Grant FAQs
A-contract faculty members are under contract for the full calendar year (12 months).
B-contract (9 or 10 months) faculty members are under contract for the academic year, usually 168 or 169 days. B-contract faculty are eligible to receive overload salary for time worked on non-contract days. There are usually 81 or 82 non-contract days available for overload assignments. Information on the number of contract and non-contract days available can be found on the Â鶹ӳ» Human Resources website.
You can determine your daily rate by looking up your compensation in your Workday profile. Take your base pay salary divided by the number of contract days (168 or 169).
Visit the Sponsored Projects website for the most recent rates.
If you are paying faculty overload, you will need to determine if part of the overload will go toward retirement (EDA). If this is the case, you will utilize the professional rate and need to ensure the Post-Award Grant Specialist is informed about this information prior to May 1 for first summer session or July 1 for second summer session. Period Activity Pay for EDA needs to be through all Workday approvals prior to May 5 and July 5. Otherwise fringe will be charged as overload without retirement, which is a lower fringe rate.
*If you are PERS faculty, use classified fringe rate instead of professional.
F&A stands for Facilities and Administration expenses necessary to run the University. F&A is a federally negotiated rate assessed to specific grant activities based on the activity type and location. These expenses are indirect costs the University incurs when research, education or outreach projects are performed at the University. F&A is earned based on a percentage of actual expenditures each month. For example, if there are no expenditures made in a month that are eligible for F&A then there will be no F&A earned for that month. Please see “How is my F&A distribution allocated?” for the F&A distribution breakdown. Visit Sponsored Projects website for an overview on F&A costs, expenditures eligible for F&A, and the most recent rates.
Visit the Sponsored Projects website for the approved F&A rates.
Please visit the . You will need to participate in InfoEd Proposal Development Training prior to receiving access.
The University utilizes the policies and rates for travel to include lodging, per diem/meals, and transportation in addition to the University Administrative Manual Sections 1400-1499, Â鶹ӳ» State Administrative Manual and the The State Budget Office Travel Guidance will also identify exceptions for emergencies similar to those put in place during a pandemic. *Be sure to include any anticipated ground transportation and any required parking expenses during your travel in your budget.
You should receive a Workday notification when your award is set up. You can click on the notification, type the award number into the Search box, or click the My Awards worklet.
In Workday, you can access the My Award Budget to Actuals by Ledger Account. Although, this information is not always current as there might be transactions pending approval. It is best to contact the Post-Award Grant Specialist.
If you are traveling in-state/out-of-state a Spend Authorization will need to be completed by the Post-Award Grant Specialist prior to traveling. To do this you will need to provide an estimated amount of your expenses (e.g., transportation, hotel, registration, per diem, etc.), as well as the purpose for traveling. If you are travelling to a conference, you will also need a conference registration agenda that includes the location and dates of the conference.
If you are traveling internationally, an International Travel Request will need to be completed at least 30 days prior to departure. Please provide a copy to the Post-Award Grant Specialist if you choose to complete this yourself.
Once your trip has concluded, you will need to give all your itemized receipts to the Post-Award Grant Specialist for processing an Expense Report for reimbursement.
Please contact Hannah Magleby at immediately with the award number, grant worktag, and the purpose of the request.
During the proposal process, the PI will need to write in a minimum of 12% of the faculty members salary per course release plus fringe. (Visit the Sponsored Projects website for the most recent fringe rates.) They will also need to inform the program coordinator and division director. Once the award is funded, the faculty member’s role statement will need to be revised.
Once the award is funded, the faculty member needs to email the COEHD Fiscal and HR Officer with the details of the grant worktag, total amount to be paid, and length of time. They will process the changes in Workday which will release state funding to be used to hire the LOA. After this is completed, the Dean’s Office will process a transfer of 40% (less 50% of LOA) to the faculty members F&A or grant incentive worktag to be used at their discretion, within university policies, and will roll over from year to year.
Has your funder submitted all documents to Sponsored Projects? Have you submitted an SP-22 to Sponsored Projects? If you are unsure about these questions, contact our Pre-Award Grant Coordinator.
If your proposal includes University personnel in addition to the PI and Co-PI visit Classified Compensation, LOA’s and Post-Doctoral Fellows, Graduate Assistant Stipends.
If the Letter of Intent requires a budget, then you would need it to be processed through InfoEd. While a Letter of Intent to apply for an opportunity does not obligate the University, we want to ensure that we are basing any monetary figures on current rates and in concurrence with University policy. When you input your full proposal, you will need to add the Letter of Intent (LOI) in InfoEd. It is also suggested that you inform the Pre-Award Grant Specialist when submitting a LOI to advise of the deadline for the full proposal for planning purposes.