
Course settings

This page explains the Settings navigation link within your course, where you can easily update and see the different users and sections, and you can also modify the navigation of your course.

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Course settings overview

Please view the following video for a brief overview of the WebCampus Course Settings.


Course details

Clicking on Settings at the bottom of the course navigation menu will take you to the course settings section of the class. The first tab in settings is Course Details. At the top of this page you will see some basic course information, including the course name, course code, time zone, SIS ID, Department, and term.

You will also see the course start and end dates. By default, all courses inherit the start and end dates of the term. However, as the instructor, you can override term dates to give course access to students earlier or extend course dates. Below the dates, you can change the language setting. These settings impact the language on everything within your course except content areas.

The grading scheme settings come next. In order to enable grading schemes in your course, check the box here then click on set grading scheme to select the grading scheme you want. Please note that you must enable a grading scheme in order to use the MyÂ鶹ӳ»­ grade integration tool.

The next few options, including license and visibility, should not be changed unless you have specific reasons for wanting to do so. Please contact the Office of Digital Learning to discuss making changes to these settings.

Keep in mind that you must select Update Course Details at the bottom of the settings page in order for your changes to be applied.

Step-by-step-tutorials and additional information


Importing and copying course content

When your next semester’s course shell becomes available, you may pull content from a previous course into that shell. You can either copy an entire course, or just select specific content that you’d like to copy into the new course. You may also adjust the due dates, meaning if something was due on Monday of week 2 in the fall semester (e.g. September 2), you can automatically adjust due dates for the new class to match (e.g. February 1).

Review the course copy checklist

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Viewing the course roster

Students will automatically be added to your WebCampus course after enrolling via MyÂ鶹ӳ»­. These updates are made four times a day, generally at 8:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m., and 10:00 p.m, although these times may be adjusted during periods of heavy enrollments or changes. To view all users currently enrolled in your class, click on People on the course menu.


Adding a TA

WebCampus allows instructors to add their own TAs, Co-instructors, Observers and Guests into their courses. The person whom you wish to add to one of these roles must have a NetID. Those added as co-instructors or TAs in the course will have access to student grade information. It is your responsibility to ensure that they have received FERPA training prior to granting them access to the course.

To add a TA or co-instructor:

Step 1: Click on the People in the course navigation menu.

Step 2: In the upper right-hand corner, click on the + People button.

Step 3: In the window that opens, type the NetID of the person you would like to add to your course, select the role from the drop-down menu, and click Next.

Step 4: Click on the Add Users button and then click Done to complete the process.


Course navigation menu

Unlike the Global Navigation Menu, which is visible no matter where you are in WebCampus, the Course Navigation Menu is only visible after you enter your course. The Course Navigation Menu allows you and your students to navigate your course.

The Course Navigation Menu will appear to the left of the page, directly next to the Global Navigation Menu, regardless of where you are in your class. You can customize the look of your navigation by reordering or hiding some of the links. To customize the course navigation menu: click on Settings, then click on the Navigation tab. Here you can see all items that are currently listed on your navigation menu. Items can be reordered by dragging and dropping them in the order in which you’d like them to appear.

You can remove items from the menu that students see either by right clicking and selecting “Disable,” or dragging and dropping the item in the hidden list. It’s recommended that you hide any item that you do not use, such as the chat, collaborations, or attendance features. You may also want to hide items that you’d prefer your students not to access, such as the course files. You will need to scroll down and click Save to have your changes to the course navigation menu applied to your course.

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Student view

To see the student's perspective in WebCampus, use Student View to view the course, post and reply to discussions, submit assignments, view grades, view people, view pages, view the syllabus, view quizzes, view the calendar, and view the scheduler (if enabled).

In order to enable Student View, click on Settings on the course menu, then select the Student View button on the right-hand navigation. This will bring you into a page with a bright pink frame; the bright pink lets you know that you are currently in Student View. You can leave Student View by clicking on Leave Student View in the lower right-hand corner of the frame. If you submit any work while operating in Student View, you may wipe out this work by clicking on Reset Student View in the lower right-hand corner of the frame.

Step-by-step tutorials and additional information


  • Each WebCampus course has a separate Test Student account. Whenever you move to a new course, you will need to enable Student View for that course.
  • Once you activate Student View, the Test Student is shown in the Gradebook and SpeedGrader.

Publishing your course

The Course Status can be viewed in the upper right-hand corner of your course homepage. It shows whether the course is published or unpublished; the default setting is unpublished. This means that students are not able to access or see your course.

It might be best to leave your course unpublished while you are building it, and to publish your course only when you are ready for students to enter and view it. This will bar students from seeing the course in progress, and help to avoid confusion that students may have if they see something in draft form that may change in the final version of the class.

To publish your course, simply click on Publish under Course Status.

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