
5,101: Use of Motorized Vehicles on University Property

Revised: October 2023

Motorized vehicles may be operated on university property only on roadways and in parking areas designated for such vehicles except as specified in this policy. Please visit the Campus Bicycle Map for approved pathways.

University-Owned Vehicles

The university permits the use of licensed motorized vehicles for approved university business purposes only. See UAM 5,100, Vehicle Use Policy.

The university permits the use of unlicensed motorized vehicles for approved university business purposes only. University units seeking to own and/or operate such vehicles must comply with the following rules:

  1. Request Facilities Resource Committee approval for the purchase.
  2. Register the vehicle annually with Parking and Transportation Services, using the fixed asset number.
  3. Display the registration sticker on the vehicle at all times.
  4. Provide identifying department or unit name on the vehicle.
  5. Allow only employees who have a valid driver's license to operate the vehicle.
  6. Allow only employees who are properly trained to operate the vehicle.
  7. Follow all university policies regarding mode of operation.
  8. Park vehicles only as directed in this policy.
  9. Provide secure parking for overnight storage.
  10. Have vehicles serviced and inspected annually by a qualified service professional.

It is the responsibility of the driver of an assigned vehicle to park in such a manner as to maintain pedestrian walkways, ADA access, and emergency vehicle access. Chosen parking spots shall not obstruct building entrances or otherwise place pedestrians in harm's way.

It may occasionally be necessary to park on the sidewalk. However, at no time shall a vehicle park in any of the following locations unless actively loading or unloading:

  • Red curbed or signed fire zone
  • Disabled parking zone or designated disabled access way
  • Within 15 feet of a fire hydrant or fire alarm box
  • Loading docks
  • Within 15 feet of a building entrance
  • Within 15 feet of a removable bollard
  • Within 15 feet of another vehicle when on a narrow sidewalk

Do not park a vehicle in such a way as to obstruct:

  • Disabled access
  • Pedestrian flow
  • Vehicular traffic flow
  • Pedestrian access to walks, ramps, and building entryways
  • Designated event spaces such as the JCSU Gateway Plaza, Hilliard Plaza, the Quad, Manzanita Bowl, and plazas outside of the Pennington Student Achievement Center and Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center.

It may be necessary to unload tools and equipment at the work area and then move the vehicle to an appropriate parking location.

University units renting such vehicles for special events (e.g., commencement) must obtain and display a temporary registration tag from Parking and Transportation Services.

The supervisor of any unit owning or using such vehicles is responsible for implementation of and compliance with this policy.

Personally Owned Vehicles

The university permits the use of personally owned, street-legal motorized vehicles only on roadways and in parking areas designated for automobiles and motorcycles. Individuals seeking to park such vehicles on campus must:

1. Register them with Parking and Transportation Services and purchase the appropriate parking permit.
2. Park only in designated parking spaces.

Personally owned carts are not allowed on campus except at official university events for which the event organizer must obtain approval. Vehicles at such events must display an event permit.

Motorized wheelchairs are expressly exempted from this policy.

Mode of Operation

Motorized vehicles must be operated in compliance with state and local laws and university policies to ensure safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, and others.

On campus roadways: vehicles must be operated in a safe manner at a reasonable speed, no more than the university speed limit of 15 mph.

On sidewalks and pathways: only university-owned vehicles used for an approved business purpose may be operated on sidewalks and pathways. The following rules apply:

  1. Vehicles shall use roadways or shared use paths wherever possible as indicated on the Campus Bicycle Map.
  2. Vehicles shall be operated in manner that does not endanger pedestrians.
  3. Vehicles shall maintain a distance of at least three feet from pedestrians.
  4. Drivers may not wear earphones or use mobile devices such as cell phones while the vehicle is in motion.
  5. The number of vehicle occupants is limited to the number of seats in the vehicle.
  6. Vehicle occupants must remain seated in a seat whenever the vehicle is in motion.

Accidents, Policy Violations, and Liability

Individuals using motorized vehicles who are involved in an accident that involves any damage to the vehicle or to property must immediately report the accident to their supervisors if they are driving a university-owned vehicle and to University Police Services if they are driving a personally owned vehicle.  Should the accident involve any injury to a human being or animal, they must immediately report the accident to University Police Services.

University units owning motorized vehicles shall be responsible for damage caused due to improper use of those vehicles. See UAM 5,104, Insurance and Maintenance for NSHE Owned Vehicles.

Individuals using privately owned motorized vehicles on campus shall be responsible for damaged caused due to improper use of those vehicles.


Individuals who violate state and local laws are subject to the consequences stated in those laws; individuals who violate this policy are subject to discipline under university and NSHE policies and the NAC.