
Louis C. Forline, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Louis Forline



Louis C. Forline's work in the Brazilian Amazon has engaged him with both indigenous and peasant groups of this region. Among indigenous groups, he has worked with the Guajá Indians since 1990, examining their experience of contact with Brazilian mainstream society and transition from foraging to farming. This work has been supported by NSF, WWF, the Explorers Club and the Βι¶ΉΣ³»­. He also has worked among urban Indians in the city of Altamira, Brazil, examining their resurgence as indigenous players and have conducted environmental impact assessments of hydroelectric projects, in addition to performing nutritional studies among indigenous and peasant groups in Pará state.


  • Indigenous ethnology
  • Ecological anthropology
  • Sustainable development
  • Racial-ethnic studies
  • Culture & nutrition
  • Amazonia, Brazil, U.S.


  • Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
  • Contemporary Latin America Society
  • Ethnographic Field Methods
  • Peoples and Cultures of the Amazon
  • Anthropology and Ecology
  • History of Anthropology
  • Anthropology as a Profession
  • Seminar in Cultural Anthropology

Selected Publications

  • 2012 Hunting practices among the Awá-Guajá: towards a long-term analysis of sustainability in an Amazonian indigenous community. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi 7(2):479-491. Co-authored with Helbert Medeiros and Renato Kipnis.
  • 2011 The body social and the body private: fine tuning our understanding of partible paternity and reproductive strategies among Amazonian indigenous groups. Proceedings of the Southwestern Anthropological Association  5:1-8.
  • 2009 For whom the turbines turn: Indigenous citizens as legitimate stakeholders in the Brazilian Amazon. In: Global Perspectives on Social Participation in Water Governance. Kate Berry and Eric Mollard (eds.). Earthscan: London. (In Press)
  • 2008 Putting History back into Historical Ecology: Some perspectives on the recent Human Ecology of the Brazilian Amazon. Journal of Ecological Anthropology. 12(1): 69-74.
  • 2008 Recollecting Indigenous Thinking in a CD-ROM. In: Pamela Wilson and Michele Stewart (Eds.), Global Indigenous Media. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. (co-authored with Priscila Faulhaber). Pp. 253-269.
  • 2006 Amazônia além dos 500 anos. Co-edited this volume with Ima Vieira and Rui Murrieta. MCT/MPEG. Belém.
  • 2001 De la chasse à l'abattis: itinéraires et alimentation d'un peuple récemmen contacté, les Guajá du Maranhão. Les Ateliers de Caravelle. Vol. 18 : 17-31 Toulouse, France.
  • 2000 Using and sustaining resources: the Guajá Indians and the babassu palm (Attalea speciosa). Indigenous Knowledge and Development Monitor. 8(3): 3-7.
  • 1997 The Use of Emic Racial Categories as a Tool for Enumerating Brazilian Demographic Profiles: A Re-analysis of Harris' 1970 Study. (co-authored with Bryan Byrne). Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Göeldi (Antropologia) Vol. 13(1): 3-25.


  • Ph.D. University of Florida, Gainesville