
Garret Ridinger Headshot

Garret Ridinger

Associate Professor of Management


Curriculum Vitae

Research interests

  • Behavioral Economics, Game Theory, Experimental Economics, Behavioral Finance, Business Strategy, Political Economy

Academic employment

Current Positions

  • 2016-present: Assistant Professor, Department of Managerial Sciences, College of Business, Βι¶ΉΣ³»­

Prior Positions

  • 2013-16: Graduate Student Researcher for Michael McBride, UC Irvine
    • Supported by the Army Research Office, MURI Award No. W911NF-11-1-0332
  • 2015: Laboratory Manager, Experimental Social Science Laboratory, UC Irvine
  • 2011-15: Teaching Assistant, UC Irvine
  • 2011: Graduate Research Assistant for Kristin Kleinjans and Radha Bhattacharya, California State University, Fullerton


  • Leonhardt, J. M., Ridinger, G., Rong, Y., Talaei-Khoe, A., 2021. Invincibility Threatens Vaccine Intentions During a Pandemic. PLOS One, 16(10), e0258432.
  • McBride, M., Ridinger, G., 2021. Beliefs Also Make Social-norm Preferences Social. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 191, 765-784.
  • Guerrero, F., Papadovasilaki, D., Ridinger, G., Sundali, J., 2021. Investor Beliefs in the Midst of a Market Crash and the Covid-19 Pandemic: Survey and Experimental Evidence. Decision, 8(4), 295-326.
  • Ridinger, G., 2021. Intentions Versus Outcomes: Fairness and Cooperation in a Sequential Prisoner’s Dilemma with Nature. Games 12(3), 58.
  • Burnham, T., Ridinger, G., Carpenter, A., Choi, L., 2020. Consumer Suggestion Sharing: Helpful, Pragmatic and Conditional. European Journal of Marketing 55, 726-762.
  • Ridinger, G., 2020. Shame and Theory-of-mind Predicts Rule-following Behavior. Games, 11(3), 36.
  • Leary, B.R., Ridinger, G., 2020. Denial without Determination: The Impact of Systemic Market Access Denial on Consumer Power and Market Engagement. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing 39, 99-118.
  • Ridinger, G., McBride, M., 2020. Reciprocity in Games with Unknown Types. In Capra, M., Croson, R., Rigdon, M., Rosenblatt, T., eds., Handbook of Experimental Game Theory, Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Ridinger, G., 2018. Ownership, Punishment, and Norms in a Real-effort Bargaining Experiment. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 155, 382-402.
  • Parker, E., Ridinger, G., 2019. Understanding the Payday Lending Market. In Parker, E., Pietrasienski, P., Tosun M.S., Wachowiak, P., Wojtsiak-Kotlarski, M., eds., Entrepreneurship, Economic Development, and Public Policy- In Search of Synergies, Warsaw School of Economics.
  • Ridinger, G., 2018. Cultural Transmission and Extortion. Games 9(3), 49.
  • Ridinger, G., John R. S., McBride, M., Scurich, N., 2016. Attacker Deterrence and Perceived Risk in a Stackelberg Security Game. Risk Analysis 36(8): 1666-1681
  • Ridinger, G., McBride, M., 2015. Money Affects Theory of Mind Differently by Gender. PLOS One 10(12): e0143973

Courses Taught

  • MGT 496: Strategic Management and Policy
  • MGT 488: Managerial Decision Making and Negotiation
  • BUS 710: Behavioral Game Theory

Conference and Workshop Presentations

  • 2018 Southwest Experimental and Behavioral Economics Conference, Caltech
  • 2017 ESA World Meetings, UC San Diego
  • 2016 Southwest Experimental and Behavioral Economics Conference, UC Irvine Economic Seminar Series, Βι¶ΉΣ³»­
  • ESA North American Conference, Tucson
  • 2015 Experimental Social Science Graduate Student Workshop, UC Irvine
  • Bay Area Behavioral and Experimental Economics Workshop, UC Santa Cruz Theory, History, and Development Seminar, UC Irvine
  • Tuesday Talk Seminar Series, Claremont Graduate University Theory, History, and Development Seminar, UC Irvine ESA North American Conference, Dallas
  • 2014 Brown Bag Workshop, Economic Science Institute, Chapman University 
  • Experimental Social Science Graduate Student Workshop, UC Irvine
  • Bay Area Behavioral and Experimental Economics Workshop, Stanford University
  • ESA International Meetings, Hawaii
  • SABE Annual Conference, Lake Tahoe
  • ESA North American Conference, Ft. Lauderdale
  • Graduate Student Poster Session, Department of Economics, UC Irvine
  • 2013 11th Annual IMBS Graduate Student Conference, UC Irvine
  • Experimental Social Science Laboratory Experimental Workshop, UC Irvine
  • ESA North American Conference, Santa Cruz
  • Graduate Student Poster Session, Department of Economics, UC Irvine

Invited Lectures

  • 2016 "Lectures on Designing and Programming Experiments in z-Tree," Experimental Economics (Graduate Level), UC Irvine
  • "Lectures on Experimental Methods and Design," Data Analysis (Graduate Level), UC Irvine "Experimental Social Science," Gifted Students Academy, UC Irvine
  • 2015 "Experimental Design and Programming for Criminology," Laboratory Experiments for Criminology, 71st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Criminology, Washington D.C.
  • "Experimental Social Science," Gifted Students Academy, UC Irvine
  • 2014 "Experimental Social Science," Gifted Students Academy, UC Irvine
  • 2013 "Lectures on Designing and Programming Experiments in z-Tree," Experimental Economics (Graduate Level), UC Irvine


  • Ph.D., University of California, Irvine, 2016
  • M.A., California State University, Fullerton, 2011
  • B.A., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2007