
1,068: Development and Governmental Relations Activities and Table Purchases

Last Revised: February 2010

Development Activities must be done in conjunction with the Development Office and /or Development staff assigned to each individual area as part of their prospective donor work. The following development activities are not subject to the hosting meal and alcohol limits:

  • Introducing potential donors to the university with the goal of receiving charitable gifts and grants in the form of money, securities, services, materials, facilities or other assets in support of the university's priorities.
  • Maintaining relationships with potential or existing donors, friends, and alumni of the university.
  • Publicizing and conducting fundraising campaigns for specific schools, colleges, designated programs and university-wide needs and priorities.
  • Types of events to include athletic events, groundbreakings, luncheons, dinners, and other events that have the capability to get people familiar with the university engaged and interested in its plans and vision for the future.
  • Undertaking and conducting other activities that involve soliciting charitable gifts and grants from individuals - alumni and friends, corporations, foundations and other organizations.
  • Recognizing and publicizing the generosity of donors and providing stewardship to donors.

In order for the expenditures to be approved all development actions entries must be entered in to the central fundraising database prior to forms being submitted to the signature authority.

Governmental Relations - The following governmental relations activities are not subject to the hosting meal and alcohol limits:

  • Events conducted for the purpose of introducing or furthering interaction between local, state, and federal elected or appointed officials and/or their staff with university administrators, faculty, or staff.
  • Events conducted for the purpose of representing or advocating the interests or importance to the university and NSHE in the development of governmental policy, appropriations, legislation, or executive directives.
  • Developing or maintaining governmental relationships with the goal of promoting the university in a manner with local, state, and federal elected or appointed officials and/or their staff.
  • Pursuing opportunities for favorable institutional-governmental projects and initiatives.

Approval must be obtained using the Development and Governmental Relations Activity Expense Documentation Approval Form.

The vice president for Development and Alumni Relations or the president must approve all of the above expenses related to development activities. The director of Governmental Relations or the president must approve all of the above expenses related to governmental activities.

Table Purchases: It is the policy of the NSHE that the purchasing of tables at charity events or other public functions shall be limited (see CHANCELLOR'S MEMORANDUM #01-02, dated April 20, 2001). The Chancellor's Office has set a limit for the Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ of $30,000 per fiscal year to purchase tables. This $30,000 is the limit for the cumulative amount of money to be spent on table purchases from the entire campus per year. Thus, every table purchase must be approved in advance by the President so that the university as a whole does not exceed the $30,000 limit.

Departments are encouraged to purchase individual tickets rather than tables. Purchasing up to four tickets to an event will not be counted as a table purchase and thus does not require advance approval, unless individual tickets cost more than $500.

The cut-off date to request the purchase of a table for the next fiscal year in May 31. The Table Request Form is available on-line at the university's website. Before a department uses host funds to purchase a table, the request must have been approved in advance. If the host funds came from a gift that was designated in writing, in advance, by the donor for the purchase of a table at a specific event, the purchase will be excluded from the $30,000 fiscal year limitation.

Purchase of tables to university events that are for fund-raising or public functions is not included in the $30,000 table limit. The purchase of tables at campus sponsored fund-raising events may not include any gift portion of the table cost. The department organizing the event will have the right to determine if it will agree to sell a table for only the non-gift amount.

Purchase of tables to university events that are primarily awards ceremonies or non-public functions such as the Staff Employees Council Award Luncheon are not included in the $30,000 table limit and do not require advance approval under this policy.

The decision by the President on which table purchases to approve will be based on justification provided by the department and the table purchasing standards outlined in the Chancellor's memorandum. As noted in the Chancellor's memorandum, tables may NOT be purchased for events sponsored by other NSHE institutions. Also, tables may NOT be purchased at events, sponsored by, or for the benefit of political action groups or political candidates.

The philosophy underlying the purchasing of tables and/or tickets to events is to advance the overall academic mission of the university, including fund raising and community relations.

In most instances, this philosophy is best implemented by having NSHE employees sitting at different tables and/or by inviting community constituents to the hosted table.

If you have any questions about the table purchasing policy, please contact the President's Office.