
Timetable of events

For students in the Ph.D. program entering with a Bachelor’s Degree, this section gives a recommended schedule for a four to five-year program. The schedule appropriate for students entering the program with a Master’s degree will vary from individual to individual depending on the Chemical Physics requirements that are fulfilled by the student’s record in a Master’s program. Students falling in this category should consult with the research advisor or the director of the Chemical Physics program for a corresponding timetable of events.

First Year of Study

The following must be accomplished by the end of the first year of graduate study:

  1. Take registration examination before registration.
  2. Choose a research director by the end of the second semester and develop a graduate program in consultation with the Graduate Advisory Committee before the beginning of the third semester.

Second Year of Study

The following should be accomplished by the end of the second year of graduate study:

  1. Present first seminar by the end of the third semester.
  2. Complete the required course work (if scheduling permits).

Along with the completion of these requirements, some definite progress in dissertation research should be made by the end of the second year.

Third Year of Study

The comprehensive examinations must be taken within one year after completion of the required courses. Application for admission to candidacy should be filed soon after the comprehensive examination has been passed and other degree requirements have been completed. By the end of the sixth semester, the student has ideally spent two summers, one or two semesters fully, and two semesters partly on the dissertation research. Thus, significant progress in research work should have been made by this time.

Fourth and Fifth Years of Study

The completion of research and writing of the dissertation should be made during the fourth and fifth years. The final oral examination should be completed shortly after the dissertation has been written. This examination should be completed not later than the end of the fifth year.

Additional forms


Every student must purchase a graduation application by the designated deadline: May Graduation, March 1; August Graduation, June 1; December Graduation, October 1. After submission, you will receive an email within 3-8 weeks outlining the result of the graduation review. All candidates for graduation should visit their department advisor to confirm expectations for the final semester. Also visit the Graduation Application website for further details. Find the graduation application on MyÂ鶹ӳ»­ to apply for graduation.

Notification of Completion

This is a generic Doctoral Degree Notice of Completion Form which every student must complete in their graduating semester which relates to the cumulative project (dissertation, professional paper, comprehensive exam). Fill out the sections that apply to your requirements. The advisory committee listed on the program of study signs the form. The notice of completion must be submitted by established deadlines for graduation.