
Bylaws of the Management Department


1. Mission and Strategic Priorities


2. Authorization, Scope, and Amendments

  1. These Bylaws provide for the organizational and administrative structure and personnel policies and procedures for the faculty of the Management Department in the College of Business at the Βι¶ΉΣ³»­, and shall be consistent with and conform to the College of Business Bylaws, Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Bylaws, The Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ System of Higher Education (NSHE) Code, the laws of the State of Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ and the laws of the United States. These Bylaws are a statement of general policy and are not contractual in nature.
  2. The purposes of these Bylaws are to establish:
    1. expectations and responsibilities of faculty members in the Department,
    2. procedures for evaluating faculty performance,
    3. criteria for promotion in rank, tenure, and commendation for merit,
    4. procedures for meetings of the Department,
    5. duties of and procedures for the selection of standing Department committees,
    6. duties of and procedures for the selection of the Department Chair,
    7. search procedures, and
    8. promotion of diversity and inclusion, academic freedom, shared governance and transparency.
  3. Amendment of these Bylaws shall be in force upon:
    1. approval by two-thirds of those members of the Department faculty who vote in a fair, written, and secret ballot;
    2. review by the College Bylaws Committee; and
    3. approval by the Approved department bylaws shall be made available to all faculty by the Department.
  4. Any member of the Department faculty, as defined by these Bylaws, or the Dean of the College, may propose amendments to the Bylaws. A proposed amendment shall be submitted in writing (either on paper or via email) to the Department Chair. The proposed amendment shall be reviewed by the Department Bylaws Committee to determine consistency with the College of Business and University Bylaws. If the proposed amendment is consistent with them, the amendment shall be distributed to the faculty; otherwise, the amendment will be referred back to the person who submitted it for the appropriate revisions. Any proposed amendment shall be adopted upon successful approval as outlined in II.C above.

3. Interpretation of the Bylaws

Questions of the interpretation of these Bylaws shall be directed to the Department Chair.

Where a member of the faculty disagrees with the Department Chair’s interpretation of the Bylaws, the member of the faculty may request an interpretation of the Bylaws from the Department Bylaws Committee by submitting a request in writing (either on paper or via email) to the committee. The Department Bylaws Committee shall respond to this request in writing (either on paper or via email) within two weeks of its receipt. If the member disagrees with the Committee’s response, the member may appeal to the Dean.

In the event of any conflict, the College Bylaws, University Bylaws, the Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ System of Higher Education (NSHE) Code, the laws of the State of Βι¶ΉΣ³»­, or laws of the United States shall prevail, as appropriate.


4. Expectations and Responsibilities of Faculty

  1. Faculty of the Management Department shall have all rights of academic freedom provided by the Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ System of Higher Education Code and the Bylaws of the University and College.
  2. Department faculty shall include all academic and administrative faculty on annual contracts that assign at least 5 Full-Time-Equivalent (FTE) of their position to the Department, excluding visiting faculty on leave from other universities and those faculty who have received a notice of nonrenewal from the university. The academic faculty includes all tenure track and non-tenure track faculty.
    Temporary faculty consist of instructors hired on Letter of Appointment, Letter of Appointment with Benefits, or one year or less non-renewable contracts.
    Membership of faculty shall be effective from the date of initial appointment as determined by that faculty member's contract of appointment.
  3. For voting on proposed Bylaws changes and on any other matter regarding the Department, all faculty on 0.5 FTE or greater contracts are allowed to vote, including:
    1. Tenure track faculty,
    2. Administrative faculty (0.5 FTE or greater),
    3. Lecturer on continuing contract (0.5 FTE or greater),
    4. Renewable Contingent Upon Funding (RCUF) faculty after 3 years (0.5 FTE or greater),

    A two-thirds majority will be construed to mean two thirds of the votes cast, and a simple majority will mean half (50%) of the votes cast.

  4. Individual faculty in the Department have a general, collegial responsibility to demonstrate intellectual and academic development and Criteria for demonstrating fulfillment of these responsibilities shall be the basis of annual evaluation of faculty performance.

5. Annual Evaluation of Faculty Performance

    1. Academic faculty shall be evaluated on their teaching performance, their research contributions to the field of Management and related disciplines, and their service to the Department, College, University, the State, and the community as a whole, consistent with their role
    2. All members of the Department faculty shall submit a role statement to the Chair at the beginning of each calendar The Chair shall then review the role statements of all faculty to ensure that these are compatible with the mission statement; the Chair may request the faculty member to revise their role statement accordingly.

      The role statement should be a general statement of the faculty member's intended allocation of effort for the coming year with regard to teaching, research, and service. In particular, the role statement should indicate any major departure from the normal teaching, research, and service responsibility of the faculty member. As such, the role statement is a written understanding between the faculty member and the Chair regarding the general allocation of time. However, the role statement is not a contract, nor does it any way supersede the standards for merit, tenure, and promotion as expressed in the bylaws of the Department, College, or the University and NSHE code.

    3. The Department Personnel Committee constituted under these Bylaws shall perform an evaluation of the prior year for each member of the faculty based on the criteria in these Bylaws and the College Bylaws. Each Department Personnel Committee member shall review the performance of each faculty member. The Department Personnel Committee shall forward a recommendation on each faculty member to the Chair.
    4. The Chair shall perform an evaluation of each faculty member, other than him or herself, based on the criteria in these Bylaws and the College Bylaws, and after consideration of the recommendations of the Department Personnel Committee.
    5. The recommendations of the Department Personnel Committee and of the Chair for a faculty member shall be provided in writing (either on paper or via email) to that member before the recommendations are forwarded to the Dean. The faculty member will acknowledge in writing (either on paper or via email) that they have received the recommendation within five working days of being informed that their evaluation has been completed.
    6. The Chair shall provide an opportunity for feedback.
    7. The recommendations of the Department Personnel Committee and the Chair, together with any written response by the faculty member, shall be forwarded to the Dean for consideration by the College Personnel Committee.
    8. No member of the Department Personnel Committee shall participate in their own review.
    9. The Department Personnel Committee shall evaluate faculty performance to determine whether an individual faculty member's performance is “excellent,” “commendable,” “satisfactory,” or “unsatisfactory” in each of the three areas of teaching, research, and service and in their overall
    10. If the faculty member disagrees with the annual evaluation then the faculty member shall have the right to follow the university procedure for reconsideration and grievance. In keeping with NSHE Code (Title 4, Chapter 3, Section 4.5).
    11. The evaluation of research shall include but not be limited to:
      1. Publications in refereed academic journals
      2. Publications in refereed practitioner journals
      3. Scholarly books, including:
        1. Scholarly research books
        2. Textbooks
        3. Evidence-based management practitioner books
      4. Publications in proceedings
      5. Grant activity
      6. Presentations at academic meetings
      7. Presentations at practitioner meetings
      8. Working
    12. The evaluation of teaching will include student evaluations and may include but not be limited to:
      1. Course materials
      2. Teaching portfolios
      3. Graduate advising
      4. Student advising and mentoring activities
      5. Professional development activity focused on teaching – participation in TLT workshops, publications, conferences
      6. Self-reflection
      7. External teaching activities including, but not be limited to, supervision of theses and supervision of independent studies.

      Faculty are strongly encouraged to submit at least one additional self-selected method of evaluation to support student evaluations.

    13. The evaluation of service shall include internal, external and community service, including but not limited to the following:

      Internal Service

      1. Serving as Department Chair
      2. Chairing departmental, college, university, and system level committees
      3. Acting as a representative on departmental, college, university, and system level committees
      4. Acting as an advisor to a student organization

      External and Community Service

      Service to the Profession

      1. Serving on the editorial board of an academic and/or professional journal
      2. Paper/book reviews for a journal
      3. Book review for a publisher
      4. Being a track chair or workshop leader at a professional conference;
      5. Serving on committees to review academic programs in other universities;
      6. Paper review for academic and/or professional meetings;

      Service to the Local, Regional, National, and International Community

      1. Serving as an officer or board member of a professional organization
      2. Organizing professional seminars for the business community
      3. Participation in local community services that may include:
        1. Membership on the board or service on a committee of an organization which leverages your expertise in management.
        2. Professional speaking
      4. Continuing Education Instruction and Training
      5. Consulting Reports
      6. Public Testimony
      7. Participation in popular media outlets
      8. Publications in practitioner newsletters
      9. Community service events
      10. Being a track chair or workshop leader at a professional conference
    14. Promotion and tenure applications will be evaluated following the process and criteria specified in the College Bylaws.

6. Department Meetings and Voting Procedures

  1. The faculty of the Department shall meet at least twice each academic Additional meetings will be held at the request of the Dean of the College, the Chair, or upon written request of twenty-five percent of voting faculty members.
  2. If deemed necessary by the Chair, the latest edition of Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern the conduct of Department meetings.
  3. A quorum shall consist of fifty-one percent of all present voting faculty in the Department.
  4. The minutes of the Department Meetings will be prepared by the Department Administrative Assistant and will be distributed to the Department Faculty and to The Dean within 7 days for approval at their next meeting.
  5. On matters requiring a vote of the department faculty, the Chair shall notify the faculty and set a deadline for their If no meeting is called as per section VI.A. of these bylaws, then the chair shall call for a vote by mail ballot. A quorum of fifty-one percent is required for all mail ballots.
  6. Voting by mail ballot shall be subject to the following regulations:
    1. The Chair shall prepare and distribute the ballots no later than fourteen days after the receipt of a petition or request for action
    2. One ballot shall be mailed to each faculty member eligible to vote
    3. The ballots shall be returned to the Department Administrative Assistant using the two envelope method, no later than ten days after the distribution of the ballot. The faculty member must sign the ballot or an envelope in which the ballot is returned
    4. Any faculty member may choose to cast a vote by e-mail to the Department Administrative Assistant in lieu of paper ballot submission. If the majority of faculty attending a Department meeting with a quorum present elect to conduct an entire vote via e-mail, this will replace paper balloting. In the event of an e-mail vote, any faculty member may choose to submit a paper ballot using the two-envelope method.
    5. Within fifteen days after distribution of the ballots, the ballots shall be opened and the votes shall be counted in the presence of the Department Administrative Assistant, the result of the vote shall be reported to the faculty, and a record shall be kept of who voted for seven years. For Department issues, the ballots shall be opened and counted in the presence of the Chair.
  7.  Written Proxies. In the event that a Department meeting is called during a time when a faculty member is unable to attend, the faculty member may submit a written proxy.

7. Department Committees

  1. The Department Personnel, Bylaws, Curriculum, and the Graduate Committees are standing committees within the Other standing committees can be created and dissolved by majority vote of the Faculty, provided that there is a written proposal that describes the committee’s responsibilities, membership, and election.
  2. Ad hoc committees may be formed to perform specific Departmental duties by a majority vote of the faculty. Such committees shall be dissolved upon reporting to the faculty that these duties have been completed.
  3. A Department Personnel Committee shall be elected by secret ballot of voting members of the Department and shall consist of three tenured voting members of the Department. 
    1. Election of the Committee
      1. The faculty of the Department shall elect, in accordance with the voting procedures established in these Bylaws, a Personnel Committee. Personnel Committee members shall serve for a maximum of three years on the Personnel Committee.\
      2. Elections shall be held during the fall semester. In the event of a vacancy, the Chair shall appoint a representative to serve out the term.
    2. Duties of the Department Personnel Committee
      1. The Department Personnel Committee shall elect one of its members as the Chair of the Committee.
      2. The Personnel Committee shall annually evaluate the performance of all members of the Department for the purpose of recommending commendations of merit for individual faculty. The committee shall consider the approved role statements for the prior calendar year in making recommendations for the annual evaluation of faculty.
      3. The evaluations of the Personnel Committee shall be sent to the Chair of the Department, to be forwarded to the College Personnel Committee and to the Dean of the College. These evaluations are advisory.
      4. The Personnel Committee shall also annually evaluate the performance of the Department Chair, and this evaluation shall include consultation with the Department Faculty and classified staff. This evaluation shall be shown to the Department Chair and then sent to the Dean of the College. This evaluation is advisory.
  4. A Department Bylaws Committee shall consist of three voting members of the
    1. Election of the Committee
      1. The faculty of the Department shall elect, in accordance with the voting procedures established in these Bylaws, a Bylaws Committee. Bylaws Committee members shall serve for a maximum of three years on the Bylaws Committee.
      2. Elections shall be held during the fall semester. In the event of a vacancy, the Chair shall appoint a representative to serve out the term.
    2. Duties of the Department Bylaws Committee
      1. The Department Bylaws Committee shall elect one of its members as the Chair of the Committee.
      2. The Department Bylaws Committee shall advise the Chair on any matters relating to the College and Department Bylaws and amendments, including their conformity to the College and University Bylaws and the Code. Upon request of the Chair, the Committee shall further advise the Chair on questions of interpretation of the Department Bylaws.
  5. A Department Curriculum Committee shall consist of three voting members of the Department.
    1. Election of the Committee
      1. The faculty of the Department shall elect, in accordance with the voting procedures established in these Bylaws, a Curriculum Committee. Curriculum Committee members shall serve for a maximum of three years on the Curriculum Committee.
      2. The Department Curriculum Committee shall elect one of its members as the Chair of the Committee.
      3. Elections shall be held during the fall semester. In the event of a vacancy, the Chair shall appoint a representative to serve out the term.
    2. Duties of the Department Curriculum Committee
      1. The major responsibility of the Curriculum Committee shall be to evaluate requests by the Department Faculty to add, remove, or substantially alter courses or curriculum requirements. Course revisions will not normally be reviewed by the Curriculum Committee unless they merit changes to the course descriptions found in the University Catalog.
      2. Recommendations of the Curriculum Committee for specific changes or additions to courses or curriculum requirements shall be sent to the Chair, who shall distribute them to the Department Faculty. A faculty meeting may be called as per Section V.A of these Bylaws to consider and vote on these recommendations. Recommendations of this Committee which are approved by the faculty, or for which no meeting is called, shall be forwarded by the Chair to the College Curriculum Committee for further consideration.
  6. A Department Graduate Committee shall consist of three voting members of the Department who teach 700-level courses in the Department’s graduate program
    1. Election of the Committee
      1.  The tenure-track faculty of the Department shall elect, in accordance with the voting procedures established in these Bylaws, a Graduate Committee.
      2. The Department’s Graduate Director shall serve as an ex-officio member of the committee, and as the committee’s chair.  
        1. The Graduate Director shall be appointed by the Chair and approved by majority vote of the Graduate Committee or, if no Graduate Committee has been established, by the Department.
    2. Duties of the Department Graduate Committee
      1. Upon the request of the Graduate Director, the Graduate Committee shall advise the Director regarding graduate admissions, the assignment of teaching assistants, and other financial aid.
      2. The Graduate Committee shall advise the Department Faculty on matters related to graduate programs, curricula, or policies.
  7. Committee Terms

    Faculty members elected to the Personnel Committee, the Bylaws, the Curriculum Committee, and the Graduate Committee shall serve three-year terms. If any member of these committees is to be absent for less than a year, the Department Chair may appoint a temporary replacement for that period only. If any member of these committees is to be absent for a year or more, the department shall elect an eligible faculty member for the remainder of that member’s term. Any faculty member ending a term on these committees of one year or more is not eligible to serve on that committee for one year.

  8. The Department Chair is an ex officio member of all department committees.

8. Department Chair


9. Annual Review of the State of the Department

In September of each year, members of the Department Bylaws Committee, the Department Curriculum Committee, and the Department Graduate Committee shall meet separately and review the state of the curriculum, the bylaws, and the graduate programs, respectively. Each committee shall prepare and submit a written report to the Chair no later than the first week of October of the same year. The Chair shall prepare a review the state of the Department finances. The Chair shall then prepare a written report on the state of the Department finances, curriculum, bylaws, and graduate programs and submit for faculty review no later than the second week of October in the same year.