
5,302: Policy for Use of University Space

Revised: September 2024

Scope of Policy

This policy and related UAM provisions govern the reservation, scheduling or use of any Facility, Special Use Facility, Outdoor Area or Special Use Outdoor Area (as those terms are defined below) at the University or owned or leased by the University. This policy applies to all faculty, staff, students, departments, recognized student organizations and University-affiliated organizations. This policy relates to events, including meetings, programs, conferences, speaker presentations, workshops, trainings, gatherings, rallies, and other activities, which are scheduled through Scheduling Services or other scheduling offices. Events at university facilities that have their own internal scheduling and procedures (defined below as “Special Use Facilities”) also fall within the scope of this policy. Scheduling academic classes is not within the scope of this policy. Scheduling department labs and department or unit rooms with a capacity of up to 25 persons is not within the scope of this policy. Departmental labs and department or unit rooms with a capacity greater than 25 people may only be scheduled for classes and labs or those events sponsored by a University Group.


Facilities: The designated interior spaces at the University Campus include any theatre, auditorium, lecture hall, atrium or room with a capacity for 26 or more persons and any designated interiors which are owned or leased by the University.

Outdoor Areas: The outdoor areas of the University include the Agriculture Quad, Barnes Plaza, Bryan Plaza, Center for Molecular Medicine Plaza, Davidson Mathematics & Science Center Plaza, Engineering Quad, Fleischmann Breezeway, Frandsen Humanities Plaza, Gardner Family Court, Hilliard Plaza, Honor Court, Howler Plaza, Jimmie’s Garden, Jones Foundation Plaza, the Jot Travis Lawn, Knudtsen Resource Center Plaza, Lombardi Recreation Center Lawn, Mackay Mines Plaza, Manzanita Bowl, Medical Courtyard, Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center Lawn, Buck Foundation Sculpture Garden, Pennington Health Plaza, Pennington Medical Education Patio (tabling request only), Redfield Foundation Plaza, Reynolds School of Journalism Plaza, Savitt Courtyard, Student Services Circle, the grass areas adjacent to the William Raggio Building, UNRLT Demonstration Garden, UNRLT Manzanita Lawn, UNRLT Lou Sardella Student Commons, UNRLT Patterson Hall Patio, UNRLT Campbell-Friedman Hall Lawn. . The Outdoor Areas are also subject to UAM 5,303 regarding Public Forums on University Grounds for Non-Commercial Speech.

Food Truck Areas: Food Truck Areas are specific outdoor space that can be reserved or scheduled for short term period for use of a mobile food facility (“Food Truck”) and are specifically identified as: (1) Canada/Nye Plaza; (2) Howler Plaza; (3) the area outside of the Mathewson IGT Knowledge Center; (4) the area in front of William N. Pennington Engineering Building; (5) the area near the Thompson Building; (6) the driveway area between the Continuing Education Building and Peavine Hall; (7) certain parking lots adjacent to Mackay Stadium; and (8) certain parking lots adjacent to the John Sala Intramural Practice Field. A map of these reservable Food Truck Areas can be found on the Scheduling Services website. Food Trucks for use at events shall only be allowed in these reservable locations. Food Trucks are prohibited at events held at the UNR at Lake Tahoe location, unless approved by the Vice Provost and Dean, Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ at Lake Tahoe. The Food Truck Areas are also subject to UAM 5,303 regarding Public Forums on University Grounds for Non-Commercial Speech.

Special Use Facilities: A facility or portion thereof that has its own use priorities and internal scheduling offices and procedures. These Special Use Facilities include the Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center and its interior tabling areas (with the exception of classrooms), Fleischmann Planetarium, Hall Recital Hall, Lilley Museum of Art, Nightingale Hall, Redfield location, facilities assigned to Student Services identified as the Joe Crowley Student Union, E.L. Wiegand Fitness Center, Lombardi Pool, and all the residence halls and Intercollegiate Athletics, identified as Basin Street Club, , , Legacy Hall, Mackay Stadium, Virginia Street Gym, Marguerite Wattis Petersen Academic Center and Lawlor Event Center. Special Use Facilities are subject to this policy, but retain their ability to schedule Events and Major Events.

Special Use Outdoor Area: A Special Use Outdoor Area is an outdoor space with its own schedulable or reservable space, including area outside of the Joe Crowley Student Union, the area adjacent to the E.L. Wiegand Fitness Center and the John Sala Intramural Practice Field, Canada-Nye Plaza, Peavine Hall Lawn, Sierra Hall Lawn, and Manzanita Hall Lawn, all of which are assigned to Student Services; the Quad and exterior tabling areas as designated by the Scheduling Services Office and the Joe Crowley Student Union; exterior parking facilities and surface lots as designated by Parking Services, Don Weir Field at Peccole Park, Christina M. Hixson Softball Park, McArthur Tennis Center, Wolf Pack Park, which is assigned to Intercollegiate Athletics. Special Use Outdoor Areas are subject to this policy, but retain their ability to schedule Events and Major Events. The Special Use Outdoor Areas are subject to UAM 5,303 regarding Public Forums on University Grounds for Non-Commercial Speech.

Event: Any function, including but not limited to, a meeting, gathering, lecture, forum, program, performance, rally, conference, speaker presentation, workshop, training, seminar, faculty or department meeting, or student club meeting, that does not meet the definition of a Major Event.

Major Event: A Major Event is any function, including but not limited to, a gathering, meeting, lecture, forum, program, performance, concert, rally, tabling conference, speaker presentation, workshop, training, seminar, faculty or department meeting and conferences at which one or more of the following conditions apply:

  1. Over 150 persons are anticipated to attend;
  2. Authorized campus officials determine whether the Event is likely to significantly affect campus safety and security (based on assessment from the University Services) or significantly affect campus services other than those provided by the administrative unit making the facility or space available;
  3. Authorized campus officials determine the Event has a substantial likelihood of interfering with campus functions or activities other than the functions and activities of the administrative unit making the facility or space available;
  4. The event is a concert with amplified sound or dance (defined as a social gathering whose primary purpose is the promotion of free movement to amplified music in an unobstructed area at a campus property. This does not include events at which performers are the only people dancing; or
  5. Alcohol is intended to be served at the Event.
  6. A mobile food facility (“Food Truck”) is to be used at the Event.
  7. Political and campaign events for local, state and federal office.

Permissible criteria to be used to determine whether an event is likely to significantly affect campus security or significantly affects campus services under item b above are the same as those described in Section 5, below, for Security Assessments.

Permissible criteria to be used to determine whether an event has a substantial likelihood of significantly interfering with other campus functions or activities under item 3 above are the following: (a) the proposed location of the event; (b) the estimated number of participants; (c) the time of the day the event is to take place; (d) the expected duration of the activity; (e) the activity’s timing in relation to the academic calendar (for example, proposed scheduling during the first week of classes or during final examination week); (f) the expected noise level to be generated by the activity; (g) the need for and/or availability of University resources and personnel to facilitate, oversee or control the activity; and (h) any similar viewpoint and content neutral considerations relevant to assessment of potential disruption to campus functions or activities.

Any determination that an Event constitutes a Major Event shall be based on the University’s assessment of information other than the content or viewpoints anticipated to be expressed during the Event.

Sponsored Event or Sponsored Major Event: A function where a University Group brings an Outside Group onto campus to participate in or be involved in an Event or Major Event. Outside Groups are required to be sponsored by a University Group to reserve, schedule or use a Facility, Outside Area, Special Use Facility, Special Use Outdoor Area or Food Truck Areas.

University Event: University events include but are not limited to, ceremonies, State of the University program, NSHE Board of Regents’ meetings, new student orientations, Βι¶ΉΣ³»­FIT, commencement, athletic game days.

Outside Group: An organization, entity, group or individual not associated, affiliated, or employed by the University. Food Trucks shall be considered an Outside Group.

University Group: University colleges/schools, divisions, departments or units, ASUN and/or ASUN-recognized clubs, GSA and/or GSA organizations.

University Campus: The term University Campus shall include but is not limited to, the Redfield location, UNR at Lake Tahoe location, and the University main campus.


1. Use of University Space

The use of Facilities, Outdoor Areas, Special Use Facilities, Special Use Outdoor Areas and Food Truck Areas is subject to approval (per Paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5, below) in advance and may be prohibited during University Events, with the exception of the use of space to gather signatures or petitions per NRS 293.127565. Only the Facilities, Outdoor Areas, Special Use Facilities, Special Use Outdoor Areas and Food Truck Areas described in this policy can be reserved or scheduled. Exceptions for the reservation and use of other University areas and for the approval of an Event or Major Event in those areas may be made by the President or designee.

Facilities, Outdoor Areas, Special Use Facilities, Special Outdoor Areas and Food Truck Areas may only be reserved, scheduled or used for Events or Major Events only by a University Group or an Outside Group sponsored by a University Group. Exceptions may be made by the President or designee(s) for the Facilities, Outdoor Areas, Special Use Facilities, Special Use Outdoor Area and Food Truck Areas or for any other university site.

Events and Major Events are subject to time, place, manner restrictions as designated by the University in this policy and related UAM policies. The University reserves the right to charge fees for Events and Major Events.

University Groups and Outside Groups shall comply with the rules and requirements of the University, the Scheduling Services Office and the Facility, Outdoor Area, Special Use Facility, Special Use Outdoor Area and Food Truck Areas where the Event or Major Event is desired to take place.

All political and campaign events, regardless of proposed size or proposed space to be reserved, are subject to review, approval, scheduling and coordination by the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and the Scheduling Services Office.

Failure to comply with this policy and the related UAM provisions shall result in the loss of the privilege to use the Facilities, Outdoor Areas, Special Use Facilities, Outdoor Special Use Areas and Food Truck Areas for up to five years for the University Group and the Outside Group. Appeals related to the loss of privileges shall be directed to the Office of the Provost.

2. Sponsorship Requirements for Use by Outside Groups

An Outside Group is required to be sponsored by a University Group to reserve, schedule or use a Facility, Outside Area, Special Use Facility, Special Use Outdoor Area or Food Truck Areas. Sponsorship of an Outside Group by a University Group is effective upon written approval by the department chair/director or dean. In the case of graduate student organizations, approval of sponsorship shall be obtained by the Graduate Student Association (GSA) advisor. In the case of undergraduate student organizations, approval of the sponsorship shall be obtained by the Student Events Advisory Board (SEAB).

All Outside Groups sponsored by a University Group are required to identify themselves and any products, information or materials as not being endorsed by the University. This disclaimer shall be prominently displayed at all times for the duration of the Event or Major Event; on materials, the disclaimer shall appear in font size filling no less than 10 percent (10%) of each page of the materials. This disclaimer shall be announced at the beginning of the event.

3. Scheduling and Approval of Events

The Scheduling Services Office is responsible for reviewing, approving, coordinating and scheduling the use of Facilities, Outdoor Areas for Events, and Food Truck Areas. The internal scheduling offices for Special Use Facilities and Special Use Outdoor Areas are responsible for reviewing, approving, coordinating and scheduling the use of their respective Special Use Facilities and Special Use Outdoor Areas. Upon request by either the Special Use Facility or sponsoring University Group, the Scheduling Services Office may assist in coordinating arrangements for Events held at any of the Special Use Facilities and Special Use Outdoor Areas.

The University Group and Outside Group, shall be responsible for the reimbursement of the costs of basic security provided by Police Services for a Sponsored Event. Basic security consists of Police Services presence and related costs necessary to carry out a Sponsored Event in the absence of any expected disturbance.

If the University requires additional security for a Sponsored Event, the University will bear all costs associated with that additional security. Additional security fees will not be charged to a University Group or Outside Group based on concerns that the content of the Sponsored Event or the viewpoints, opinions, or anticipated expression of the speakers, performers, or others participating in or responding to the Sponsored Event might provoke disturbances or response costs required by such disturbances.

If an Event organizer, speaker or performer requests additional security measures not required by the University, the University will not pay the costs associated with those security measures.

In order to preserve space and flexibility for regular meetings of classes during prime academic periods, academic classes have scheduling priority over Events. Events shall not be scheduled in classrooms until the tenth day of the semester on weekdays during the hours from 9:00 a.m. – 6:45 p.m. Events taking place during the first 10 days of the semester may be scheduled (requested) on the first day of classes. Events scheduled outside these hours may be scheduled prior to the tenth day of the semester but not before class schedules have been optimized. The final exam schedule prevails during final exam periods. All Events are subject to being moved if the room is needed to accommodate an academic class or if they interfere with regular university business functions.

Events especially important to the University or community as a whole that also require a great deal of advance coordination may be granted an exception and be scheduled in advance. This shall be determined by Scheduling Services Office in conjunction with the Office of the President.

4. Scheduling and Approval of Major Events

  1. Responsible Scheduling Office for Facilities and Outdoor Areas
    The following administrative units or offices are responsible for scheduling, coordinating and approving the use of the specific outdoor areas and facilities listed below:
    1. Facilities, Outdoor Areas and Food Truck Areas:
      The Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs or their designee, shall be responsible for scheduling, coordinating, reviewing and approving the use of Facilities, Outdoor Areas and Food Truck Areas for Major Events. The use of a Special Use Outdoor Area parking lot requires the approval of the Vice Provost of Faculty Affairs or designee.
    2. Intercollegiate Athletics Special Use Facilities and Special Use Outdoor Areas:
      Intercollegiate Athletics shall be responsible for reviewing, approving, coordinating and scheduling the use of the Intercollegiate Athletics’ Special Use Facilities, identified as Basin Street Club, Don Weir Field at Peccole Park, Christina M. Hixson Softball Park, Legacy Hall, Mackay Stadium, Virginia Street Gym, Marguerite Wattis Petersen Academic Center and McArthur Tennis Center, Lawlor Event Center, Wolf Pack Park. Upon request, the Scheduling Services Office may assist in coordinating arrangements for Major Events held at any of the Intercollegiate Athletics’ Special Use Facilities.
    3. Student Services Facilities and Special Use Outdoor Areas:
      The Associate Vice President for Student Life Services or their designee shall be responsible for reviewing, approving, coordinating and scheduling the use of the Student Services’ Special Use Facilities, identified as the Joe Crowley Student Union, E.L. Wiegand Fitness Center, Lombardi Pool, and all the residence halls and the Student Services’ Special Use Outdoor Area identified as the John Sala Intramural Practice Fields, the area outside of the Joe Crowley Student Union and the E.L. Wiegand Fitness Center, Canada-Nye Plaza, Peavine Hall Lawn, Sierra Hall Lawn, and Manzanita Hall Lawn. Upon request, the Scheduling Services Office may assist in coordinating arrangements for Major Events held at the Student Services’ Special Use Facilities and Special Use Outdoor Area.
    4. Remaining Special Use Facilities and Special Use Outdoor Areas:
      Other than the Special Use Facilities and Special Use Outdoor Areas assigned to Intercollegiate Athletics and Student Services, discussed above, the internal scheduling offices for Special Use Facilities and Special Use Outdoor Areas shall be responsible for scheduling and coordinating the use of their respective Special Use Facilities and Special Use Outdoor Areas. The Vice Provost, Faculty Affairs or their designee, shall be responsible for reviewing and giving final approval for Major Events.
  2. Approval Process for Major Event
    At least three weeks before hosting a Major Event, the University Group shall submit an application to the responsible scheduling office to reserve the Facilities, Outdoor Areas, Special Use Facilities or Special Use Outdoor Areas to obtain approval for the Major Event. Requests for reservations of space received fewer than three weeks prior to the Major Event may not provide adequate time for review and assessment and may not be approved.
    The University Group must complete and submit a Risk Information Form to Police Services regarding the Major Event. Police Services shall conduct a security assessment, as described below.
    In granting or denying approval of the Major Event, the responsible scheduling office may consult with other university offices, including without limitation, Police Services, Environmental, Health and Safety, Risk Management, Parking Services, Facilities Services, Student Services, General Counsel’s Office, Provost’s Office and the Office of the President regarding public safety, logistics, and impacts on other university functions services, or activities. As a condition of approval, the University may impose conditions or requirements on Major Events. Any conditions placed on the approval of a Major Event shall be based on the university’s assessment of information other than the content or viewpoints anticipated to be expressed during the Major Event.
    A proposed Major Event may be declined or delayed if, in the judgement of the University, the proposed Major Event would: (a) unreasonably disrupt other university functions, services or activities; (b) conflict with other Events or other university activities or functions; or (c) have inadequate logistical, security, or budgeting plans. Any determination to decline or delay a proposed Major Event shall be based on the university’s assessment of information other than the content or viewpoints anticipated to be expressed during the Major Event. Major Events may not exceed the maximum room capacity for the desired facility space.
    After approval, if the University reasonably concludes that an imminent threat to safety or property exists or if the University Group or Outside Group has provided significant misinformation about the event or if the Major Event is not in compliance with all university policies, including but not limited to the Major Event requirements stated in this Section 5,302, the University may prevent the start of a Major Event, terminate a Major Event even if in progress, or relocate a Major Event from one place to another.
    Nothing in the policy limits the authority of Police Services or other appropriate law enforcement authorities to declare an unlawful assembly and order immediate dispersal or otherwise enforce criminal laws.

5. Security Assessments and Procedures for Major Events

The University Group shall complete and submit a Risk Information Form to Police Services regarding the Major Event. Police Services shall conduct a security assessment based on information provided on the  and such other information as Police Services may obtain. Police Services shall evaluate the risks based on objective and credible evidence of specific risks, and not on assessment of the viewpoints, opinions, or anticipated expression of the speakers. Permissible factors for consideration include but are not limited to: (a) the proposed location of the Major Event; (b) the estimated number of participants; (c) the time of the day that the Major Event is to take place; (d) the date and day of the week of the Major Event; (e) the proximity of the Major Event to other activities or locations that may interfere, obstruct, or lessen the effectiveness of the security measures being implemented; (f) the resources needed to secure the Major Event; (g) the anticipated weather conditions; (h) the estimated duration of the Major Event; (i) any objective and credible evidence regarding actual threats to campus safety or security, and or (j) any similar content or viewpoint neutral considerations relevant to assessment of security needs.

The University Group and Outside Group, where applicable, shall be responsible for the costs of basic security provided by Police Services for any Major Event. Basic security consists of Police Services presence (required at some facilities) and related costs necessary to carry out a Major Event in the absence of any expected disturbance.

If the University requires additional security for a Major Event, the University will bear all costs associated with that additional security. Additional security fees will not be charged to a University Group or Outside Group based on concerns that the content of the Major Event or the viewpoints, opinions, or anticipated expression of the speakers, performers, or others participating in or responding to the Major Event might provoke disturbances or response costs required by such disturbances.

If a Major Event organizer, speaker or performer requests additional security measures not required by the University, the University will not pay the costs associated with those security measures.

6. Additional Requirements for a Major Event Involving an Outside Group

If the Major Event involves an Outside Group sponsored by a University Group, the following additional rules apply:

  1. Publicity for the Event
    The University Group or Outside Group shall not publicly advertise or promote a Major Event before obtaining approval to hold the Major Event as provided in this policy. Public advertising or promotion of a Major Event before obtaining approval shall be grounds for denying the application to hold the Major Event. Submitting an application to hold a Major Event does not guarantee that approval shall be granted for the date, time, or Facility, Outdoor Area, Food Truck Area, Special Use Facility or Special Use Outdoor Area requested.
  2. Responsibilities of Outside Groups
    The Outside Group and the University Group shall formally identify who is responsible for the planning, advertising, security, implementation, or costs of the Major Events. The Outside Group may be required to obtain insurance, or a security bond in order to obtain approval or to hold a Major Event at the University. The Outside Group shall reimburse costs of basic event security provided by Police Services. The Outside Group shall pay all fees and expenses five (5) business days in advance of the event. If fees/costs are estimated, a deposit shall be required in advance. The requirement of insurance, a bond, executed contract or additional security fees shall not be charged to the Outside Group based on concerns that the subject matter of the Major Event or the viewpoints, opinions, or anticipated expression of those sponsoring or participating in the Major Event might provoke disturbances or response costs required by such disturbances.
  3. Agreement Between University and Outside Group
    The Outside Group shall execute an agreement with the University which shall include terms regarding the Outside Group’s responsibilities to obtain insurance or a security bond, if either are required. The agreement also shall include terms stating that the Outside Group shall: (1) reimburse the University for costs of basic security; (2) reimburse the University for any damage or injury arising from the Major Event; and (3) defend and indemnify the University from all losses, liabilities, or claims arising from the Major Event.
  4. Compliance with University Policy by Outside Group and Sponsoring University Group
    The Outside Group and the University Group shall comply with all university policies. At all times during the Major Event, the Outside Group and the University Group each shall have on-site, a responsible person charged with supervising the Major Event.

7. Additional Requirements for a Major Event Involving the Use of a Food Truck

If the Major Event involves a Food Truck, the following rules shall apply in addition to the rules stated in Paragraphs 4-6.

  1. All Food Trucks on the University Campus shall comply with local, county, and state regulations and if applicable, shall be designated as a sub-contractor with the University Food Service Provider.
  2. Food Trucks shall comply with the University’s Food Service policy (UAM 5,312).
  3. Food Trucks that are on the University Campus for a Major Event or on a game day for a Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Athletic sporting event shall be required to obtain and pay for a specially designated permit, whichwill be issued through the Scheduling Services Office upon the Food Truck providing proof of compliance with local, county and state regulations and proof of insurance. A request for a permit shall be submitted to the Scheduling Services Office fourteen (14) days prior to the Major Event or game. Failure to obtain a permit will be considered trespassing and the University reserves the right to remove the Food Truck from the University Campus.
  4. Food Trucks that are on the University Campus on game day for a Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Athletic sporting event shall comply with the .
  5. Food Trucks shall not manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess, use, or sell alcoholic beverages. Exceptions may be made where the Food Truck is licensed to sell alcohol and the sale of alcohol is for an event sponsored by ICA in connection with an athletic event and is approved in writing by the Associate Vice President of Student Life Services.
  6. Food Trucks shall comply with the University’s Tobacco Free policy (UAM 5,460).

8. Final Approval for Event or Major Event

Approval to hold an Event or Major Event may be denied on any of the following grounds: (a) the application for approval to hold the Event or Major Event is not fully completed and/or submitted in a timely manner; (b) the application seeks to use a facility or area that the University has not designated as being available for Events or Major Events; (c) the University Group or Outside Group has not timely tendered any required user fee, insurance certificate, or security deposit; (d) the application contains a material falsehood or misrepresentation; (e) the University Group or Outside Group has on prior occasions damaged university property and has not paid in full for such damage, or has other outstanding and unpaid debts to the University; (f) the Outside Group has failed to sign an agreement with the University, as described in Paragraph 4(c); (g) the Event or Major Event conflicts with other functions, activities, Events, Major Events or University Events; and (h) the Event or Major Event is prohibited by law, by this policy, or by other NSHE or university policies.

Prior to final approval of a proposed Event or Major Event, notice shall be given to Scheduling Services Office of the time, date and location for the proposed Event or Major Event. For the approval process, see Scheduling Services.

A preliminary hold or reservation or indication of availability does not constitute approval of the use of the venue at the proposed date and time. Final approval for a Major Event involving an Outside Group shall not be given until the University has received an agreement executed by the Outside Group. Final approval for Events and Major Events requires written approval from the responsible scheduling office.

Please see UAM 5,401 for Building Security and Access.