
1,413: Private Automobile Usage

Revised: December 2019

In the event of an accident while an employee is driving a private vehicle on state business, the employee’s insurance is primary for all coverages.

For the Employee's Convenience:

Unless specifically authorized in writing by the employee’s supervisor for the employer’s convenience, an employee who makes a single trip greater than 200 miles (round trip) shall use a State Motor Pool vehicle or rental car instead of a personal vehicle if either option is less expensive than the use of a personal vehicle. If a personal vehicle is used for the convenience of the employee, the employee will be reimbursed at one-half the standard mileage reimbursement rate for which a deduction is allowed for travel under federal income tax laws. Airfare in lieu of the mileage reimbursement rate should be claimed when it is the least expensive travel reimbursement rate.

If traveling to a city that is not serviced by an airline, the employee is entitled to reimbursement of meals in route. If the city is serviced by an airline, the employee must be on either annual or compensatory leave for the extra travel time involved and meals and/or expenses in route will not be reimbursed. The Spend Authorization and Expense Report should indicate that the employee was on annual leave or compensatory leave or include a statement from the department head or supervisor justifying why the employee was not on annual or compensatory leave.

For the University's Convenience:

Employees using personal vehicles for the convenience of the University will be allowed reimbursement at the standard mileage reimbursement rate allowed for travel under federal income tax laws provided by the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA).

  1. Reimbursement for employees’ use of a personal vehicle for the convenience of the University will be submitted through an Expense Report in Workday. Individuals authorized to approve such travel must take care to ensure the rate used is appropriate. In no case, will the amount reimbursed exceed the amount allowed under federal income tax laws.
  2. When the use of a personal vehicle for the convenience of the University is approved and the travel exceeds 75 miles (one way), travel expense reimbursement will be made in accordance with Section 1,401, where applicable.

If two employees travel in a private vehicle on university business, only one employee is entitled to mileage reimbursement.

Gas Receipt Reimbursement: The University does not reimburse employees on gas receipts for personal car usage. The employee will be reimbursed based on the standard mileage reimbursement rates provided by the GSA. The University will reimburse employees for gas receipts submitted for rental cars and/or university cars. Gas receipts must substantiate the amount claimed.