
2,305: Classified Leave Without Pay

Last Revised: February 2009

Employees who are not at work during normal business hours must be in a formal leave status. All departments should maintain a working environment in which classified employees are held accountable for management of their annual and sick leave accruals to support all absences from work. Absences without the benefit of a formal leave status are normally considered unauthorized and may be subject to disciplinary action. There are certain formal leave statuses that will authorize an employee to be away from work without leave accruals such as leave under the Family Medical Leave Act and Military Leave.

If an appointing authority wishes to place an employee on a formal "Leave without Pay" status which authorizes the employee to be away from work without leave accruals, the appointing authority must contact BCN Human Resources before "Leave without Pay" is granted. The placing of an employee on "Leave without Pay" status should be a rare occurrence because it is essential for an organization to have a regular and predictable workforce. Authorizing frequent and/or intermittent "Leave without Pay" does not support effective attendance principles.

Being in "Leave without Pay" status affects an employee's pay and benefits. Appointing authorities should be aware that they are setting precedent in their area of managerial responsibility when they authorize an employee to be in a "Leave without Pay" status. Departments must consult with BCN Human Resources when such questions arise.

"Leave without Pay" approved at the discretion of the appointing authority must be carried out in accordance with NAC 284.578. "Leave without Pay" for 30 working days or less may be approved by the appointing authority using the leave request form and a payroll correction form. A leave of absence without pay for more than 30 working days may be approved by the appointing authority using the leave request form and a payroll action form (PAF). Both payroll correction forms and payroll action forms (PAFs) must be submitted to BCN Human Resources. For further clarification and assistance with "Classified Leave without Pay" please contact BCN Human Resources.