
6,040: Curricula-New Degrees, Majors, or Programs- University Approved Procedures

Revised: November 2021

New Program Pre-Proposal Process - Units interested in initiating a new degree, major, or program, or creating a new major and/or degree from an existing program emphasis or specialization, should consult the appropriate dean(s) regarding program feasibility.  Prior to preparing a complete new program proposal, the proposer(s) should submit a preliminary proposal using the “Program Pre-Proposal Committee Review ” approval process in Curriculog, for consideration by the New Program Pre-Proposal Committee (NPPP) Required information includes:

  1. Proposed program
  2. Brief description
  3. Demonstrated need
  4. How the program addresses needs identified in the university, college, and/or department strategic plan
  5. Estimate of resources needed (personnel, library holdings, facilities, equipment)
  6. Source(s) of funding

Upon review and recommendation by the NPPP Committee, the proposing department will be given direction on how it should proceed via approval, rejection, or request for more information (by means of Curriculog and/or email correspondence). If approved, a complete proposal for the new program should be prepared by the department, using the Curriculog new program approval process designated for NSHE submission. This proposal must include the NSHE New Program Cost Estimate form as an attachment.

NSHE Planning Report: Planned new degree programs should be included in the NSHE Planning Report, which is updated on a biennial basis. If a department or college wishes to move forward with a degree program proposal prior to inclusion in this report, the proposal to NSHE must include an explanation of the reasons why the program was not included during the prior planning report revision cycle.

Items to be addressed on the Curriculog new program proposal form include:

  1. Description and purpose of the program
  2. Degree or program objectives
  3. Plan for assessment of degree or program objectives
  4. Plan for assessment of student learning outcomes
  5. Contribution and relationship to NSHE, the institution, college, department, or other UNR programs, and other related programs in the system
  6. Evaluation of the need for the program (including discussion of the same or similar programs within NSHE, and description/documentation of consultation with other institutions that have the same or similar programs)
  7. Curriculum details
  8. Readiness to begin program
  9. Resource analysis
  10. Facilities and equipment required
  11. Student services required
  12. Consultant reports
  13. Articulation agreements
  14. Budget and enrollment projections
  15. Summary statement

This proposal is submitted through the university’s standard curricula approval process described in Sections 6,010 and 6,030.

New bachelor’s degree program proposals must include articulation (transfer) agreements with Great Basin College, Truckee Meadows Community College, and Western Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ College as part of the NSHE proposal.

In addition to review by the UCCC the Curriculog approval process for a new program may include review and recommendations from the Graduate Council. After receiving all campus-level approvals, the final proposal will be forwarded to the NSHE Academic Affairs Council and Board of Regents for approval, as described below.