Behavioral Economics, Game Theory, Experimental Economics, Behavioral Finance, Business Strategy, Political Economy
Academic employment
Current Positions
2016-present: Assistant Professor, Department of Managerial Sciences, College of Business, Βι¶ΉΣ³»
Prior Positions
2013-16: Graduate Student Researcher for Michael McBride, UC Irvine
Supported by the Army Research Office, MURI Award No. W911NF-11-1-0332
2015: Laboratory Manager, Experimental Social Science Laboratory, UC Irvine
2011-15: Teaching Assistant, UC Irvine
2011: Graduate Research Assistant for Kristin Kleinjans and Radha Bhattacharya, California State University, Fullerton
Leonhardt, J. M., Ridinger, G., Rong, Y., Talaei-Khoe, A., 2021. Invincibility Threatens Vaccine Intentions During a Pandemic. PLOS One, 16(10), e0258432.
McBride, M., Ridinger, G., 2021. Beliefs Also Make Social-norm Preferences Social. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 191, 765-784.
Guerrero, F., Papadovasilaki, D., Ridinger, G., Sundali, J., 2021. Investor Beliefs in the Midst of a Market Crash and the Covid-19 Pandemic: Survey and Experimental Evidence. Decision, 8(4), 295-326.
Ridinger, G., 2021. Intentions Versus Outcomes: Fairness and Cooperation in a Sequential Prisoner’s Dilemma with Nature. Games 12(3), 58.
Burnham, T., Ridinger, G., Carpenter, A., Choi, L., 2020. Consumer Suggestion Sharing: Helpful, Pragmatic and Conditional. European Journal of Marketing 55, 726-762.
Leary, B.R., Ridinger, G., 2020. Denial without Determination: The Impact of Systemic Market Access Denial on Consumer Power and Market Engagement. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing 39, 99-118.
Ridinger, G., McBride, M., 2020. Reciprocity in Games with Unknown Types. In Capra, M., Croson, R., Rigdon, M., Rosenblatt, T., eds., Handbook of Experimental Game Theory, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Ridinger, G., 2018. Ownership, Punishment, and Norms in a Real-effort Bargaining Experiment. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 155, 382-402.
Parker, E., Ridinger, G., 2019. Understanding the Payday Lending Market. In Parker, E., Pietrasienski, P., Tosun M.S., Wachowiak, P., Wojtsiak-Kotlarski, M., eds., Entrepreneurship, Economic Development, and Public Policy- In Search of Synergies, Warsaw School of Economics.
Ridinger, G., 2018. Cultural Transmission and Extortion. Games 9(3), 49.
Ridinger, G., John R. S., McBride, M., Scurich, N., 2016. Attacker Deterrence and Perceived Risk in a Stackelberg Security Game. Risk Analysis 36(8): 1666-1681
Ridinger, G., McBride, M., 2015. Money Affects Theory of Mind Differently by Gender. PLOS One 10(12): e0143973
Courses Taught
MGT 496: Strategic Management and Policy
MGT 488: Managerial Decision Making and Negotiation
BUS 710: Behavioral Game Theory
Conference and Workshop Presentations
2018 Southwest Experimental and Behavioral Economics Conference, Caltech
Experimental Social Science Laboratory Experimental Workshop, UC Irvine
ESA North American Conference, Santa Cruz
Graduate Student Poster Session, Department of Economics, UC Irvine
Invited Lectures
2016 "Lectures on Designing and Programming Experiments in z-Tree," Experimental Economics (Graduate Level), UC Irvine
"Lectures on Experimental Methods and Design," Data Analysis (Graduate Level), UC Irvine "Experimental Social Science," Gifted Students Academy, UC Irvine
2015 "Experimental Design and Programming for Criminology," Laboratory Experiments for Criminology, 71st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Criminology, Washington D.C.
"Experimental Social Science," Gifted Students Academy, UC Irvine
2014 "Experimental Social Science," Gifted Students Academy, UC Irvine
2013 "Lectures on Designing and Programming Experiments in z-Tree," Experimental Economics (Graduate Level), UC Irvine
Ph.D., University of California, Irvine, 2016
M.A., California State University, Fullerton, 2011
B.A., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2007