
Headshot of Thomas Parchman

Thomas Parchman

Associate Professor


Research in my lab investigates the evolutionary consequences of species interactions and the genetic signatures of adaptive divergence, hybridization, and speciation. Projects often utilize field-based studies of natural selection, species interactions, and coevolution; genomic-scale investigations of genetic variation important to understanding population history and adaptive evolution; and 3) population genomic approaches to inferring the evolutionary processes affecting genetic variation. Much of my research has used evolutionary ecological approaches to study coevolution between plants and seed predators, and to understand the role of coevolution in adaptive diversification. Current work in the lab involves on the generation of population genomic data sets to analyze fine scale patterns of genetic variation in natural populations and to understand the genetic architectures of adaptation, speciation, and hybridization. Examples of ongoing projects include 1. landscape genomic and association genetics of adaptive trait architecture in pines, 2. genome-scale analyses of population structure and differentiation in the recent radiation of crossbills, and 3. population genomic analyses of hybridization between introduced and native fishes.


  • Post Doctoral, University of Wyoming, 2008-2013
  • Ph.D., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, New Mexico State University, 2007
  • M.S., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, New Mexico State University, 2002
  • B.S., Environmental Biology, Ohio University, 1999