
Joe Robertson Native Plant Garden

Joe Robertson Native Plant Garden

This garden, located on the eastern margin of the Fleischmann Agriculture quad captures the warmth of the afternoon sun, creating a suitable microclimate for plants from three different western deserts: the Great Basin, Mojave, and Sonoran. Dr. Joseph Robertson, an instructor in Range Management, planted this garden beginning in the early 1960s, and continued to plant and maintain it until his death in 1998. Highlights include Joshua Tree, Mojave Yucca, Curlleaf Mountain Mahogany, Greenleaf Ephedra, Desert Antelopebrush, Antelope Bitterbrush, Soapweed Yucca, Beavertail Cactus, Green Rabbitbrush, Sagebrush, Winterfat, and Greasewood.