World Languages and Literature World Language and Literature
Feil-Seifer, David dave@cse.unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering, Neuroscience
Feldman, Christoffer ophis@unr.edu Biology Biology, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Felts, M. Todd mfelts@unr.edu Reynolds School of Journalism Journalism
Feng, Jia jiaf@unr.edu Geography Geography
Feng Earley, Yumei yumeifeng@med.unr.edu Pharmacology Nutrition
Fennema, Scott** sfennema@usbr.gov - Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Ferdowsali, Jackie jferdowsali@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Ferguson, Bradley bferguson@unr.edu Nutrition Instruction Environmental Sciences & Health, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Nutrition, Biotechnology, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Ferreira dos Santos, Patricia pfsantos@unr.edu Agriculture, Veterinary and Range Science Instruction Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Biotechnology, Environmental Sciences & Health
File, Patrick pfile@unr.edu Reynolds School of Journalism Journalism
Fisette, Jason jfisette@unr.edu Philosophy Philosophy
Fish, Tracy^^ tfish@unr.edu Art Visual Art
Fisher, Jane E. fisher@unr.edu Psychology Psychology, Psychology-Clinical
Fitch, Amy afitch@unr.edu School of Public Health Epidemiology, Health Analytics & Biostatistics
Fitzgerald, Kelsey^^ kmfitzgerald@unr.edu Reynolds School of Journalism Journalism
Folmer, Eelke efolmer@unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering, Neuroscience
Folt, Brian bfolt@unr.edu College of Agriculture, Biotech, Natural Resources Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Fonseca, Mozart mfonseca@unr.edu Agriculture, Veterinary and Range Science Instruction Nutrition, Animal and Rangeland Science, Environmental Sciences & Health
Forister, Matthew mforister@unr.edu Biology Biology, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Forline, Louis forline@unr.edu Anthropology Anthropology, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Fossen, Frank ffossen@unr.edu Economics Economics
Fournier, Kevin** fournier2@llnl.gov - Physics
Frank, Natia nfrank@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry, Chemical Physics
Franks, Matthew^^ mattfranks@unr.edu Art Visual Art
Freeman, Brenda brendafreeman@unr.edu Human Development, Family Science, and Counseling Counseling, Information Technology (Education), Counseling and Ed Supervision PhD
Fregoso Bailon, Raul rfregosobailon@unr.edu Educational Studies Equity and Diversity in Education
Frese, Steven sfrese@unr.edu Nutrition Instruction Environmental Sciences & Health, Nutrition, Cellular & Molecular Biology, , Animal and Rangeland Science
Fridland, Valerie fridland@unr.edu English English
Friedman, Sarah sfriedman@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health
Fronapfel, Brighid bfronapfel@unr.edu - Special Education
Frost, Brian frost@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry
Fu, Xingang xfu@unr.edu Electrical and Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering
Fu, You youf@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health, Kinesiology
Fuelling, Stephan ** sfuelling@outlook.com - Physics
Furtak-Cole, Eden eden.furtak-cole@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences
Fusco, Katherine kfusco@unr.edu English English
Galek, Kristine kgalek@med.unr.edu Speech Pathology & Audiology Speech Pathology & Audiology
Gallo, Jessica jgallo@unr.edu Educator Preparation Equity and Diversity in Education, Secondary Education
Gander, Robert rgander@unr.edu Theater and Dance Theatre & Dance
Garg, Navneet** navneet.garg@faa.gov - Civil and Environmental Engineering
Garlic, Nicole nlemiregarlic@unr.edu Judicial Studies Judicial Studies, Justice Management
Garn, Joshua jgarn@unr.edu School of Public Health Epidemiology, Health Analytics & Biostatistics
Gatowski, Sophia sophiag@unr.edu Graduate School - Adjunct Social Psychology
Gautam, Mridul mgautam@unr.edu VP Research and Innovation Graduate School
Gayles, Prisca pgayles@unr.edu Sociology Sociology, Gender, Race, and Identity
Gearhart, Amanda amandagearhart@unr.edu Agriculture, Veterinary and Range Science Instruction Animal and Rangeland Science
Geary, Laina lgeary@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry
Gehrke, Steve sgehrke@unr.edu English English
Gelman, Jeremy jgelman@unr.edu Political Science Political Science
Gifford, Justin jdgifford@unr.edu English English
Gillies, John A. jack.gillies@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences
Giordano, Marco marco.giordano@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences
Goin, Peter^^ pgoin@unr.edu Art Visual Art
Gonzales, Albert albertgonzales@med.unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Biotechnology
Gordon, Stacia staciag@unr.edu Geological Sciences and Engineering Geological Sciences
Gorham, Ab^^ agorham@unr.edu Black Rock Press Visual Art
Gorzalski, Andrew andrewg@unr.edu Associate VP Research Office Biotechnology
Gould, Thomas tgould@med.unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Neuroscience
Grainger, Nathan ngrainger@unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology
Granner, Michelle mgranner@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health, Nutrition
Green, Mark mark.green@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences
Green, Roger rogergreen@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Greenberg, Jonathan jgreenberg@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Greenwald, Ashley** agreenwald@unr.edu Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Center for Excellence in Disabilities Special Education
Greer, CJ^^ cjgreer@unr.edu Music Music
Greiner, Miles greiner@unr.edu Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Griffin, Timothy tgriffin@unr.edu Criminal Justice Criminal Justice, Justice Management
Griswold, Mary Tabor tgriswold@med.unr.edu Office of Statewide Initiatives Medicine
Groth, Cary cgroth@unr.edu College of Business Business-MBA
Guerrero, Federico guerrero@unr.edu Economics Economics
Guild, Ivy^^ iguild@unr.edu Art Visual Art
Gulia-Nuss, Monika mgulianuss@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Neuroscience, Biotechnology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology
Gumus, Mehmet mgumus@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Gustin, Mae S. mgustin@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences, Hydrologic Sciences, Environmental Sciences & Health
Gutierrez, Rose Ann roseanng@unr.edu Educational Studies Equity and Diversity in Education
Guyer, Robert** guyer@physics.umass.edu - Physics
Hadj Nacer, Mustafa mhadjnacer@unr.edu Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Hagerstrom, Glenn ghagerstrom@unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Nursing
Haigh, Sarah shaigh@unr.edu Psychology Neuroscience
Hajj, Elie elieh@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Halford, Joseph jhalford@unr.edu Finance Finance, Business-MBA, Business PhD-Finance
Halt, Hans^^ hhalt@unr.edu Music Music
Hamblin, Terra thamblin@unr.edu Center for the Application of Substance Abuse Technologies Human Development Family Science
Hamilton, Bryan bryan_hamilton@nps.gov Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Hammond, William (Bill) whammond@unr.edu Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Bureau of Mines and Geology Geological Sciences
Hanan, Erin ehanan@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences, Environmental Sciences & Health, , Hydrologic Sciences
Hand, Adam adamhand@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Hand, Emily emhand@unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering, Neuroscience
Hanigan, David dhanigan@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences & Health, Hydrologic Sciences
Hanna, Alexis alexishanna@unr.edu Management Business-MBA, Business PhD-Management
Hanna, James jhanna@unr.edu Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Hanna Daftary, Ashley-Marie ahanna@unr.edu Social Work Social Work
Hannan, Miya^^ miyah@unr.edu Art Visual Art
Harper, Jeff jfharper@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Biotechnology
Harpold, Adrian aharpold@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Hydrologic Sciences, Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Harris, Frederick (Fred) fred.harris@unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering, Neuroscience
Harris, Thomas harris@unr.edu Management Public Health, Economics
Harry, Debra dharry@unr.edu Gender, Race and Identity Gender, Race, and Identity
Hartshorn, Ian ihartshorn@unr.edu Political Science Political Science
Harvey, Robert rdharvey@med.unr.edu Pharmacology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Biotechnology
Hatchett, Bejamin benjamin.hatchett@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences
Hattori, Eugene hattori@unr.edu Anthropology Anthropology
Hausner, Mark mark.hausner@dri.edu DRI: Hydrology Hydrologic Sciences
Hayes, Jack P. jhayes@unr.edu Biology Biology, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Hayes, Steven C. hayes@unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Psychology, Psychology-Behavioral Analysis
Hazlett-Stevens, Holly hhazlett@unr.edu Psychology Psychology, Psychology-Clinical
Heaton, Jill jheaton@unr.edu Office of the Provost Geography, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Heggli, Anne anne.heggli@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences, Hydrologic Sciences
Heglund, Andrew aheglund@unr.edu Music Music
Heinemann, Angela aheinemann@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health, Kinesiology
Heinitz, Claire** claireheinitz@ars.usda.edu - Biochemistry
Hendrick, Catherine Emily ehendrick@unr.edu - Public Health
Herald, Chris herald@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Hernandez, Juan juancarlosg@unr.edu Art Visual Art
Hernandez, Karla karlah@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biochemistry, Biotechnology
Hertel, Ahren^^ ahrenh@unr.edu Art Visual Art
Hess, Andrew ahess@unr.edu Agriculture, Veterinary and Range Science Instruction Animal and Rangeland Science
Hess, David dhess@med.unr.edu Pathology Cellular & Molecular Biology
Hibbard, Shannon Shannon.Hibbard@dri.edu DRI: Earth and Ecosystem Science Hydrologic Sciences
Higgins, Natalie nhiggins@unr.edu Music Music
Highison, Gregory J. ghighison@med.unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Medicine
Hiibel, Sage shiibel@unr.edu Chemical and Materials Engineering Hydrologic Sciences, Chemical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering
Hill, Aaron aaronhill@unr.edu Music Music
Hill, Jen jmhill@unr.edu English English
Hinton, Scott^^ shinton@unr.edu Art Visual Art
Hintz, Carrie chintz@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Hitchcock, Mick** mickhitchcock@gilead.com - Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology
Hobson, Emily ehobson@unr.edu Gender, Race and Identity History, Gender, Race, and Identity
Hockett, Bryan** bryan_hockett@nv.blm.gov Anthropology Anthropology
Hoekman, Kent kent.hoekman@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science - Emeritus Environmental Sciences & Health, Atmospheric Sciences
Hogan, Zeb zhogan@unr.edu Biology Biology, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Hollander, Jennifer jhollander@unr.edu Biology Biology, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Holston, Ezra eholston@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing, Neuroscience
Hope-Weeks, Louisa lhope-weeks@unr.edu College of Science Chemistry
Hosseinpour, Farnaz farnaz.hosseinpour@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences
Houmanfar, Ramona ramonah@unr.edu Psychology Psychology, Psychology-Behavioral Analysis
Howard, Christie cjhoward@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Hoy, Jennifer jhoy@unr.edu Biology Neuroscience, Biology, Cellular & Molecular Biology, , Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Hu, Jinyu jinyuh@unr.edu Management Business-MBA, Business PhD-Management
Hu, Rui ruihu@unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering
Huang, Jing Jing jingjingh@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Hudig, Dorothy dhudig@med.unr.edu Microbiology Cellular & Molecular Biology
Hudson, Jim jim.hudson@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences
Huerta Moreno, Lydia lhuertam@unr.edu Gender, Race and Identity Communication Studies, Gender, Race, and Identity
Huff, Rachel** rachelhuff@unr.edu Social Work Social Work
Huntington, Justin justin.huntington@dri.edu DRI: Hydrology Hydrologic Sciences
Hurtado, Paul phurtado@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Huslage, Melody mhuslage@unr.edu Social Work Social Work
Hutsler, Jeffrey jhutsler@unr.edu Psychology Psychology, Psychology-Cognitive Brain Science, Neuroscience
Inestrillas, Maria (Mar) mar@unr.edu World Languages and Literature World Language and Literature
Ingram, Callum callumi@unr.edu Political Science Political Science, Public Administration
Irujo Ametzaga, Xabier irujo@unr.edu Center for Basque Studies Basque Studies
Isabelli, Casilde isabelli@unr.edu College of Liberal Arts World Language and Literature
Ivanov, Vladimir ivanov@unr.edu Physics Physics
Ives, Bob rives@unr.edu Educator Preparation Special Education & Disabilities Studies, Special Education, Equity and Diversity in Education
Jabuka, Stanislav jabuka@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Jackson, Mark markjackson@unr.edu Accounting Accountancy
Jacobs, Nicole nnjacobs@med.unr.edu Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences - Reno Psychiatry
Jarrell, Melissa mjarrell@unr.edu Criminal Justice Criminal Justice
Jasoni, Richard richard.jasoni@dri.edu DRI: Earth and Ecosystem Science Hydrologic Sciences
Jazwa, Christopher cjazwa@unr.edu Anthropology Anthropology
Jeffrey, Chris cjeffrey@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Jennings, Enid ejennings@med.unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health
Jeon, Hyo Jin (Jean) hjeon@unr.edu Marketing Justice Management, Business-MBA
Jeon, Hyun-Joo hyunjooj@unr.edu Human Development, Family Science, and Counseling Human Development Family Science, Information Technology (Education)
Jeyakumar, Angeline ajeyakumar@unr.edu Nutrition Instruction Nutrition, Environmental Sciences & Health
Jiang, Fang fangj@unr.edu Psychology Psychology-Cognitive Brain Science, Psychology, Biomedical Engineering, , Neuroscience
Jiang, Yanyao yjiang@unr.edu Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Jin, Yifei yifeij@unr.edu Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
John, David** djohn@usgs.gov - Geological Sciences
Johnson, Brad bradjohnson@unr.edu Political Science Political Science
Johnson, Christine ckjohnson@unr.edu Anthropology Geography
Jones, Daniel djones2@unr.edu Management Business-MBA, Social Psychology, Business PhD-Management
Jones, Peter peterjones@med.unr.edu Pharmacology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Joshi, K.D. kjoshi@unr.edu Information Systems Information Systems, Business PhD-Information Systems
Jowitt, Simon sjowitt@unr.edu Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Bureau of Mines and Geology Geological Sciences
Jun, Yoon-Bae yoonbaej@unr.edu School of Public Health Health Analytics & Biostatistics
Kallu, Raj rkallu@unr.edu Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Mining Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Kantsyrev, Victor victor@unr.edu Physics Physics
Kaplan, Michael mike.kaplan@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences
Karam, Fares fkaram@unr.edu Educational Studies English Language Learners, Literacy Studies PhD
Karsy, Michael** michael.karsy@hsc.utah.edu - Cellular & Molecular Biology
Kaul, Mala mkaul@unr.edu Information Systems Information Systems, Business PhD-Information Systems
Ke, Li lke@unr.edu Educator Preparation STEM in Education, Curriculum and Instruction Ph.D.
Keegan, Kaitlin kkeegan@unr.edu Geological Sciences and Engineering Geological Sciences, Hydrologic Sciences
Keller, Renata renatakeller@unr.edu History History
Kelley, Jonathan** kelley@international-survey.org - Sociology
Kelley, Richard rkelley@unr.edu Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Center for Applied Research Computer Science and Engineering
Kelley, Scott scottkelley@unr.edu Geography Geography
Kelly, Tynan tbkelly@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Kemmelmeier, Markus markusk@unr.edu Graduate School Social Psychology, Sociology, Justice Management
Keniston, Ann keniston@unr.edu English English
Kennedy, Maureen** mkenn@uw.edu - Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Kenny, John** johnkenney@cui.edu - Physics
Kent, Graham gkent@unr.edu Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Seismological Laboratory Geological Sciences, Mineral Resource Engineering
Keppelmann, Edward C keppelma@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Keyes, Sarah sarahkeyes@unr.edu History History
Khan, M. Rashed mrkhan@unr.edu Chemical and Materials Engineering Chemical Engineering, Neuroscience, Biomedical Engineering
Khlystov, Andrey andrey.khlystov@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences, Environmental Sciences & Health
Kidd, Thomas tkidd@unr.edu Biology Biology, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, , Neuroscience
Kilkenny, Frances** ffkilkenny@fs.fed.us - Biology
Kim, Eunhee (Annie) anniekim@unr.edu Management Business-MBA, Business PhD-Management
Kim, Jung Hwan jungkim@unr.edu Biology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Neuroscience, Biology
Kim, Kwang kwang.kim@unlv.edu UNLV: Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Kim, Narae naraek@unr.edu Reynolds School of Journalism Journalism
Kim, Eric erickim@med.unr.edu School of Medicine Cellular & Molecular Biology
King, Benjamin king@chem.unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry, Chemical Physics
Kirkpatrick, Jamie jkirkpatrick2@unr.edu Geological Sciences and Engineering Geological Sciences
Kirn, Adam akirn@unr.edu Electrical and Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Elementary Education, , Reading, Curriculum & Instruction
Klenke, Chrissy cklenke@unr.edu Library Reno Campus Geography
Klingler, Kelly** kklingler@umass.edu - Biology
Ko, In Hwan inhwanko@unr.edu Political Science Political Science
Koebele, Elizabeth ekoebele@unr.edu Political Science Political Science, Environmental Sciences & Health, Public Administration, , Hydrologic Sciences
Koehler, Rich rkoehler@unr.edu Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Bureau of Mines and Geology Geological Sciences
Koh, Eunkang^^ ekoh@unr.edu Art Visual Art
Koh, Sang Don skoh@med.unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology
Kohlenberg, Barbara bkohlenberg@med.unr.edu Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences - Reno Psychiatry
Kokenge, Molly mkokenge@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Koning, Stephanie skoning@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health
Kosma, Dylan dkosma@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Biotechnology, Environmental Sciences & Health
Kozel, Tom tkozel@med.unr.edu Microbiology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Biotechnology
Kozubowski, Tomasz tkozubow@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Kratsch, Heidi hkratsch@unr.edu Northern Area Extension Nutrition, Environmental Sciences & Health
Kratt, Chris krattc@unr.edu Geological Sciences and Engineering Hydrologic Sciences, Geological Sciences
Kraus, Richard rkraus@unr.edu Physics Physics
Kreamer, David dave.kreamer@unlv.edu UNLV: Geoscience Hydrologic Sciences
Kreemer, Cornelis cornelisk@unr.edu Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Bureau of Mines and Geology Geological Sciences
Kreplin, Karl** kwkreplin@att.net - Sociology
Krueger , Ben benjaminkrueger@unr.edu Communication Studies Communication Studies
Kumbhat, Mohit mkumbhat@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Kumjian, Alex alex@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Kupo, Leilani lkupo@unr.edu Dean of Students Office Educational Leadership & Higher Education Administration
Kwon, Paul pkwon@unr.edu Psychology Psychology-Clinical
La, Hung (Jim) hla@unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering
Lacy, Katherine katherinelacy@unr.edu Economics Economics
LaMarca, Paul** plamarca@washoe.k12.nv.us Graduate School Social Psychology
Lamberg, Teruni terunil@unr.edu Educator Preparation Elementary Education, Reading, Curriculum & Instruction
Lancaster, Cynthia cynthialancaster@unr.edu Psychology Psychology-Clinical, Information Technology (Education), Neuroscience
Lansing, Amy** amyhugheslansing@uvm.edu - Social Psychology
Lanterman, Jennifer jlanterman@unr.edu Criminal Justice Criminal Justice
Laplace, Patrick plaplace@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Lareau, Neil nlareau@unr.edu Physics Atmospheric Sciences, Physics
Larson, Cheryl cheryll@med.unr.edu Speech Pathology & Audiology Speech Pathology & Audiology
LaTourrette, Nancy (MS committee only) nancy@unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering
Lau, Pan Shun plau@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Lawson, Daryl dlawson@unr.edu Kinesiology Kinesiology
Leary, Bret rleary@unr.edu Marketing Business-MBA
Leblanc, Normand nleblanc@med.unr.edu Pharmacology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Lee, Angela alee3@unr.edu Sociology Justice Management
Lee, Janice janicelee@unr.edu Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Center for Excellence in Disabilities Human Development Family Science
Lee, Joonhee joonheel@unr.edu Physics Physics, Chemical Physics
Lee, Samuel samuellee@med.unr.edu Internal Medicine - Reno Cellular & Molecular Biology
Leger, Elizabeth lelizabeth@unr.edu Biology Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Legleiter, Justin jlegleiter@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Biotechnology
Leitner, David M. dml@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry, Chemical Physics
Lembke, Ron ronlembke@unr.edu Marketing Business-MBA
Leonard, Anne anneleonard@unr.edu Biology Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Neuroscience, Biology
Leone, Matthew mleone@unr.edu Criminal Justice Judicial Studies, Criminal Justice, Justice Management
Leonhardt, James jleonhardt@unr.edu Marketing Business-MBA
Lescroart, Mark mlescroart@unr.edu Psychology Neuroscience
Lewis, Kristin kristina2@unr.edu Physics Physics
Lewon, Matthew mlewon@unr.edu Psychology Psychology-Behavioral Analysis, Neuroscience
Li, Bin binl@unr.edu - Materials Science and Engineering
Li, Dingsheng dingshengl@unr.edu School of Public Health Environmental Sciences & Health, Epidemiology, Health Analytics & Biostatistics
Li, Li lili@unr.edu School of Public Health Epidemiology, Environmental Sciences & Health, Health Analytics & Biostatistics
Li, Sabrina feili@unr.edu Management Business-MBA, Business PhD-Management
Li, Wenzhen** wenzhenl@unr.edu Office of Digital Learning Information Technology (Education)
Li, Yifei yifeil@unr.edu Finance Finance
Li, Zhizhong Z zzl@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Liebman, Susan sliebman@unr.edu Pharmacology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Neuroscience
Lightner, David lightner@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry
Lindberg, Julianne jlindberg@unr.edu Music Music
Lindsay, Annie alindsay@unr.edu Southern Area Extension Nutrition
Liu, Chunlin liuc@unr.edu Finance Business-MBA, Finance, Business PhD-Finance
Liu, Hongchao** hongchaoliu@ttu.edu - Civil and Environmental Engineering
Liu, Leping liu@unr.edu Educational Studies Information Technology (Education)
Livani, Hanif hlivani@unr.edu Electrical and Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering
Locey, Matthew mlocey@unr.edu Psychology Psychology-Behavioral Analysis, Psychology
Lockhart, Darrell lockhart@unr.edu Office of the Provost World Language and Literature
Logan, Michael michaellogan@unr.edu Biology Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Biology
Loisel, Julie jloisel@unr.edu Geography Geography
Lombardero, Anayansi alombardero@med.unr.edu Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences - Reno Psychology-Clinical
Lombardi, Vincent vlombardi@med.unr.edu Microbiology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Biotechnology
Long, Aren^^ arenl@unr.edu Music Music
Louie, John louie@unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Geological Sciences, Hydrologic Sciences, Environmental Sciences & Health
Louis, Sushil sushil@unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering
Lowman, Jennifer jlowman@unr.edu Student Persistence Research Social Psychology
Lu, Minggen minggenl@unr.edu School of Public Health Epidemiology, Environmental Sciences & Health, Health Analytics & Biostatistics
Lumpkin, Will** wlumpkinp@gmail.com - Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Lutz, Alexandra alex.lutz@dri.edu DRI: Hydrology Hydrologic Sciences, Environmental Sciences & Health, Geography
Ma, Ben benma@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences & Health
Macauley Jr., William wmacauleyjr@unr.edu English English
Maccaux, Monica^^ mmaccaux@unr.edu Art Visual Art
Maclean, Marina mmaclean@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biochemistry
MacNeilage, Paul pmacneilage@unr.edu Psychology Psychology-Cognitive Brain Science, Neuroscience
Madsen, David** dmadsen@unr.edu Anthropology Anthropology
Mahon, Jennifer jmahon@unr.edu Educator Preparation Equity and Diversity in Education, Secondary Education
Maini, Parikshit pmaini@unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering
Majumdar, Sayantan Sayantan.Majumdar@dri.edu DRI: Hydrology Hydrologic Sciences
Makienko, Igor imakienko@unr.edu Marketing Business-MBA
Makoba, Johnson makoba@unr.edu Sociology Sociology
Mancini, Roberto rcman@unr.edu Physics Chemical Physics, Physics
Manifacier, Morgan^^** mmanifacier@unr.edu Music Music
Manning, Jimmie jimmiem@unr.edu Communication Studies Communication Studies
Mao, Weiyu weiyum@unr.edu Social Work Social Work
Maples, Steve smaples@unr.edu Enrollment Services Graduate School
Maragakis, Emmanuel maragaki@unr.edu President's Office - Emeritus Civil and Environmental Engineering
Marchand, Eric marchand@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hydrologic Sciences
Mardock, James jmardock@unr.edu English English
Mariscal, Carlos carlos@unr.edu Philosophy Neuroscience, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Philosophy
Marsh, Shawn shawnm@unr.edu Communication Studies Social Psychology, Judicial Studies, Communication Studies
Marshall, Ashley marshall@unr.edu English English
Martin, Susanne susannemartin@unr.edu Political Science Political Science, Public Administration
Martins, Larissa lamartins@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biochemistry
Mastick, Cynthia Corley cmastick@unr.edu Biology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Nutrition, Neuroscience, Biotechnology
Mastick, Grant gmastick@unr.edu Biology Biology, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Biotechnology, Neuroscience
Mathew, Dennis dennismathew@unr.edu Biology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Neuroscience, Nutrition, , Biology
Matocq, Marjorie mmatocq@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Mays, Chris cmays@unr.edu English English
Mburia, Ingrid imburia@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health Practice
Mburia-Mwalili, Adel adelm@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health Practice
McAfee, Stephanie smcafee@unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Geography, Atmospheric Sciences, Hydrologic Sciences, , Environmental Sciences & Health
McBride, Maureen mmcbride@unr.edu University Writing Center English
McCallen, David dmccallen@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
McCarthy, Catherine mccarthy@med.unr.edu Family and Community Medicine - Reno Basque Studies
McCarthy, Maureen Maureen.mccarthy@dri.edu DRI: Earth and Ecosystem Science Physics, Hydrologic Sciences
McClendon, Jennifer jmcclendon@unr.edu Human Development, Family Science, and Counseling Human Development Family Science
McClinton, Melissa^^ mmcclinton@unr.edu Reynolds School of Journalism Journalism
McConnell, Joe joe.mcconnell@dri.edu DRI Hydrologic Sciences
McCormack, John mccormac@unr.edu Geological Sciences and Engineering Geological Sciences
Mccoy, Scott scottmccoy@unr.edu Geological Sciences and Engineering Geological Sciences, Hydrologic Sciences
McCuin, Gary gmccuin@unr.edu Northern Area Extension Environmental Sciences & Health
McDonough, Frank frank.mcdonough@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences
McEvoy, Daniel daniel.mcevoy@dri.edu DRI: Climatology Atmospheric Sciences
McGregor, Ian imcgregor@unr.edu Educator Preparation Curriculum and Instruction Ph.D., Secondary Education
McGwire, Ken kenm@dri.edu DRI: Geography Hydrologic Sciences, Geography
McIlwain, David davidmcilwain@unr.edu Microbiology Cellular & Molecular Biology
McKee-Ryan, Frances fmryan@unr.edu Management Business-MBA, Business PhD-Management
Mckim, Theresa tmckim@unr.edu Biology Neuroscience
McNeill, Kristen** kmcneill@washoeschools.net - Educational Leadership & Higher Education Administration
McSpadden, James jmcspadden@unr.edu History History
Meadows, Ruth rmeadows@unr.edu Music Music
Medaille, Anna amedaille@unr.edu Library Reno Campus Educational Leadership & Higher Education Administration
Mehrtash, Mahdi mahdim@unr.edu Electrical and Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering
Meiman, Paul pmeiman@unr.edu Northern Area Extension Animal and Rangeland Science
Mejia, John john.mejia@dri.edu DRI: Climatology Atmospheric Sciences
Menezes, Pradeep pmenezes@unr.edu Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Merlino, Mara** mara.merlino@kysu.edu - Judicial Studies, Social Psychology
Meskimen, Karen kmeskimen@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Meyer, Colin** colin.r.meyer@dartmouth.edu - Hydrologic Sciences
Miescke, Kevin kmiescke@unr.edu Music Music
Millar, Constance (Connie)** cmillar@fs.fed.us - Geography
Miller, Elisabeth elisabethmiller@unr.edu English English
Miller, Glenn glennm@unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Environmental Sciences & Health
Miller, Katie katiemiller@unr.edu English English
Miller, Mary^^ mvmiller@unr.edu Music Music
Miller, Monica mkmiller@unr.edu Criminal Justice Social Psychology, Criminal Justice, Justice Management
Misra, Manoranjan misra@unr.edu Chemical and Materials Engineering Materials Science and Engineering, Biomedical Engineering
Mitchell, David david.mitchell@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences
Mitchell, Paul pmitchel@unr.edu Reynolds School of Journalism Journalism
Mitchell, Sarah sarahmitchell@unr.edu Human Development, Family Science, and Counseling Human Development Family Science
Mizael, Tahcita** mtahcita@unr.edu - Psychology-Behavioral Analysis
Mohammed, Fatima fmohammed@unr.edu Information Systems Business PhD-Information Systems
Mohanty, Manoj mmohanty@unr.edu Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Mining Engineering, Mineral Resource Engineering
Montoya, Ignacio ignaciomontoya@unr.edu English English
Moosmuller, Hans hans.moosmuller@dri.edu DRI: Physics Atmospheric Sciences, Chemical Physics, Hydrologic Sciences
Morgan, Christopher ctmorgan@unr.edu Anthropology Anthropology, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Morian, Nathan nathanielm@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Moritz, Gillian gmoritz@med.unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Neuroscience, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Morris, Lesley lesleym@unr.edu Agriculture, Veterinary and Range Science Instruction Animal and Rangeland Science, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Morrissey, Amanda amorrissey@med.unr.edu Speech Pathology & Audiology Speech Pathology & Audiology
Morrow, Weston wmorrow@unr.edu Criminal Justice Criminal Justice
Morse, Dan dmorse@unr.edu English English
Mortensen, Jeff jm@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Mortensen, Jennifer mortensen@unr.edu Human Development, Family Science, and Counseling Human Development Family Science
Morzunov, Sergey smorzunov@med.unr.edu - Cellular & Molecular Biology
Mosier, Greg greg.mosier@unr.edu College of Business Business-MBA
Moss, Diana dmoss@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Motamed, Ramin motamed@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Mousset-Jones, Pierre F. mousset@unr.edu Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Mining Engineering
Moustafa, Mohamed Aly mmoustafa@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Mukhopadhyay, Sankar sankarm@unr.edu Economics Economics
Munoz-Saez, Carolina cmunozsaez@unr.edu Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Bureau of Mines and Geology Geological Sciences
Muntean, John munteanj@unr.edu Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Bureau of Mines and Geology Geological Sciences
Murphy, Marina** marinamurphy@unr.edu Social Work Social Work
Murphy, Nicole murphyn@med.unr.edu Speech Pathology & Audiology Speech Pathology & Audiology
Murray, Alison alison.murray@dri.edu DRI: Biology Environmental Sciences & Health, Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology, , Hydrologic Sciences
Murray, Colleen I. cimurray@unr.edu Sociology Justice Management, Social Psychology, Sociology
Murray, Nicholas nicholasmurray@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health, Neuroscience, Kinesiology
Mushongera, Leslie lmushongera@unr.edu - Materials Science and Engineering
Mutafova-Yambolieva, Violeta vmutafova@med.unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Neuroscience
Nagayama, Taisuke** tnnagay@sandia.gov - Physics
Naidu, Deepika dnaidu@unr.edu Marketing Business-MBA
Naik, Swatee** snaik@nsf.gov National Science Foundation Mathematics and Statistics
Nair, Aditya adityan@unr.edu Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Namkoong, Jae-Eun jnamkoong@unr.edu Marketing Business-MBA
Naranjo, Ramon** rnaranjo@usgs.gov - Hydrologic Sciences
Narayanan, Sandhya snarayanan@unr.edu Anthropology Anthropology
Naziri, Saeedeh snaziri@unr.edu Geological Sciences and Engineering Geological Sciences
Naznin, Most Tahera mnaznin@unr.edu Southern Area Extension Animal and Rangeland Science
Neill, Paul A. paul@unr.edu Physics Chemical Physics, Physics
Nesbit , Mark mnesbit@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry
Nesbitt, Carl carln@unr.edu Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Mining Engineering, Chemistry
Newingham, Beth bnewingham@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Ng, Jennifer jenniferng@unr.edu History History
Nguyen, Tin tinn@unr.edu Chemical and Materials Engineering Computer Science and Engineering, Neuroscience
Nichols, Mark W. mnichols@unr.edu Economics Economics
Nickel, Chenin ctreftz@unr.edu Nutrition Experiment Station Nutrition
Nicolai, Christopher** cnicolai@deltawaterfowl.org - Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Nicolescu, Mircea mircea@unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering, Neuroscience
Nicolescu, Monica monica@unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering, Neuroscience
Niebur, Louis lniebur@unr.edu Theater and Dance Music
Nine, Cara cnine@unr.edu Philosophy Philosophy
Niswonger, Richard** rniswon@usgs.gov - Hydrologic Sciences
Noble, Paula noblepj@unr.edu Geological Sciences and Engineering Geological Sciences, Hydrologic Sciences
Noelle L'Abbe, Ericka** erickalabbe@up.ac.za - Anthropology
Nolin, Anne anolin@unr.edu Geography Hydrologic Sciences, Atmospheric Sciences, Geography
Nomicos, Laura lbarcelosnomicos@unr.edu Psychology Psychology-Behavioral Analysis
Norris, Gary norris@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Notterpek, Lucia lnotterpek@unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Neuroscience
Noyes, Michael mnoyes@unr.edu Judicial Studies Justice Management
Nuss, Andrew nussab@unr.edu Agriculture, Veterinary and Range Science Instruction Environmental Sciences & Health, Animal and Rangeland Science, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Biotechnology
Nussear, Kenneth knussear@unr.edu Geography Geography, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Nystrom, Eric enystrom@unr.edu History History
Oda, Meredith mereditho@unr.edu History History
Odoh, Samuel sodoh@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry, Chemical Physics
O'Donohue, William wto@unr.edu Psychology Psychology
Oikonomidoy, Eleni eleni@unr.edu COEHD Undergraduate Programs Equity and Diversity in Education
Olaziregi, Marijo** mjolaziregi@ehu.es - Basque Studies
Olman, Lynda olman@unr.edu English English
Olson, Eric ejolson@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Olszewski, Abbie aolszewski@med.unr.edu Speech Pathology & Audiology Speech Pathology & Audiology
Oman, Roy roman@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health
Omar, Mitchell momar@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Neuroscience
Or, Dani dor@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Ormerod, Kerri Jean kormerod@unr.edu Geography Geography, Hydrologic Sciences
Ostergard, Robert orobert@unr.edu Political Science Political Science, Public Administration
Ott, Sandra sott@unr.edu Center for Basque Studies Basque Studies
Ouyang, Jenny jouyang@unr.edu Biology Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Neuroscience, Biology
Owen, Aleksa lexowen@unr.edu Social Work Social Work
Owen, Randall randallowen@unr.edu Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Center for Excellence in Disabilities Special Education
Ozuna, Patricia pozuna@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Ozymy, Joshua jozymy@unr.edu Criminal Justice Criminal Justice, Social Psychology
Packham, John jpackham@med.unr.edu Internal Medicine - Reno Sociology, Public Health
Padilla, Angelina angelinapadilla@unr.edu Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Pagilla, Krishna pagilla@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences & Health
Pain, Paro ppain@unr.edu Reynolds School of Journalism Journalism
Pandori, Mark mpandori@med.unr.edu Pathology Cellular & Molecular Biology
Panorska, Anna ania@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics, Hydrologic Sciences
Papa, Anthony** papaa@hawaii.edu - Social Psychology
Papachristos, Christos cpapachristos@unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering
Parashar, Rishi rishi.parashar@dri.edu DRI: Hydrology Hydrologic Sciences, Geological Sciences
Parchman, Thomas tparchman@unr.edu Biology Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Biology
Park, Eugene genep@unr.edu History History
Park, Hyeyeon (Adela) hyeyeonp@unr.edu Music Music
Park, Jeongwon jepark@unr.edu Electrical and Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Engineering
Park, Seri serip@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Park, Sung-Yeon syp@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health
Parker, Katherine^^ katherineparker@unr.edu Music Music
Parker, Lois loisp@unr.edu Counseling Services Psychology
Parker, P. Elliott elliottp@unr.edu Economics Economics
Parks, Troy** tparks@washoeschools.net - Educational Leadership & Higher Education Administration
Parra, Jose** japarra@unr.edu Social Work Social Work
Parvin, Bahram bparvin@unr.edu Electrical and Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Pason, Amy apason@unr.edu Communication Studies Communication Studies
Paul, J. Mike** mpaul@washoeschools.net - Educational Leadership & Higher Education Administration
Pauldine, Michael mpauldine@unr.edu Counseling Services Psychology-Clinical
Pavilionis, Philip ppavilionis@unr.edu School of Public Health Kinesiology
Payne, Pamela ppayne@unr.edu Human Development, Family Science, and Counseling Human Development Family Science
Payne, William wpayne@unr.edu College of Agriculture, Biotech, Natural Resources Environmental Sciences & Health
Pazienza, Annamaria apazienza@unr.edu - History
Pearson, Jennifer jennipearson@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health
Pekcan, Gokhan pekcan@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Pennington, Julie juliep@unr.edu Educational Studies Literacy Studies PhD
Peoples, Clayton peoplesc@unr.edu Sociology Sociology, Social Psychology
Perera, Sandun sperera@unr.edu Marketing Business-MBA
Peres, Anushka aperes@unr.edu English English
Perez, Daniel dperez@unr.edu College of Liberal Arts World Language and Literature
Perez, Lazaro lazaro.perez@dri.edu DRI: Hydrology Hydrologic Sciences
Perrino, Brian bperrino@med.unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Biotechnology
Perrotte, Jean-Paul jperrotte@unr.edu Music Music
Perryman, Barry perryman@unr.edu Agriculture, Veterinary and Range Science Instruction Animal and Rangeland Science, Nutrition
Petereit, Juli jpetereit@unr.edu Associate VP Research Office Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology
Petrone, Floriana florianapetrone@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Petursdottir, Anna apetursdottir@unr.edu Psychology Psychology
Pham, Michael mpham@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - Experiment Station Biochemistry
Phares**, Denis denisp@unr.edu Physics Physics
Philbin, Casey cphilbin@unr.edu Chemistry Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Piasecki, Melissa mpiasecki@med.unr.edu Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences - Reno Psychology
Pilloud, Marin mpilloud@unr.edu Anthropology Anthropology
Pingle, Mark pingle@unr.edu Economics Economics, Business-MBA
Pinsky, Mark A. pinsky@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Piovesan, Gianluca** piovesan@unitus.it - Geography
Pippin, Sonja sonjap@unr.edu Accounting Accountancy, Information Systems, Business-MBA
Plotkin, Richard rplotkin@unr.edu Physics Physics
Pollard, Catherine^^ catherinep@unr.edu Music Music
Poulson, Simon poulson@unr.edu Geological Sciences and Engineering Geological Sciences, Hydrologic Sciences
Pram, Kym kpram@unr.edu Economics Economics
Pratt, Austin^^ austinp@unr.edu Art Visual Art
Pratt, Megan meganpratt@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Pravosudov, Vladimir vpravosu@unr.edu Biology Biology, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Pravosudova, Elena epravosudova@unr.edu Biology Biology
Pretell, Renmin rpretell@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Price, Michael** michealprice@gmail.com - Anthropology
Pringle, Beth epringle@unr.edu Biology Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Biology
Pritsos, Chris pritsos@unr.edu College of Agriculture, Biotech, Natural Resources Nutrition, Environmental Sciences & Health, Cellular & Molecular Biology, , Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology
Pu, Xiaoyu xpu@unr.edu Political Science Political Science, Public Administration
Quilici, David quilici@unr.edu Core Labs Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Quinn, Robert quinn@unr.edu Educator Preparation Secondary Education
Quint, Thomas quint@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Rachlow, Janet** jrachlow@uidaho.edu - Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Raeeszadeh-Sarmazdeh, Maryam maryamr@unr.edu Chemical and Materials Engineering Chemical Engineering, Neuroscience, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Biotechnology
Raffiee, Kambiz raffiee@unr.edu College of Business Economics, Business-MBA
Ramazan, Birant ramazan@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Ramirez Reyes, Carlos cramirezreyes@unr.edu Library Reno Campus Geography, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Randlett, Victoria** vrandlett@tmcc.edu - Geography
Rasmussen, Eric erasmussen@unr.edu English English
Ratliff, Allen aratliff@unr.edu Social Work Psychology-Clinical
Raymond, David** dr@traumabiomechanics.com - Anthropology
Redmond, Miranda mir@berkeley.edu - Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Reed, Josh jreed23@unr.edu Music Music
Reed, Peter psreed@unr.edu Sanford Center for Aging Public Health
Reeves, Matthew** matthewreeves@unr.edu Agriculture, Nutrition and Veterinary Sciences - Experiment Station Animal and Rangeland Science
Renden, Robert rendenr@unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Neuroscience, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Biotechnology
Rhode, David E. dave.rhode@dri.edu DRI: Archaeology Anthropology
Richard, Shannon slrichard@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Richardson, James jtr@unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Judicial Studies, Social Psychology, Sociology, , Justice Management
Riddle, Misty mistyriddle@unr.edu Biology Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Neuroscience
Ridinger, Garret gridinger@unr.edu Management Economics, Business-MBA, Business PhD-Management
Ris, Ethan eris@unr.edu Educational Studies Educational Leadership & Higher Education Administration
Ritter, Lois lritter@unr.edu - Public Health
Rixom, Jessica jrixom@unr.edu Marketing Business-MBA
Ro, Seungil sro@med.unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Biotechnology
Robinson (Richards), Lora lorar@unr.edu Biology Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Biology
Rock, Stephen rock@unr.edu Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Center for Excellence in Disabilities Special Education
Rodo de Zarate, Maria** mrodod@uoc.edu - Basque Studies
Rodrigue, Melodi melodir@unr.edu Physics Physics
Rodrigues, Kathleen Kathleen.Rodrigues@dri.edu DRI: Earth and Ecosystem Science Geological Sciences
Rodriguez, Hannah hannahrodriguez@unr.edu Agriculture, Veterinary and Range Science Instruction Animal and Rangeland Science
Rogers, Christopher chrisrogers@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Rogozen-Soltar, Mikaela mikaelars@unr.edu Anthropology Anthropology
Rojas, Raul rrojasgonzalez@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Rolczynski, Brian brolczynski@unr.edu Chemistry Chemical Physics, Chemistry
Rondel, David drondel@unr.edu Philosophy Philosophy
Ross, Jennifer jcallowayross@unr.edu Human Development, Family Science, and Counseling Counseling, Counseling and Ed Supervision PhD
Rost, Andy arost@unr.edu Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ at Lake Tahoe Hydrologic Sciences
Rousculp, Christopher** rousculp@lan1.gov - Physics
Rowe, Christie rowec@unr.edu Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Seismological Laboratory Geological Sciences
Rudd, Michael mrudd@unr.edu Psychology Psychology-Cognitive Brain Science, Neuroscience
Ruecker, Todd truecker@unr.edu English English
Rüeckert, Claudia crueckert@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Biotechnology
Running Wolf, Myrton mrunningwolf@unr.edu Reynolds School of Journalism Journalism
Ruprecht, Philipp pruprecht@unr.edu Geological Sciences and Engineering Geological Sciences
Ryan, Keri klryan@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Ryan, Robert robertryan@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Nutrition, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology
Rybarski, Susan susan.rybarski@dri.edu DRI: Hydrology Hydrologic Sciences
Ryst, Erika eryst@med.unr.edu College of Education Speech Pathology & Audiology
Ryu, So Young soyoungr@unr.edu School of Public Health Epidemiology, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Environmental Sciences & Health, Health Analytics & Biostatistics
Safford, Hugh** hughsafford@fs.fed.us - Geography
Safronova, Alla alla@physics.unr.edu Physics Physics, Chemical Physics
Saito, Laurel lsaito@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences - Experiment Station Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences, Hydrologic Sciences
Salas Didier, Rachel rgsalas@unr.edu Educational Studies Literacy Studies PhD, English Language Learners
Saltiel, Seth ssaltiel@unr.edu Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Seismological Laboratory Geological Sciences
Samburova, Vera vera.samburova@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences
Sanad, Mohamed msanad@unr.edu Electrical and Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering
Sanchez, Jafeth jesanchez@unr.edu Latino Research Center Educational Leadership & Higher Education Administration
Sanders, Kenton ksanders@med.unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Neuroscience
Sant'Ambrogio, Stephanie^^ ssantambrogio@unr.edu Music Music
Sarantsev, Andrey asarantsev@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Sattarvand, Javad jsattarvand@unr.edu Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Mining Engineering
Savran, William wsavran@unr.edu Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Seismological Laboratory Geological Sciences
Sawada, Hiroshi hsawada@unr.edu Physics Physics
Scheibling, Casey cscheibling@unr.edu Sociology Sociology, Social Psychology
Scheingross, Joel jscheingross@unr.edu Geological Sciences and Engineering Geological Sciences, Hydrologic Sciences
Schmidt, Deena drschmidt@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics, Information Technology (Education), Neuroscience
Schoolman, Edward eschoolman@unr.edu History History
Schulz, Jonathan (Jay) jonathanschulz@unr.edu Psychology Psychology-Behavioral Analysis (Online/Satellite)
Schütz, Luis Fernando lschutz@unr.edu Agriculture, Veterinary and Range Science Instruction Animal and Rangeland Science, Environmental Sciences & Health, Biotechnology
Sciaroni, Rose rsciaroni@unr.edu Honor's Program Music
Scott, G. Richard grscott@unr.edu Anthropology Anthropology
Sebaaly, Peter E. psebaaly@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Sedinger, James jsedinger@cabnr.unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Seibert, David davids@unr.edu Communication Studies Judicial Studies
Seltzer, Nicholas nseltzer@unr.edu Political Science Political Science, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Public Administration
Sengupta, Shamik ssengupta@unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering
Shannon, Amy ashannon@unr.edu Library Reno Campus Nursing
Shapiro, Hugh shapiro@unr.edu History History
Sheehan, Brendan brendansheehan@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Shen, Yantao ytshen@unr.edu Electrical and Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Neuroscience
Sheridan, Robert rss@unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Chemistry
Shimanskaya, Elena eshimanskaya@unr.edu World Languages and Literature World Language and Literature
Shin, Hyung K. shin@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry
Shindell, Deborah shindell@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Shintani, David shintani@unr.edu Office of the Provost Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Shoemaker, Kevin kevinshoemaker@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Short, Nicole Nicole.Short@unlv.edu UNLV: Psychology Psychology-Clinical
Shriver, Robert rshriver@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Siddharthan, Raj siddhart@unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Civil and Environmental Engineering
Sigman-Grant, Madeleine sigman-grantm@unce.unr.edu Southern Area Extension Nutrition
Sikes, Lisa lsikes@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Simmons, Bret simmonsb@unr.edu Management Business-MBA
Singer, Cherie csinger@med.unr.edu Pharmacology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology
Singletary, Loretta singletaryl@unr.edu NV Cooperative Extension Cooperative Extension (Ag Ed), Political Science, Hydrologic Sciences
Sion, Brad brad.sion@dri.edu DRI: Gemorphology Hydrologic Sciences, Geological Sciences
Smilanich, Angela asmilanich@unr.edu Biology Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Biology
Smith, Amy afalksmith@unr.edu Office of Institutional Affairs Special Education
Smith, Geoffrey geoffreys@unr.edu Anthropology Anthropology
Smith, Jeremy** smithnation@gmail.com - Geography
Smith Gagen, Julie jsmithgagen@unr.edu School of Public Health Epidemiology, Health Analytics & Biostatistics
Smithers, Laura lsmithers@unr.edu Educational Studies Educational Leadership & Higher Education Administration
Snider, Katie ksnider@unr.edu Grant Sawyer Center for Justice Studies Social Psychology
Snow, Jacqueline snow@unr.edu Psychology Psychology-Cognitive Brain Science, Psychology, Neuroscience
Snyder, Keirith Ann** kasnyder@unr.edu Agriculture, Veterinary and Range Science Experiment Station Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences, Animal and Rangeland Science
Sokolova, Anna asokolova@unr.edu Economics Economics
Solin, Pavel solin@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Solomon, Juan juansolomon@unr.edu Agriculture, Veterinary and Range Science Instruction Environmental Sciences & Health, Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences, Animal and Rangeland Science
Son, Yeongkwon yeongkwon.son@dri.edu DRI: Environmental Health Atmospheric Sciences, Environmental Sciences & Health
Song, Shunfeng song@unr.edu Economics Economics
Sorensen, Todd tsorensen@unr.edu - Economics
Souza Fonseca da Silva, Carolyn carolynsilva@unr.edu Educator Preparation Curriculum and Instruction Ph.D.
Spicer, Leon** leonspicer@okstate.edu - Animal and Rangeland Science
Srivastava, Pradyumn pstrivastava@med.unr.edu Speech Pathology & Audiology Speech Pathology & Audiology
Stan, Silvia sstan@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - Experiment Station Environmental Sciences & Health, Nutrition, Biotechnology
Stanford, Claire clairestanford@unr.edu English English
Stanley, Jared^^ jaredstanley@unr.edu English English
Stark, Carrie starkc@unr.edu NV Cooperative Extension Human Development Family Science
Stavitsky, Alan ags@unr.edu Reynolds School of Journalism Journalism
Steiner, Adam** amsteine@umich.edu - Physics
Steinmann, Frederick fred@unr.edu Management Economics, Business-MBA
Stevenson, Joshua jstevenson@unr.edu Biology Biology
Stewart, Jessica jstewart@med.unr.edu Speech Pathology & Audiology Speech Pathology & Audiology
Stewart, Kelley KelleyS@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Stiles, Erin estiles@unr.edu Anthropology Anthropology
Stillings, Lisa** stilling@usgs.gov Geological Sciences and Engineering Hydrologic Sciences, Geological Sciences
St-Jules, David stjules@unr.edu Nutrition Instruction Nutrition, Environmental Sciences & Health
Stoddard, Shawn stoddard@unr.edu Economics Hydrologic Sciences
Stokes, DeVon R.** devonrstokes@yahoo.com - Medicine
Stoughton, Julie jstoughton@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Strachan, Scotty sstrachan@nshe.nevada.edu System Computing Services Geography
Strang, Cameron cstrang@unr.edu History History
Strickland, Matthew mstrickland@unr.edu School of Public Health Epidemiology, Environmental Sciences & Health, Health Analytics & Biostatistics
Stringham, Tamzen tstringham@unr.edu Agriculture, Veterinary and Range Science Instruction Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences, Environmental Sciences & Health, Animal and Rangeland Science
Strother, Lars lars@unr.edu Psychology Psychology-Cognitive Brain Science, Psychology, Neuroscience
Struve, Kenneth** kwstruv@sandia.gov - Physics
Stull, Kyra kstull@unr.edu Anthropology Anthropology
SturtzSreetharan, Cindi** cindisturtzsreetharan@asu.edu - Anthropology
Subramanian, Vaidyanathan ravisv@unr.edu Chemical and Materials Engineering Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering
Sullivan, Ben benjaminsullivan@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Hydrologic Sciences, Environmental Sciences & Health, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, , Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Sumby, Paul psumby@med.unr.edu Microbiology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology
Summers, Alicia asummers@unr.edu Social Psychology Social Psychology, Judicial Studies
Sun , Haosen haosens@unr.edu Health Behavior, Policy & Administration Sciences Public Health
Sundali, Jim jsundali@unr.edu Management Business-MBA, Business PhD-Management
Sutter, Chevonne csutter@unr.edu Educator Preparation Special Education, Special Education & Disabilities Studies
Swigart, Tessa** tessasigart@gmail.com - Public Health
Sylvester, Adam David** asylves4@jhmi.edu - Anthropology
Szekely, Brian bszekely@unr.edu Kinesiology Kinesiology
Talaei-Khoei, Amir atalaeikhoei@unr.edu Information Systems Information Systems, Business PhD-Information Systems
Tal-Gan, Yiftah ytalgan@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Tam, Tin-Yau ttam@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Tanenhaus, David david.tanenhaus@unlv.edu UNLV: History Judicial Studies
Tavakkoli, Alireza tavakkol@unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering, Neuroscience
Taylor, Lisa lktaylor@unr.edu Northern Area Extension Environmental Sciences & Health
Taylor, Michael taylor@unr.edu Economics Economics
Taylor, Shanon shanon@unr.edu Educator Preparation Special Education & Disabilities Studies, Special Education
Teglas, Mike mteglas@unr.edu Agriculture, Veterinary and Range Science Instruction Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Animal and Rangeland Science
Telyakovskiy, Aleksey alekseyt@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Thai Tran, Cam Ha camt@med.unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Neuroscience, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology
Thomas, Julie juliethomas@med.unr.edu Family and Community Medicine - Reno Medicine
Thomas, Lisa lmthomas@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Thompson, Jeffrey S. thompsonj@unr.edu Office of the Provost Chemical Physics, Physics
Tian, Zong zongt@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Tittiger, Claus crt@unr.edu College of Agriculture, Biotech, Natural Resources Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Toney, Deric dtoney@unr.edu Psychology Psychology-Behavioral Analysis (Online/Satellite)
Torkelson, Paul ptorkelson@unr.edu College of Liberal Arts Music
Tosun, Mehmet tosun@unr.edu Economics Economics, Business-MBA
Townsend, Dianna dtownsend@unr.edu Educational Studies Literacy Studies PhD
Trugman, Daniel dtrugman@unr.edu Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Seismological Laboratory Geological Sciences
Trump, Rosie rtrump@unr.edu Theater and Dance Theatre & Dance
Tscherbul, Timur ttscherbul@unr.edu Physics Physics, Chemical Physics
Tshimanga-Kashama, Charles ckashama@unr.edu History History
Tsoulfanidis, Nicholas nikost@unr.edu Chemical and Materials Engineering Materials Science and Engineering
Tucker, Matthew matthewtucker@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Chemical Physics
Tull, John** jctull@gmail.com - Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Tung, Ryan rtung@unr.edu Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Turner, John** jturner@nrel.gov - Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Tyler Oberheim, Steven** steven-oberheim@utc.edu UTC: Philosophy Counseling
Upadhyay, Arun aupadhyay@unr.edu - Business-MBA
Urza, Alexandra** alexandrau@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Uz, Dilek dilekuz@unr.edu Economics Economics
Vaczi, Mariann mvaczi@unr.edu Center for Basque Studies Basque Studies
Vahidi, Ehsan evahidi@unr.edu Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Mining Engineering
Van Breugel, Floris fvanbreugel@unr.edu Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering, Neuroscience, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Van Der Linden, (Alexander) Sander avanderlinden@unr.edu Biology Biology, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Neuroscience, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Van Hoesen, Brett bvanhoesen@unr.edu Art Visual Art
Vandergast, Amy** avandergast@usgs.gove - Geography
VanderMolen, Kristin kristin.vandermolen@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Anthropology
Vanderwall, Stephen B. sv@unr.edu Biology Biology, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Varganov, Sergey svarganov@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry, Chemical Physics
Vasquez, Victor vvasquez@unr.edu Chemical and Materials Engineering Chemical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering
Velazquez, Mariana Cecilia marianaceciliav@unr.edu World Languages and Literature World Language and Literature
Verburg, Paul pverburg@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Hydrologic Sciences, Environmental Sciences & Health, Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Verma, Subhash scverma@med.unr.edu Microbiology Cellular & Molecular Biology
Vigil, Debra dvigil@med.unr.edu Speech Pathology & Audiology Speech Pathology & Audiology
Vikre, Peter pvikre@unr.edu Geological Sciences and Engineering Geological Sciences
Villalobos, Elizabeth elizabethvillalobos@unr.edu World Languages and Literature World Language and Literature
Von Bartheld, Chris cvonbartheld@med.unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Neuroscience
Von Nagy, Christopher cvonnagy@unr.edu History Anthropology, History
Voulgaris, Petros pvoulgaris@unr.edu Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Voyles, Jamie jvoyles@unr.edu Biology Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Biology
Waddell, Glenn gwaddell@unr.edu Educator Preparation Secondary Education
Wagner, Karla karlawagner@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health
Wakeling, Brian** bwakeling@ndow.org - Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Walden, Rachael rwalden@med.unr.edu Speech Pathology & Audiology Speech Pathology & Audiology
Waldron, Jack** jackal@playarroyo.com - Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Walker, Barbara bbwalker@unr.edu History History
Wall, Tamara tamara.wall@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Geography
Wallace, Ian iwallace@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - Experiment Station Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Cellular & Molecular Biology, , Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Wallace, Michelle michelle.gallivan-wallace@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Psychology
Walsh, Amber^^ amberwalsh@unr.edu Reynolds School of Journalism Journalism
Walsh, Bridget bridgetw@unr.edu Human Development, Family Science, and Counseling Human Development Family Science, Information Technology (Education)
Walsh, Rochelle rochelleh@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Wan, Lipeng** wanl@ornl.gov - Computer Science and Engineering
Wan, Qi** qwan@medicine.nv.edu - Biomedical Engineering
Wang, Aobo aobow@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Wang, Eric elwang@unr.edu Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering
Wang, Xiaoliang xiaoliang.wang@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences
Wang, Yan yanwang@unr.edu Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Ward, Sean smward@med.unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Neuroscience
Warner, Carolyn carolynwarner@unr.edu Political Science Political Science, Public Administration
Warren, Sean** swarren3@cdc.gov - Mining Engineering
Washington-Allen, Robert rwashingtonallen@unr.edu Agriculture, Veterinary and Range Science Instruction Animal and Rangeland Science, Environmental Sciences & Health
Watson, John G. john.watson@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences
Watters, Robert watters@unr.edu Geological Sciences and Engineering Geological Sciences
Watterson, Thomas L. twatterson@med.unr.edu Speech Pathology & Audiology Speech Pathology & Audiology
Watts, Theresa theresawatts@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Webber, Jim jwebber@unr.edu English English
Weber, Ann annweber@unr.edu School of Public Health Epidemiology, Nutrition, Health Analytics & Biostatistics
Webster, Michael A. mwebster@unr.edu Psychology Psychology, Biomedical Engineering, Psychology-Cognitive Brain Science, , Neuroscience
Weeks, Brandon brandonweeks@unr.edu College of Engineering Computing Center Chemical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering
Weierich, Mariann mweierich@unr.edu Psychology Psychology, Neuroscience
Weigel, Daniel weigeld@unr.edu Office of the Provost - Emeritus Human Development Family Science, Social Psychology
Weikel, Leila lweikel@unr.edu School of Public Health Public Health Practice
Weinstein, Jonathan jdweinstein@unr.edu Physics Physics
Weisberg, Peter pweisberg@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
Welch, Barrett barrettw@unr.edu School of Public Health Epidemiology, Health Analytics & Biostatistics
Welder, Rachael rwelder@unr.edu Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics
Weller, Chuck** chuckweller@washoecourts.us - Judicial Studies
Wen, Lai lwen@unr.edu Pharmacology Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Wesnousky, Steven G. wesnousky@unr.edu Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Seismological Laboratory Geological Sciences
Westhoff, Erica ewesthoff@unr.edu World Languages and Literature World Language and Literature
White, Carolyn clwhite@unr.edu Anthropology Anthropology
White, Paul paulwhite@unr.edu Geography Geography
White, Thomas tgwhite@unr.edu Physics Physics
Wichinsky, Lillian lwichinsky@unr.edu Social Work Social Work
Wieser, Joseph jwieser@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Wiest, Lynda wiest@unr.edu Educational Studies Equity and Diversity in Education, Reading, Curriculum & Instruction
Wigand, Peter** pewigand@gmail.com - Geography
Wilcox, Eric eric.wilcox@dri.edu DRI: Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Sciences
Wilkoff, Sean swilkoff@unr.edu Finance Business PhD-Finance
Williams, Christopher ctw@unr.edu College of Liberal Arts Philosophy
Williams, Joshua jbwilliams@unr.edu Physics Physics
Williams, Perry perryw@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Williams, Valerie vlw@medicine.nevada.edu Office for Faculty Medicine
Wilson, Kevin** kevin.wilson@okcu.edu - Music
Wilson, Steven** stevenwilson@brandeis.edu - Political Science
Windsor, Leah** leahwindsor@memphis.edu - Political Science
Winn, James F. jamesw@unr.edu Music Music
Wong, Jeff jawong@unr.edu Accounting Accountancy, Information Systems, Business-MBA
Woodard, Stephanie** stephaniewoodard@guinncenter.org - Public Health
Woodliff, Tricia twoodliff@unr.edu Human Development, Family Science, and Counseling Counseling
Wriston, Teresa teresa.wriston@dri.edu DRI: Mathematics and Statistics Anthropology
Wu, Qun qunw@unr.edu Finance Business-MBA, Business PhD-Finance
Wu, Rui** WUR18@ecu.edu - Computer Science and Engineering
Wudarski, Jakub jwudarski@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biochemistry
Xu, Hao haox@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Xu, Hao haoxu@unr.edu Electrical and Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering
Yan , Feng fyan5@uh.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering
Yang, Alan alany@unr.edu Information Systems Information Systems, Business PhD-Information Systems
Yang, Jingjing jingjingy@unr.edu Economics Economics
Yang, Lei leiy@unr.edu Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering
Yang, Wei weiyang@unr.edu School of Public Health Epidemiology, Nutrition, Environmental Sciences & Health, Health Analytics & Biostatistics
Yang, Ying yingy@unr.edu Chemistry Chemistry, Chemical Physics
Yang, Yu (Frank) yuy@unr.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering Hydrologic Sciences, Environmental Sciences & Health, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Yang, Yueran yuerany@unr.edu Psychology Social Psychology
Yelenik, Stephanie syelenik@unr.edu Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Yerka, Melinda myerka@unr.edu Agriculture, Veterinary and Range Science Instruction Animal and Rangeland Science, Biotechnology
Yildiz, Serhat syildiz@unr.edu Finance Business-MBA, Finance, Business PhD-Finance
Yim, Won Cheol wyim@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology, Biotechnology
Yimmee, Suchawadee syimmee@unr.edu Orvis School of Nursing Nursing
Yoon, Ji Hwan jihwany@unr.edu Electrical and Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Engineering, Electrical Engineering
York, Robert** ryork@berkeley.edu - Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences
Young, Benjamin benjaminyoung@unr.edu Philosophy Neuroscience, Philosophy
Young, Craig dcraigy@unr.edu Anthropology Anthropology
Yu , Guo Guo.Yu@dri.edu DRI: Hydrology Hydrologic Sciences
Yun, Gi Woong gyun@unr.edu Reynolds School of Journalism Journalism
Zandawala, Meet mzandawala@unr.edu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Neuroscience, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Biotechnology
Zanjani, Esmail D. ezanjani@unr.edu Agriculture, Nutrition and Verinary Sciences Medicine
Zare Harofteh, Azimeh azimeh.zareharofteh@dri.edu DRI: Physics Atmospheric Sciences
Zeng, Hongchao hzeng@unr.edu Finance Finance
Zhang, Jun jun@unr.edu Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Zhang, Xiyue xiyuez@unr.edu Physics Atmospheric Sciences, Physics
Zhao, Dongfang dzhao@unr.edu - Computer Science and Engineering
Zheng, Yufeng yufengz@unr.edu - Materials Science and Engineering
Zhou, Tong tongz@med.unr.edu Physiology and Cell Biology Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology
Zhu, Xiaoshan xzhu@unr.edu Electrical and Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Neuroscience
Zuza, Andrew azuza@unr.edu Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Bureau of Mines and Geology Geological Sciences