
Sarah E. Cowie, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Sarah Cowie


Specializations and research interests

  • Historical archaeology of the American West and Southeast
  • Social theory, power relations, structure and agency, identity, landscapes,
  • Archaeology of working communities
  • Industrial archaeology
  • Indigenous historical archaeology
  • Cultural heritage
  • Cultural resource management (CRM)
  • Decolonizing methods and collaborative archaeology

Ongoing Research

  • Collaborative archaeology and archaeology of institutional life at Stewart Indian School, Βι¶ΉΣ³»­
  • Developing recommendations for improved tribal-federal relations regarding heritage consultation
  • Definitions of cultural heritage; tangible and intangible heritage
  • Culture contact, persistence, communities of practice; Creek farmsteads in Georgia
  • Archaeology of St. Mary's Hospital, Βι¶ΉΣ³»­: Bodily Discipline and the Politics of Health.
  • Archaeology of environmental injustice


  • ANTH 202 Archaeology
  • ANTH 442a/642a Historical Archaeology
  • ANTH 442b/642b Industrial Archaeology
  • ANTH 448/646 Archaeology Field School
  • ANTH 705 Graduate Seminar in Archaeology and Prehistory
  • ANTH 706 Seminar in Anthropological Problems: Archaeology of Power
  • ANTH 706 Seminar in Anthropological Problems: Historical Archaeology

Selected external grants and awards

  • 2019 Mark E. Mack Community Engagement Award from the Society for Historical Archaeology. Awarded to the Collaborative Archaeology at Stewart Indian School project. The team includes participants from the Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Department of Anthropology; Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Indian Commission; Washoe Tribal Historic Preservation Office; and several Native tribes and communities in the Great Basin.
  • 2016 Kavli Frontiers of Science Fellow, National Academy of Sciences.
  • 2016 Inductee, Academy of Sciences and Arts, Michigan Technological University.
  • 2016 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE). Conferred at ceremonies in Washington D.C., May 2016. An associated grant from DoD Army Research Office: Governmentality and Social Capital in Tribal/Federal Relations Regarding Heritage Consultation.
  • 2013 Society for Historical Archaeology's John L. Cotter Award, an early career award presented "for her research on power dynamics in a broad range of historical contexts, which has expanded the interdisciplinary reach and influence of historical archaeology." Conferred at the SHA's annual meeting (Leicester, England, January 11, 2013).1

Peer-Reviewed Publications


  • Cowie, Sarah E., Diane L.Teeman, and Christopher C. LeBlanc, Editors.
    (In Press) Collaborative Archaeology at the Stewart Indian School. University of Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Press.
  • Cowie, Sarah E.
    2011 The Plurality of Power: An Archaeology of Industrial Capitalism. New York: Springer.


  • Cowie, Sarah E. (In preparation). Archaeology of Environmental Injustice.
  • Cowie, Sarah E., and Lisa Machado (Revising to resubmit to Historical Archaeology). Bodily Discipline and Healthcare in a Mining Boomtown: Archaeology of St. Mary's Hospital in Virginia City, Βι¶ΉΣ³»­.
  • Springer, Ian, and Sarah E. Cowie (In preparation). Geochemical Analysis of Landscapes in Historical Archaeology.
  • Cowie, Sarah E. (2015). Bridging Social Anthropology and Industrial Archaeology at a Georgia Grist Mill. North American Archaeologist 36(1):33-57.
  • Cowie, Sarah E. (2015). Farmstead and Universe: Early Nineteenth-Century Built Environment at the Ochillee Creek Site on Fort Benning, Georgia. Journal of Alabama Archaeology, [2012] 59(1&2):21-38.
  • Cowie, Sarah E. and Lisa Machado (2013). History, Technological Innovation, and Potential for Industrial Archaeology at the Old Savage Mine Site, Virginia City, Βι¶ΉΣ³»­. Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Archaeologist 26:1-15.

Professional Memberships

  • American Anthropological Association (AAA)
  • Society for American Archaeology (SAA)
  • Society for Historical Archaeology (SHA)
  • Society for Industrial Archeology (SIA)
  • Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ State Board of Museums and History
  • Editorial Board Member for the International Journal of Historical Archaeology (IJHA)


  • Hunt Postdoctoral Fellow, Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, 2008-2009
  • Ph.D., Anthropology (archaeology and sociocultural anthropology), University of Arizona, 2008
  • M.S., Industrial Archaeology, Michigan Technological University, 1996 
  • B.A., Archaeology, Mount Holyoke College, 1994