
5,470: Animals on University Property

Revised: April 2023

The purpose of this policy is to identify the specific circumstances under which animals are allowed in University buildings and on University property. Animals are not allowed in University buildings or on University property, except as specified under this policy and UAM 6,512, Policy on the Use of Animals in Teaching, Research, Extension, and Testing.

This policy applies to all faculty, staff, volunteers, students (“University Community Members”) and visitors to the University (“Campus Visitors”). All University Community Members and Campus Visitors are responsible for the conduct and condition of the animals(s) they bring onto University property. Additionally, University Community Members and Campus Visitors are subject to relevant laws and ordinances.

Animals used by the University Police Services, local and regional law enforcement agencies, and local and regional fire departments are exempt from this policy.


Non-Service Animal: Any animal that does not meet the ADA definition of a Service Animal or the Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Revised Statutes definition of a Service Animal in Training. A Non-Service Animal would include an Emotional Support Animal or a Therapy Animal.

Service Animal: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines a Service Animal as a dog or miniature horse “individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including, but not limited to, guiding individuals with impaired vision, alerting individuals who are hearing impaired to intruders or sounds, providing minimal protection or rescue work, pulling a wheelchair, or fetching dropped items” (28 CFR Ch. 1 § 36.104). If an animal meets this definition, it is considered a Service Animal regardless of whether it has been licensed or certified by a state or local government or a training program. 

Emotional Support Animal: An Emotional Support Animal is an animal that is necessary to afford a person with a disability an equal opportunity to enjoy a dwelling unit. An Emotional Support Animal does not meet the definition of a Service Animal under the ADA. An Emotional Support Animal is permitted only in University dwelling units and only after approval by the Disability Resource Center. An Emotional Support Animal is classified as a Non-Service animal.

Therapy Animal: A Therapy Animal is an animal trained to play a role in a physical or emotional therapeutic treatment plan or trained to be used for medicinal or therapy purposes. A Therapy Animal is classified as a Non-Service Animal.

Partner/Handler: A person with a Service Animal or Service Animal in Training. A person with a disability is called a partner; a person without a disability is called a handler.

Service Animal in Training: A dog or miniature horse undergoing training to become a service animal. A Service Animal in Training shall be housebroken and fully socialized. To be fully socialized means the animal will not, except under rare occasions, bark, yip, growl or make disruptive noises; will have a good temperament and disposition; will not be aggressive. A Service Animal in Training shall be under control of the handler. If the Service Animal in Training begins to show improper behavior, the handler shall act immediately to correct the animal or shall remove the animal from the premises or area.

Questions about Terminology

Supervisors or faculty who have questions about a Service Animal or Service Animal in Training may not require employees or students to produce evidence of their disability or the service animal’s training or provide a demonstration of the animal’s service. If there is a question about whether an animal is a Service Animal or Service Animal in Training, the Disability Resource Center should be contacted.

Non-Service Animals

  1. Events, Major Events and University Events

Non-Service Animals are not allowed at Events, Major Events and University Events, as those terms are defined in UAM 5,302. This prohibition applies to Events, Major Events and University Events whether held indoors or outdoors.

Exceptions may be made by the President or designee to allow Non-Service Animals on University Property at indoor and outdoor Events, Major Events and University Events. 4-H animals at a Cooperative Extension event or Therapy Animals used at events hosted or sponsored by UNR Counseling Services shall be allowed. The physical boundaries for such Events, Major Events and University Events shall be determined by University Police Services and posted as per Washoe County Code 55.1.

  1. Outdoor Areas – General Use and Access

The University reserves the right to prohibit Non-Service Animals from all outdoor areas at the University. Non-Service Animals on the University campus shall be under the control of the owner or accompanying person at all times and shall be in a carrier or on a leash at all times. The owner or accompanying person shall clean up after the Non-Service Animal when it vomits, defecates in or on University property.

  1. Indoor Areas – General Use and Access

The University reserves the right to remove a Non-Service Animal from the University or University dwelling unit if there are any violations of student responsibilities, the animal poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others, the animal is misbehaving, unruly or disruptive (e.g., barking, running around) or other situations arise that negatively impact the University campus environment. The owner or accompanying person shall clean up after the Non-Service Animal when it vomits, defecates or urinates in or on University property.

Service Animal and Service Animal in Training

  1. Access

    The ADA and the University policy allow Service Animals accompanying persons with disabilities and Service Animals in Training accompanied by a handler to be on University property. A Service Animal shall be permitted to accompany a person with a disability everywhere on campus, and a Service Animal in Training shall be allowed to accompany the handler everywhere on campus. Exceptions to allow access to areas may apply for the following indoor areas:
    1. Research Laboratories: The natural organisms carried by dogs and other animals may negatively affect the outcome of the research. At the same time, the chemicals and/or organisms used in the research may be harmful to animals.
    2. Areas Where There is a Danger to the Service Animal or Service Animal in Training: Any room, including a classroom or instructional laboratory, where there are sharp metal cuttings or other sharp objects on the floor or protruding from a surface; where there is hot material on the floor; where there is a high level of dust; or where there is moving machinery (e.g., mechanical rooms, custodial closets, wood shops, metal/machine shops).

Deans/Vice Presidents may make exceptions on a case-by-case basis. This decision shall be made based on the nature of research or machinery and the best interest of the Service Animal or Service Animal in Training. If an exception is approved, plans for keeping the Service Animal or Service Animal in Training safe in a research or instructional laboratory should be developed for each case.

Washoe County Code 55.1, NRS 426.790, and all other county and state statutes apply to providing access to Service Animals and Service Animals in Training.

  1. Requirements of Service Animals, Service Animals in Training, and Their Partners/Handlers
    1. Licensing and Vaccination: The Service Animal or Service Animal in Training shall be licensed and immunized in accordance with the laws, regulations, and ordinances of the City of Reno, Washoe County, and the State of Βι¶ΉΣ³»­. All dogs over the age of four months must obtain a license from the City of Reno. The Partner/Handler shall meet with the Disability Resource Center by appointment as soon as possible and shall bring vaccination records, licensing records and the Service Animal or Service Animal in Training to the appointment.
    2. Health: The Service Animal or Service Animal in Training shall be in good health. Service Animals and Service Animals in Training that are ill should not be taken into public areas or buildings at the University. A Partner/Handler with an ill Service Animal or Service Animal in Training may be asked to leave University public areas or buildings.
    3. Leash: The Service Animal or Service Animal in Training shall be on a leash or otherwise under the control of the Partner/Handler at all times.
    4. Under Control of the Partner/Handler: The Partner/Handler shall be in full control of the Service Animal or Service Animal in Training at all times. The care and supervision of the Service Animal or Service Animal in Training is solely the responsibility of its Partner/Handler.
    5. Cleanup: The Partner/Handler shall clean up after the Service Animal or Service Animal in Training when it vomits, defecates or urinates in or on University property. Cleanup of urine required only indoors. A Partner who physically cannot clean up after their own Service Animal shall not be required to pick up and dispose of the vomit, feces or urine. However, the Partner is required to notify the Disability Resource Center so that other accommodations can be made.
  1. When a Service Animal Can Be Asked to Leave
    1. Disruption: The Partner/Handler of animal Service Animal or Service Animal in Training that is unruly or disruptive (e.g., barking, running around, bringing attention to itself) may be asked to remove the Service Animal or Service Animal in Training from University property. For instance, a faculty member may ask that a disruptive animal be removed from the classroom for the remainder of that class period. In such circumstances the University employee who requested that the Service Animal or Service Animal in Training be removed shall notify the Disability Resource Center. The Disability Resource Center shall review the incident and determine whether the Service Animal or Service Animal in Training may return and whether mitigating action may be necessary. If the improper behavior happens repeatedly, the Partner/Handler may be told not to bring the Service Animal or Service Animal in Training into any University facility or public area until the Partner/Handler takes significant steps to mitigate the behavior. Mitigation can include muzzling a barking animal or refresher training for the Service Animal or Service Animal in Training and the Partner/Handler.
    2. Cleanliness: Partners/Handlers with a Service Animal or Service Animal in Training that are unclean, noisome and or bedraggled may be asked to leave University property.
  1. Appeals

    Any Partner/Handler dissatisfied with a decision made concerning a Service Animal or Service Animal in Training should contact the Human Resources Department and follow the Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ ADA Accommodation Appeal Procedure.
  1. Fraudulent Misrepresentation

    The Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Revised Statutes 426.805 states as follows:
    1. “It is unlawful for a person to fraudulently misrepresent an animal as a service animal or service animal in training.
    2. A person convicted of fraudulently misrepresenting an animal as a service animal or service animal in training is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not more than $500.”
  1. Requirements of Faculty, Staff, and Students Regarding Service Animals and Service Animals in Training

    With respect to Service Animal or Service Animal in Training, University Faculty, Staff and Students shall:
    1. Allow a Service Animal or Service Animal in Training to accompany the Partner/Handler at all times and everywhere on University Property except where Service Animals or Service Animals in Training are prohibited.
    2. Not pet a Service Animal or Service Animal in Training.Petting a Service Animal or Service Animal in Training when the animal is working distracts the Service Animal or Service Animal in Training from the task at hand.
    3. Not feed a Service Animal or Service Animal in Training.
    4. Not deliberately startle a Service Animal or Service Animal in Training.
    5. Not separate or attempt to separate a Partner/Hander from their Service Animal or Service Animal in Training.