

Honoring the Best

of the College of Agriculture, Biotechnology & Natural Resources

Edward Cruz

Edward Cruz

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Outstanding Senior

The Outstanding Senior Award recognizes graduating students who have excelled academically and have improved leadership in our College.

In 2016, Edward Cruz chose to attend the University because it offered the best resources to help him "become an effective researcher and develop intellectually." He impressed all of us with his focus and determination to reach his goal and was able to start research early in his freshman year in Ian Wallace’s lab. Throughout his time at the University, he contributed research toward understanding the role of a protein shown to be involved in the penetration process of sexual reproduction in plants. This research eventually turned into his senior thesis research project for his major in biochemistry & molecular biology. Edward received many opportunities for professional development and funding during his undergraduate career due to his initiative and self-motivation. After graduation, he is going to continue pursuing his research interests at Princeton University as he works towards his doctorate in molecular biology with the aim to one day teach at the university level.

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