
Marin A. Pilloud, Ph.D.

Associate Professor; Graduate Program Director
Marin Pilloud



Marin Pilloud's research interests focuses on how the human skeleton can inform the understanding of human behavior in archaeological contexts and also be used in a forensic context as part of the biological profile. She is particularly interested in the application of dental morphology and metrics to answering research questions in both of these realms. Her bioarchaeological research has focused on Neolithic Anatolia and prehistoric California. Within forensic anthropology, Pilloud is pursuing research in the estimation of sex and ancestry. She is also exploring ethics and professionalization of both forensic anthropology and bioarchaeology. Pilloud oversees graduate students in research projects that span both bioarchaeology and forensic anthropology across the globe.

Pilloud is a board certified forensic anthropologist (D-ABFA no.109) and a fellow of the American Association of Forensic Sciences. She also is a member of the Register of Professional Archaeologists, American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Society for American Archaeology, Dental Anthropology Association and Sigma Xi.


  • Forensic anthropology
  • Bioarchaeology
  • Dental anthropology
  • Prehistoric California
  • Neolithic Anatolia


  • ANTH 102 (Introduction to Physical Anthropology)
  • ANTH 444 (Bioarchaeology)
  • ANTH 467/667 (Paleopathology/Diseases in Antiquity)
  • ANTH 468 (Forensic Anthropology)
  • ANTH 493/693 (Analytical Methods and Research Design)
  • ANTH 479/679 (Human Osteology)
  • ANTH 704 (Evolutionary Theory)
  • ANTH 710 (Gross Anatomy and Embryology)
  • ANTH 762 (Lab Seminar in Osteology)
  • ANTH 771 (Bioarchaeology Seminar)

Current research projects

  • Creation, Maintenance, and Mobility of Neolithic Communities in Central Anatolia with co-PIs Mehmet Somel, Christopher J. Knüsel, and Clark Spencer Larsen, National Science Foundation, Senior Biological Anthropology (NSF BCS-1827338)
  • A Dental Anthropological Databank for Use in the Statistical Estimation of Ancestry and Sex in Forensic Anthropology with co-PI G. Richard Scott, National Institute of Justice, Research and Development in Forensic Science for Criminal Justice Purposes (Award 2017-DN-BX-0143)
  • Professionalization, Qualifications, and Ethics within Bioarchaeology and Forensic Anthropology with Nicholas V. Passalacqua
  • Bioarchaeology in Prehistoric Central California with Al W. Schwitalla
  • Perceptions of Research on Race and Ancestry in Biological Anthropology with Donovan M. Adams

Select publications


  • 2018 Passalacqua, Nicholas V. and Marin A. Pilloud. Ethics and Professionalism in Forensic Anthropology. Academic Press, San Diego, CA.
  • 2016 Forensic and Bioarchaeological Perspectives on Biological Distance. Marin A. Pilloud and Joseph T. Hefner, editors. San Diego, California: Academic Press.

Peer-viewed journal articles

  • 2019 Pilloud, Marin A., Donovan M. Adams, Joseph T. Hefner. Observer Error and its Impact on Ancestry Estimation Using Dental Morphology. International Journal of Legal Medicine 133(3):949-962.
  • 2018 Pilloud, Marin A., Christopher Maier, G. Richard Scott, Heather J.H. Edgar. Molar Crenulation Trait Definition and Variation in Modern Human Populations. HOMO – Journal of Comparative Biology 69(3):77-85.
  • 2018 Hlusko, Leslea J., Joshua Carlson, George Chaplin, Scott A. Elias, John F. Hoffecker, Michaela Huffman, Nina Jablonski, Tesla Monson, Dennis H. O’Rourke, Marin A. Pilloud, G. Richard Scott. Evidence of Environmental Selection on the Mother-Infant Transmission of Vitamin D during the Last Ice Age in Beringia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1711788115.
  • 2016 Pilloud, Marin A., Scott D. Haddow, Christopher J. Knüsel, and Clark Spencer Larsen. A Bioarchaeological and Forensic Re-Assessment of Vulture Defleshing and Mortuary Practices at Neolithic Çatalhöyük. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 10:735-743.
  • 2016 Pilloud, Marin A., Mary S. Megyesi, Martin Truffer, and Derek Congram. The Taphonomy of Human Remains in a Glacial Environment. Forensic Science International 61:161.e1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2016.01.027.
  • 2015 Larsen, Clark Spencer, Simon W. Hillson, BaÅŸak Boz, Marin A. Pilloud, Joshua W. Sadvari, Sabrina C. Agarwal, Bonnie Glencross, Patrick Beauchesne, Jessica Pearson, Christopher B. Ruff, Evan M. Garofalo, Lori D. Hager, Scott D. Haddow, and Christopher J. Knüsel. Bioarchaeology of Neolithic Çatalhöyük: Lives and Lifestyles of an Early Farming Society in Transition. Journal of World Prehistory 28:27-68.
  • 2014 Pilloud, Marin A., Joseph T. Hefner, Tsunehiko Hanihara, Atsuko Hayashi. The Use of Tooth Crown Measurements in the Assessment of Ancestry. Journal of Forensic Sciences 59(6):1493-1501.
  • 2014 Schwitalla, Al, Terry L. Jones, Marin A. Pilloud, Brian F. Codding, and Randy Wiberg. Violence Among Foragers: The Bioarchaeological Record from Central California. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 33:66-83.

Book chapters

  • 2018 Pilloud, Marin A. and Al Schwitalla. Forensic Perspectives on Massacres in Prehistoric and Historic Central California. In: Cheryl Anderson and Debra L. Martin, editors, Massacres: Bioarchaeology and Forensic Anthropology Approaches. Gainesville, FL, University of Florida Press, pp 23-36.
  • 2017 Pilloud, Marin A., Christopher Maier, G. Richard Scott, Joseph T. Hefner. Advances in Cranial Macromorphoscopic Trait and Dental Morphology Analysis for Ancestry Estimation. In: Krista Latham, Eric Bartelink, Michael Finnegan, editors, New Perspectives in Forensic Human Skeletal Identification. San Diego, CA, Academic Press, pp 23-34.
  • 2016 Pilloud, Marin A., Heather H.J. Edgar, Rebecca George, G. Richard Scott. Dental Morphology in Biodistance Analysis. In: Marin A. Pilloud and Joseph T. Hefner, editors, Forensic and Bioarchaeological Perspectives on Biological Distance. San Diego, California: Academic Press, pp 109-132.
  • 2016 Pilloud, Marin A., and Michael Kenyhercz. Dental Metrics in Biodistance Analysis. In: Marin A. Pilloud and Joseph T. Hefner, editors, Forensic and Bioarchaeological Perspectives on Biological Distance. San Diego, California: Academic Press, pp 135-156.
  • 2016 Hefner, Joseph T., Marin A. Pilloud, Jane Buikstra, Caitlin C.M. Vogelsberg. A Brief History of Biological Distance Analysis. In: Marin A. Pilloud and Joseph T. Hefner, editors, Forensic and Bioarchaeological Perspectives on Biological Distance. San Diego, California: Academic Press, pp 3-22.
  • 2014 Pilloud, Marin A., Terry L. Jones, Al Schwitalla. The Bioarchaeological Record of Craniofacial Trauma in Central California Native Populations. In: Terry L. Jones and Mark Allen, editors, Violence and Warfare among Hunter-Gatherers. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, pp 257-272.


  • Ph.D., Ohio State University