
1,061: Deposits of Cash Receipts

Revised: March 2019

All funds from whatever source for which the university or a university-related entity is responsible are to be deposited on a timely basis with the Cashier's Office or with the UNR Foundation Accounting Office, as appropriate.

Requirements and Restrictions:Non-Donations:

1. Cash sales must be completed by the department receiving the funds by following the guidelines listed below:

a. A separate cash sale must be completed for:

i. Cash and checks
ii. American Express
iii. Visa, MasterCard and Discover, Debit Card

b. The serialized deposit slip must be attached to the electronic cash sale for cash and checks.

c. Supporting documentation for the cash sale transaction must also be attached. Supporting documentation may include, credit card batch settlements, online transaction detail, listing of items sold, or other documentation supporting the deposited amount.

d. The reference field must include the deposit serialized number or the merchant number for the credit card transactions.

2. All funds received must be deposited within one business day with the Cashier's Office or with the UNR Foundation Accounting Office.

3. Departments with substantial deposits utilizing armored truck service must create their own cash sales in Workday and notify the Cashier's Office within one business day with the cash sale number.

4. Pre-numbered receipts must be issued by the collecting department for all cash/checks received which are not subject to cash register, ticket sale, or other appropriate control.

5. Checks should not be accepted for amounts in excess of the purchase or originating transaction.

6. Under no circumstances shall any member of the faculty, staff or student body realize personal gain through the handling of such funds.

7. Deposits in unsealed deposit bags received in the Cashier's Office must be counted and receipted in the presence of the courier. Under no circumstances are funds to be left uncounted. Funds left uncounted will not be receipted and credited to the department's revenue account until a representative is present to witness the count.

8. Cash may be secured overnight or during the weekend by delivering said funds in sealed bags to the Cashier's Office during normal business hours. Deposits of cash from other than local Reno departments/offices must be directly deposited into the Bank of America. Arrangements for these actions must be made through the Cashier's Office, where written instructions and deposit slips for these procedures are available. Cash collected during weekend or holiday events or functions must be secured in a safe until the cash can either be delivered to the Cashier's Office or picked up by the armored car service during normal working hours. Cash security questions should be addressed with the Controller.

9. In no event should cash or coin be sent through campus mail for deposit. Checks sent through campus mail must be endorsed on the back using a university endorsement stamp.

10. The Cashier's Office will not assume responsibility for funds not handled in accordance with these procedures.

11. No bank accounts or investment accounts other than those specifically approved by the Board of Regents are allowable for the university or any university-related entity.

12. Petty cash/change funds must be specifically requested in Workday and approved by the Controller and recorded on the university books. Detailed petty cash/change fund procedures must be followed.

13. Transport of cash in the amount of $1,000 or more must be performed by two employees.

14. Supporting documentation for cash receipts is subject to the records retention schedule approved by the State Records Committee under the General Retention Schedule distributed by the Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ State Library and Archives, Records Management Program. Generally, these records should be retained for a period of six years from the fiscal year to which they pertain. Cash receipts documentation is comprised of relevant evidence supporting the amount and the type of receipt. Such items as sales reports, receipt books, cash register tapes, close-out sheet and duplicate deposit slips would be considered supporting documentation. These records must be retained by the office or department collecting the cash receipts and preparing the deposits.

15. For departments that have multiple cashiers the cash drawer must be reconciled at the end of each shift or whenever the cashier changes. The reconciled receipts for each cashier must be sealed in a tamper proof bag for deposit.

16. Cash receipts must be deposited intact. Cash may not be held back to create a petty cash fund or to make purchases.

17. Deposits made in the bank for which no cash sale is made in Workday within 90 days of the deposit will be written off by the Controller to the Controller's over/short account.


1. Cash deposits must be made to the Foundation Accounting Office by the department receiving the funds by following the guidelines listed on the Foundation website under FAQ's and Forms.

a. No cash sales should be entered into Workday for donations.

2. All funds received must be deposited within one business day with the Foundation Accounting Office.

3. Checks should not be accepted for amounts in excess of the donation.

4. Under no circumstances shall any member of the faculty, staff or student body realize personal gain through the handling of such funds.

5. Deposits received in the Foundation Accounting Office must be counted and receipted in the presence of the courier. Under no circumstances are funds to be left uncounted. Funds left uncounted will not be receipted and credited to the department's revenue account until a representative is present to witness the count.

6. Cash may be secured overnight or during the weekend by delivering said funds to the Foundation Accounting Office during normal business hours. Cash collected during weekend or holiday events or functions must be secured in a safe until the cash can be delivered to the Foundation Accounting Office during normal working hours. Cash security questions should be addressed with the Controller.

7. In no event should cash or coin be sent through campus mail for deposit.

8. The Foundation Accounting Office will not assume responsibility for funds not handled in accordance with these procedures.

9. No bank accounts or investment accounts other than those specially approved by the Board of Regents are allowable for the University or any university-related entity.

10. No petty cash/change funds are allowed on gift worktags.

11. Transport of cash in the amount of $1,000 or more must be performed by two employees.

12. Supporting documentation for cash receipts is subject to the records retention schedule approved by the State Records Committee under the General Retention Schedule distributed by the Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ State Library and Archives, Record Management Program. Generally, these records should be retained for a period of six years from the fiscal year to which they pertain. Cash receipts documentation is comprised of relevant evidence supporting the amount and the type of receipt. Such items as check stubs, receipt books, cash register tapes, accompanying correspondence regarding the purpose of the donation would be considered supporting documentation. These records must be retained by the office or department collecting cash receipts and preparing the deposits and copies should be delivered with the deposit to the Foundation Accounting Office.

13. Cash receipts must be deposited intact. Cash may not be held back to create a petty cash fund or to make purchases.