
Psychological testing

Counseling Services may administer a variety of tests and assessments as a part of psychological treatment.

ADHD and learning disability testing

Counseling Services offers comprehensive evaluations for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and learning disabilities. The primary goal of these evaluations is to assess whether a student meets diagnostic criteria for ADHD or a learning disability. The process involves completing an intake packet, clinical and background interview, as well as a number of standardized assessment measures. This multi-method approach will allow the clinician to determine whether criteria for ADHD, learning disability, and/or other disorders (e.g., anxiety, depression) is met.

The process for receiving an evaluation is as follows:

  1. A referral for an assessment is required. Students may obtain a referral from one of two sources. First, if a student has an established relationship with a Counseling Services’ clinician, then that clinician can make a direct referral for testing. Second, students may request a referral from the Disability Resource Center (DRC, 775-784-6000), as Counseling Services works closely with DRC staff with our assessment services. By connecting with the DRC, students may learn that they are eligible for interim academic accommodations while they go through the assessment processes. However, if a student is not interested in learning more about possible accommodations, then there is no need to connect with the DRC. If a student is already receiving services through the DRC, then they can simply request a referral from their DRC counselor.
  2. After being referred for an evaluation, a student will be given an intake packet to complete.
  3. Once the completed packet is returned to Counseling Services, students will be added to an assessment waitlist. Given the high demand for these services, the wait may be up to several months before the first appointment.
  4. After testing has been completed, a student should expect a wait before meeting with the clinician to discuss results and receive a copy of the final report. Please note that there is a $200 fee for an evaluation.

Other types of assessments, such as evaluation for autism spectrum disorder and neuropsychological assessment, are not currently offered at Counseling Services.

If you have any questions about our assessment services, please contact Counseling Services at (775) 784-4648.