
2,695: Additional Compensation, Supplemental Pay, and Overloads

Revised:  December 2021

Administrative Faculty

1. Teaching at UNR

Administrative faculty who want to engage in teaching activities at the request of an instructional unit of the University of Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ Reno (UNR) may do so upon approval of their immediate supervisors. The faculty member may request additional compensation if the instructional activity is in addition to their regular work duty. Where additional compensation may be paid, the following procedures apply:

  1. the administrative faculty member’s regular job requirements will be maintained and fulfilled;
  2. the administrative faculty member may teach no more than one class per semester, summer session included. The one class may carry up to five credits, but not more than five. Consistent with policy for academic faculty, several courses may be considered ‘one class,’ but only up to a total of three credits.  If the teaching or teaching-related activity does not carry formal credits, the activity will be assigned a “credit equivalency” under the following guidelines:
    • 1 credit equivalency = 16 contact hours (workshops, seminars, etc.)
    • 1 credit equivalency = 32-48 lab/hands-on experience hours
    • Extended Studies Credit Equivalency Rates for hands-on experience programs:
      • 4 hours (1/2 day) session = 1/10 credit equivalency
      • 8 hours (1 day) session = 2/10 credit equivalency
      • 16 hours (2 day) session = 4/10 credit equivalency
      • 5 day session = 1 credit equivalency
  3. the administrative faculty member must submit a Request for Instructional Compensation form to their supervisor for approval, after having obtained signature from the requesting department chair or dean (the form may be obtained on the Human Resources website);
  4. the employee must coordinate with their home unit to enter overload Period Activity Pay with the approved request form to in Workday. Compensation for instructional activities will be the same as that for Letters of Appointment.  The department in which the instruction takes place is responsible for providing the worktag for the additional compensation except for Extended Studies classes.  If the faculty member is less than 100% FTE, the FTE will be increased; any pay exceeding 100% of base would be processed as an overload.  The changes to FTE for a faculty member who is less than 100% FTE should be made in Workday through the faculty member’s home department.

2. Teaching within NSHE

Administrative faculty who engage in teaching activities for other components of the Βι¶ΉΣ³»­ System of Higher Education (NSHE) may do so upon approval of their immediate supervisors. The faculty member may request additional compensation if the instructional activity is in addition to their regular work duty. Where additional compensation may be paid, the same procedures as pertain to teaching at UNR apply (paragraph 1 above) with the exception that there is no limit on the number of courses or credits taught per semester.

3. Non-Teaching Activities

Administrative faculty who want to engage in non-teaching activities outside of their college/division may do so per the following requirements.

  1. Administrative faculty members are not eligible to earn Letter of Appointment (LOA) pay within their home college/division.
  2. The scope of work must be clearly defined and should not exceed three months.
  3. The maximum FTE is 25% per month.
  4. The LOA must be approved by the faculty member’s immediate supervisor and their vice president/dean.
  5. Administrative faculty who are less than 1.0 FTE should have the FTE increased rather than a separate LOA contract if the rate of pay is the same as the faculty member’s salary. If the rate of pay is different than the current salary, a separate LOA contract needs to be issued. Fringe rates would be affected accordingly.
  6. Reappointment must follow the same process outlined above.

Academic Faculty

  1. The following guidelines apply to earning additional compensation from university administered funds for providing specialized professional services and shall be interpreted consistently with those established in the federal government's Circular A-21.
    1. Administrative Stipends: “A” contract and “B” contract academic faculty members may receive additional compensation in the form of administrative stipends as approved through the stipend policy (see section 2,550).
    2. Over-load Teaching during the Contract Year: In special cases, the dean or director may grant special permission for an “A” contract or “B” contract academic faculty member to teach and receive additional compensation during the contract year for additional course(s) per semester. The maximum overload for a full time member of the academic faculty is one course, up to four-credits, per semester.  Exceptions must be approved by the Provost’s Office.  Several courses taught through Extended Studies may be considered ‘one class,’ but only up to a total of three credits.  If the teaching or teaching-related activity does not carry formal credits, the activity will be assigned a “credit equivalency” under the following guidelines:
      • 1 credit equivalency = 16 contact hours (workshops, seminars, etc.)
      • 1 credit equivalency = 32-48 lab/hands-on experience hours
      • Extended Studies Credit Equivalency Rates for hands-on experience programs
        • 4 hours (1/2 day) session = 1/10 credit equivalency
        • 8 hours (1 day) session = 2/10 credit equivalency
        • 16 hours (2 day) session = 4/10 credit equivalency
        • 5 day session = 1 credit equivalency
    3. General Provisions for Additional Compensation for “B” Contract Faculty: 

      Overload Earnings – Earnings on non-contract days which ARE NOT eligible for retirement contributions.

      Extra Duty Assignment – Earnings on non-contract days which ARE eligible for retirement contributions. The faculty member must match the required contribution. 

      The definition of the contract year for purposes of this section is consistent with the definitions found in sections 2,509 and 2,550 and means all contractual days during the period identified in the university calendar from the beginning of a semester to the end of a semester, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.

    4. Additional Compensation on Non-Contract Days during Winter and Spring Break – “B” Contract Faculty: "B" contract faculty may earn additional compensation (Overload) from university administered funds on days they are not on contract during Winter and Spring Break. A Period Activity Pay must be submitted in Workday for each break period when work is performed. Winter and Spring break periods are not eligible for earnings (retirement contribution) on the overload.
    5. “B” Contract Faculty Engaged in Research or Creative Activity during Summer Break (No Teaching):
      “B” Contract Faculty Working More than .5 FTE:
      To be eligible for retirement on summer earnings, the faculty member must work at least .5 FTE in the period when work is performed. If the faculty member satisfies the .5 FTE requirement earnings for that period will be considered extra duty assignment and the funding source must contribute the required retirement percentage of salary. The faculty member is eligible for retirement contributions on the earnings (if .5 FTE is achieved) in one or both of the periods.
      • Period 1 –begins on the first non-contract day after Spring semester and ends on June 30.
      • Period 2 –begins on July 1 and ends on the Friday before the first contract day of Fall semester.
      To be eligible for the retirement contribution on Summer earnings and to be paid appropriately, the faculty member must do the following:
      • Work at least .5 FTE in non-teaching activities for either Period 1 or Period 2.
      • Submit information for one Period Activity Pay transaction in Workday using the retirement eligible activity code for the entire period. (In order to receive the retirement contributions, the work for the entire period must be recorded on one transaction).

      “B” Contract Faculty Working Less than .5 FTE:
      Faculty who work less than .5 FTE in Period 1 or Period 2 are eligible for overload (OVL) earnings but may not receive retirement contributions for those earnings.

      To be eligible for overload earnings, the faculty member must do the following:
      1. Work less than .5 FTE in research or creative activities for either Period 1 or Period 2.
      2. Submit information to department staff for Period Activity Pay in Workday.
    6. “B” Contract Faculty Engaged in Teaching During Summer Break (No Research or Creative Activities):
      Faculty Teaching More Than .5 FTE (8 or more credit hours):
      In order to be eligible for Extra Duty Assignment (retirement contribution) for teaching during Summer break, the faculty member must teach at least 8 credit hours over the three Summer sessions.

      To be eligible for the retirement contribution on Summer earnings and to be paid appropriately, the faculty member must do the following:
      • Teach at least 8 credit hours over the three Summer sessions
      • Submit a summary of teaching activity to support Period Activity Pay using the “retirement eligible” code for the entire Summer (all three sessions). In order to receive the retirement contributions, all classes must be listed on the Period Activity Pay for the Regular Summer session.

      Faculty Teaching Less than .5 FTE (Less than 8 credit hours):
      Faculty who teach less than 8 credit hours combined over all three Summer sessions are eligible for overload earnings but may not receive retirement contributions for those earnings.

      To be eligible for overload earnings, the faculty member must do the following:
      • Teach less than .5 FTE (8 credit hours) for the three summer sessions combined.
      • Period Activity Pay will be submitted in Workday by Extended Studies or the academic unit in which the teaching occurs.
    7. “B” Contract Faculty Engaged in Both Research/Creative Activities and Teaching During Summer Break:
      Faculty Working and Teaching More than .5 FTE (Combined Teaching and Research Days):
      To be eligible for the retirement contribution on summer earnings and to be paid appropriately, the faculty member must do the following:
      • Follow the normal approval and scheduling process for teaching summer session classes.
      • Alert Extended Studies that the faculty member will be teaching and conducting research which will result in the faculty member being .5 FTE or above for the summer.
      • Extended Studies will transmit information indicating the overload is retirement eligible.
      • See the chart below for converting credit hours to days.
      • The faculty member must ensure that staff receives timely information to prepare an additional Period Activity transaction for the research/creative activities for both Summer periods. The total of teaching and research/creative activities must equal at least .5 FTE (32 days) for the entire summer. Staff should receive the research/creative activity overload information at least two weeks in advance of the deadline. The deadline for transactions to reach Human Resources for Period 1 is May 5 and the deadline for Period 2 is July 5. Period 1 would be the whole summer or research overload days during May and June. Period 2 is for research overload days during July and August.
      • No retroactive actions or changes to retirement eligibility or the activity type will be processed.
      Full Time Equivalency Conversion for Academic and Research Days for Summer Work
      FTE Credit Hours Equivalency in Days
      6.25 1 4
      12.5 2 8
      18.75 3 12
      25 4 16
      31.25 5 20
      37.5 6 24
      43.75 7 28
      50 8 32
      56.25 9 36
      62.5 10 40
      68.75 11 44
      75 12 48
      82.5 13 52
      88.75 14 56
      95 15 60
      100 16 64

      Faculty Working and Teaching Less Than .5 FTE (Combined Teaching and Research Days):
      Faculty who work less than .5 FTE for teaching and research/creative activities during the entire Summer are eligible for overload earnings but may not receive retirement contributions for those earnings.

      To be eligible for overload earnings, the faculty member must do the following:
      • Teach/work less than .5 FTE (combined teaching and research days) for the three summer sessions combined.
      • Period Activity Pay transactions are submitted using the activity code that is not eligible for retirement.
  2. Maximum Amount of Additional Compensation from University Administered Funds
    1. "B" contract faculty are permitted to earn a maximum of 50% of their base salary as additional compensation (typically from stipends, overload teaching and non-contract days) paid through university administered funds from July 1 through June 30 of each year. In special situations, faculty members may request, through the respective dean, approval for an exception to the 50% additional earnings policy. Such requests must be approved by the Executive Vice President & Provost.
    2. With the approval of the dean, department chairs engaged in research may have the amount of their chair stipend excluded from the maximum 50% additional earnings over base outlined in (a) above.
    3. “A” contract faculty are permitted to earn a maximum of 30% of their base salary as additional compensation (typically from stipends and overload teaching) paid through university administered funds from July 1 through June 30 of each year. In special situations, faculty members may request, through the respective dean, approval for an exception to the 30% additional earnings policy. Such requests must be approved by the Executive Vice President & Provost.

Sponsored Projects Effort Reporting

All effort performed during non-contract periods that is paid from, or cost shared to, sponsored project accounts must be certified via the effort reporting process.  It is the responsibility of the PI to submit Period Activity Pay information to department staff in a timely manner. Period Activity Pay requests received by Human Resources after the deadlines below will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and may not be approved.

Winter/Spring Break reporting period. “B” contract faculty working during their non-contract days in December, January and/or Spring Break must submit a Period Activity Pay request to Human Resources no later than the 1st business day in April.

Summer reporting period. “B” contract faculty working during their non-contract days in May, June, July and/or August must submit a Period Activity Pay request to Human Resources no later than the 1st business day in September.

Work for Period Activity Pay must be performed during non-contract days. As sponsored project funded duties are agreed upon, faculty members should consider whether they want to buy out time during contract days or whether the work can be performed during non-contract days. It is not acceptable to request Period Activity Pay for work that was actually performed during contact days.