
2,631: Clinical Appointments

Last Revised: April 2009

The Board of Regents has approved the use of clinical academic titles in the School of Medicine and the Orvis School of Nursing. 

Clinical faculty normally serve without compensation and provide a significant amount of teaching time to the University. Titles range from clinical instructor to clinical professor and may be renewed for periods of up to three years based on participation during the previous years. The recommendations are made in writing by the chair, submitted to the dean and forwarded to the executive vice president & provost or designee for approval. Department chairs recommend faculty for reappointment and letters are sent to such appointees. As a general rule, such clinical titles represent a volunteer function and are without monetary compensation. Benefits are the same as for other adjunct faculty of the University. Persons holding clinical titles are non-voting members of the faculty.

There is a minimum requirement of teaching hours for each clinical faculty member; subsequent renewal of appointment requires evidence of maintenance of the requirement. A suggested minimum is 25 hours of student contact per semester or one hour per week.

Upon receiving approval of a request, the dean or director is responsible for initiating and issuing a new clinical academic faculty contract.

On a quarterly basis, each major unit submits an approved list of clinical appointments to BCN Worker's Compensation Department. This list includes the name, major unit/department, highest degree, and dates of appointment.

Numbers: The number of appointments is based on the judgment of the chair, in consultation with the dean, and reflects the requirements of the particular teaching, research, and/or patient care program.

Reimbursement: For clinical appointments there may be certain instances, such as where an individual is assigned a heavier than usual teaching or research schedule or administrative responsibilities, when it may be appropriate for compensation to be paid. Such appointments require personnel and payroll documents and appropriate signatures and are at the discretion of department or division chair and the dean, subject to the approval of the executive vice president & provost or designee.

Promotion: Promotion, which should be based on performance, is subject to the same review as initial appointments. The recommendations are made in writing by the chair and routed for approval in the same manner as initial appointments.